Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 330: Different World

Yohan becomes surprised when he heard Kana, he now understands why she is getting excited a few moments ago over making him her master's disciple, that way she can be with him without leaving her master, when yohan realize kana's intention he tilted his head and looked towards her, she is clearly feeling embarrassed after saying those words to him but yohan have different thoughts in his mind, he knew she is attracted towards him and at the same time he is also attracted towards her because of her aura and personality, she is indeed one of the amazing women he met after coming into this world and on top of that yohan knew that she might help him to reach new heights in cultivation because kana is way above him when it comes to cultivation.

"You want to be with me, huh, to be honest, I don't mind being with you either, after all, you are amazing women apart from your temperament "yohan smirked as he teased kana, hearing him kana's face turned red and she looked at him with a serious gaze, deep down she knew she wanted him more than ever after their kiss but there are few things are running into her minds which she wanted to clear with yohan before going further.

"So you are not going to ask me to come with you and live inside your clan as your cultivation partner, I mean all of your partners are living with you, but as you know things are different with me yohan" Kana looked at yohan with a serious gaze as this is the most important thing for her and she wanted to clear with yohan.

Yohan Chuckled as he heard kana and smiled at her" it doesn't matter whether you want to live with me or not, I am not going to force you against your will, I understand how important lady Evelyn's role is in your life, and I respect your feeling towards your master, and it's not like we are far away, you can meet me whenever you want" he whispered in kana's ears with a seductive voice.

Hearing yohan's words kana's face turned red and a gentle smile appeared on her face" I understand thank you for understanding, I know things work differently in dual cultivation communities but I never thought you will be that generous" kana responded to yohan, but hearing kana's words yohan becomes confused.

"What do you mean by that," he asked Kana with a confused manner. Kana's facial expressions changed drastically when she noticed that confused expression on his face after hearing the term dual cultivation communities.

"Are you serious, don't tell me you are unaware of those communities which are existed for dual cultivators" kana looked at yohan with a baffled expression, hearing kana a bitter smile appeared on yohan's face as he was unaware of the existence of those communities, no one ever explained to him anything like that, not even his mother and grandpa!

"Tell me about it, this is the first time I am hearing something like that"Yohan responded to Kana as he became interested in that.

"There are several communities existed for helping dual cultivators and they are directed by the imperial family, unlike qi cultivator dual cultivators are being looked down by most people and in some cases, things went to an extreme level, because people think it's a disgusting way to gain power," Kana said as she looked at yohan.

Hearing kana yohan took a deep sigh as he knew this is not new to him, even in his previous world people can go to any length to prove themself right, and they can't see another person to rise in power, wherever you go the world is always divided into various factions and every faction has different ideas and different ideal,yohan tilted his head and looked towards kana.

"You just mentioned that sometimes things went on an extreme level, what do you mean by that?"Yohan asked.

"Fifty years ago more than thousands of dual cultivation sector is being destroyed by the particular group of qi cultivators, those people didn't care who came in front of them whether it was women or child everyone who is associated to dual cultivation sector they get killed brutally, millions of people died in that brutal attack, after that incident imperial family took initiative and introduce a separate organization to regulate and look over dual cultivators, and little by little various communities started to come into the surface and become part of dual cultivation organization, they have their set of rules for every dual cultivator who lived inside the kingdom, even inside the divine blossom sector, there are one faction situated which looked after student who practiced dual cultivation but you know things are still the same just like fifty years ago, most qi cultivators have the same mindset they don't expressed their hatred towards dual cultivators but deep down they despise them"kana responded to yohan while increasing her speed towards the direction of the mansion.

"I understand thank you for explaining everything to me, but I am confused why mother and grandpa didn't explain to me earlier, is they wanted me to stay away from such organizations"yohan pondered as he said those words, hearing yohan kana giggles.

"I know why they didn't tell you about those communities, it's because inside those communities people can buy and sell yang and yin qi, even you can cultivate with different cultivators who are willing to cultivate with you, a most likely paradise for dual cultivators, and most important there are different factions for every dual cultivator according to their cultivation level and to join that faction you need to clear their respective exams" kana explain to yohan, hearing her yohan was taken aback, he didn't know something like this existed.

Seeing those expressions on yohan's face kana chuckled and closed her lips to yohan's ear," that's the reason why they didn't tell you about those communities, they knew you will be desperate to explore that world" kana whispered.

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