A figure wearing a black robe came to a halt when two guards wearing silver armor stopped him when he was about to enter inside the tent that was situated in the middle of nowhere.

"State your business, what business do you have here at this moment," one of the guards gave a stern look to that black robe man and asked him in a cold voice but the black robe man remained calm as he heard those words that were carrying a stern warning.

"Here..." that black robe man took out a Jed slip from his pocket and gave it to that guard, the guard's expression changed when he saw that Jed slip.

"Wait here I will be back in a moment," that guard said while handing over that Jed slip to that man and he riled inside the tent without wasting any moment.

The black robe man waited patiently for that guard and a few moments later that guard finally came back after ensuring something.

"You can go now lady Sabrina called you inside the tent" that guard slightly bowed and said those words to that man, hearing those humble words from that guard that man entered inside the tent without wasting any moment.

"Armin you returned from river shore city, tell me did something happen over there, what news you bring this time, I am fed up of hearing the same news every time" a lady wearing a white silky robe could be seen sitting over the table and few wines bottles could be seen placed right next to her, her face was slightly red as if she was drinking the wine from the entire night and she has slightly dull eyes like she hasn't slept from quite while.

"Not this time my lady, I came all the way here to tell you something very important," that black robe man removed his hood and fell on his one knees as he said to her, that men were quite young not looking more than twenty years old, hearing those words from that man named Armin Sabrina raised her eyebrows and gave a look to that young man.

"Something important huh, then tell me what kind of important news you bring this time," Sabrina asked him in a serious tone.

"This news is about the heir of the lin clan, he has finally returned to the river shore city..."Armin slightly raised his head and looked at the woman who is sitting over the table and looking at him with a serious gaze, the moment she heard those words from Armin's mouth her facial expression changed drastically, and her eyes that were looking dead like a fish becomes lovely, she jumped over the table and approached Armin who was on his knees in front of her.

"What did you just say, are you sure that he has finally returned to the city, have you seen him with your own eyes?"Sabrina exclaimed as she asked in anticipation.

"Yes general I have seen him with my own eyes, he returns to the city and more importantly the city gate is now open,"

"That bastard is finally back who humiliated me in front of everyone, finally my wait is over, I am going to kill him with my own hands," Sabrina tighten her fist, and a slightly killing aura swept through her body, Armin felt chill in his entire body seeing the general like this, it had been a while since he saw her like this, after her last battle with yohan she lost her face in front of the king and got insulted in front of the king's court along with the commander Kruger who failed to bring yohan's head to the king.

She becomes a laughing stock inside the royal army, people were mocking behind her back as she was lost by a kid who is not even half of her age and she is being one of the capable generals and next in line to become commander of the army, with shame and anger she decided to leave the royal capital along with her loyal soldiers who decided to follow her, she took an oath that she will not go back until she Kills yohan and brings his head to the king.

"My lady are you alright?"Armin looked at Sabrina and asked her as he felt the killing intent that she showed earlier, hearing Armin's words she came to her senses and a wide smile appeared on her face.

"Better than ever lieutenant, I never feel this way, that bastard ruin my life along with my career, he destroyed everything that day, he felt pity on me when he spared my life, I never felt that humiliated before, now finally I can wash that same with his blood" Sabrina exclaimed as she signals Armin to get up on his feet, Armin felt worried seeing her like that, he had never seen general Sabrina that obsessed before, day and night she was always thinking about killing yohan, she becomes something else over the past few weeks, Armin was one of the orphans that she Scout, and she trained him and made him a fine soldier under her unit, he can feel the pain that her general is going through because of a young man who destroyed everything blinks of an eye.

Armin was also when he saw yohan at the city gate and he was tempted to kill him at that very moment but soon he realized something that put him on edge and forced him to flee from that place.

"My lady I know this sounds absurd but that man giving me different vibes, I feel like he let me get away from that place knowingly as if he was aware that I was sneaking him along with the rest scouts, I don't know but he was looking very different when I last saw him inside the hundred poison valley when you were fighting him, he has changed I think we should..."

"You are scared, Armin?, no matter what I am not going to turn back, my life's only goal is to kill that bastard and I am not going to abandon this rage, this feeling that I am getting after knowing that he has finally returned, I couldn't able to sleep peacefully, he even took my sleep from me, whenever I closed my eyes his smirking face flashing in front of my eyes, I have decided it's either him or me this time" Sabrina exclaimed as she took a few steps and reached the table and took the wine bottle.

"But we don't have support from the royal army, the king is decided to wait until the royal tournament held, he wants to kill him during the tournament, he issued a firm warning that no one from the royal army is going to attack the Lin clan, my lady if you attack river shore city then it will be a breach of the king's order," Armin said in a concerned voice.

"The king is a sly bastard, he dont want

a civil war that's why he is pretending to play sant but he has already hired assassins and conspiring with the Nichole clan and xian clan to take him down, it's not about the king, it's my personal vengeance, I am going to get him before anyone could get his hand on him, Yohan is mine,i am the one who is going to kill him and going take back what I lost because of him"

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