Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 539: My love has no boundary

"Are you mad at him for leaving just like that?"diya asked as she looked at yohan's gloomy face, he wasn't able to digest that Leon has left the northern region and he will no longer be in his aid.

"I am just upset that he left without saying any words to me, at least he can tell me before leaving this clan..."

"You are not the only one yohan, mother Alena also not aware about this, he left without seeing her, I Wonder how would she feel i

when she came to Know About this"diya whispered in a low voice, her voice was carrying the sadness as she told yohan about this.

"Fuck..."yohan exclaimed as he looked at diya with a pale face and he continued.

"That's the last thing I wanted to hear, how could he leave without saying anything to her, mother was confident that no one can touch us if grandpa Leon is here with us, she was relying on him but how could she react When she learned about grandpa Leon's disappearance, I am feeling a chilly sensation knowing what is about to happen in the clan"yohan said, he knew this is something will put Alena In the dire situation, she was already worried about yohan and the safety of clan but somehow she was assured that nothing bad will happened when her father Leon is there to protect everyone, but now when she learned that her father will be not be there to protect the clan and yohan she will definitely going to become heartbroken and feel betrayed.

"yohan you have to pull yourself and be ready for tomorrow, you are the only one who can explain to her about grandpa Leon's resolve, she will definitely going to listen to you and feel less pain"diya placed her head in yohan's lap and looked him with calm manner as she was confident that yohan can ease Alena's pain and she will hear him out.

Yohan took a deep sigh and caressed diya's hair, her deep eyes were looking at him in a different manner.

"You want me to confront mother about this,don't you know how did she reacted when I told her that I don't need lady Evelyn's help and will do things on my own, grandpa Leon shouldn't leave like this, not only he put me in a tight spot but he also betrayed mother's trust..."

"He was afraid of facing her as he was aware that his resolve become weak if mother Alena asked him not to leave the clan, grandpa Leon is just like you yohan, both of you are similar in so In many ways, you did the same thing in the past lying about training and leaving for war on your own, men's can be stupid sometimes but I knew he was not happy about his decision, so you are going to fix things for him,"diya exclaimed as she looked yohan with a serious gaze, hearing diya's words yohan turned silent when she brings those events that happened in past.<

"But diya..."

"No, but, I don't want to hear any excuses from you, grandpa Leon cares for you and he also cares for his daughter and you have to fix things on his behalf, you understand what I am saying right, I don't want her to be sad, she is already going through in hard times, the news about grandpa's disappearance will put her in a tough spot and I just don't want her to be alone in this"diya raised her eyebrows and she shut yohan, hearing diya's words yohan gulped nervously as he didn't know how things turn out like this, first he lost powerful backing who is going to help him against the commander Kruger and against the Sabrina that crazy woman who fought him inside the hundred poison valley and now he has to face his mother and confront her about the disappearance of his grandpa.

"Yeah, I get it, I also don't want her to be sad over grandpa's sudden disappearance,don't worry I will talk to her and will make sure she doesn't feel alone or sad,"yohan responded to diya who is looking at him in anticipation while laying her head on his lap, hearing yohan's words a beautiful smile appeared on diya's face.

"I know she is going to hear you out afterall she loves you more than anyone..."diya said as she raised her body and crossed her slender arms around yohan's neck while sitting over his lap.

"More than anyone huh,don't tell me you love me less than my mother..."yohan asked as he looked into diya's beautiful deep eyes, hearing yohan's words diya's face slightly turned red and she neared her lips to yohan's ear.

"Yes I think she loves you more than me, but my love has a different definition, I love you as a woman and she loves you as a mother, my love has no boundary, do you want me to show you how much I love you"diya whispered seductively in yohan's ear, hearing diya's words yohan gulped nervously and he felt diya's warmth breath that is tickling to his neck, he can hear diya's heartbeat that is beating in irregular ways.

The surrounding aura inside the yohan's room changed drastically,yohan crossed his hand around diya's body and took her in his arms, and kissed her on the left neck, a light moan escaped from diya's mouth as she felt yohan's soft lips touching over her neck.

"Not this time diya, let me show you how much I love you, I already know how much you care and love me, I am aware of everything but in return, I never did anything for you, I always end up hurting you one way and another way, I am an idiot but you are always in my mind no matter where I go"yohan whispered in diya's ear and he holds her tight in his arms,diya gasped as she heard yohan and rubbed her cheek to his cheek.

"I know everything,don't feel guilty about anything, right now I want to forget everything and want to live this moment with you"diya responded to him and with those words she moved her head and placed her lips on yohan's lips.

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