"I hate flying like this, look at grandpa Leon he is making fun of me, it's embarrassing to get carried by you, "yohan tilted his head and looked toward kana as he said those words to her, he is feeling embarrassed seeing that creepy smile on his grandpa's face, he knew Leon is teasing him just because he is flying with kana, hearing Yohan's nagging kana took a deep sigh.

"Just ignore your grandpa, he is just an old-timer who likes to tease people, just be grateful that I am carrying you with me, otherwise you have to fly with that old man, that will be more embarrassing for you" kana responded to yohan and looked to old man Leon who was flying a few meters away from kana.

Seeing his furious look Leon gulped and fastened his pace and left yohan and kana alone, it's been a few minutes since they left the hundred poison valley convoy and headed towards Evelyn's mansion.

"Hey, kana how do you know my grandpa, it seems you know him for a long time, "yohan asked the moment Leon left their sight and went ahead, kana bitterly smiled as she heard yohan and looked at him with an embarrassed gaze.

"It's a very long story but I tell you in short, we first met your grandpa inside the Azazel clan, we were very young and lady Evelyn took us with her to meet one of the warlords, your grandpa is used to be a freak who like challenging people and doing stupid things despite his position inside the Azazel clan, our first experience was not good as he challenged my master, to be honest, he was a very a reckless person who doesn't care about anything, challenging a warlord means courting death but somehow my master ignored his rudeness and accepted his challenge, and kicked his ass" kana giggled as she explained her first interaction with Leon.

Hearing kana yohan bitterly smile as she casually said Evelyn ignored his rudeness and at the end kicked his ass,yohan curiously looked towards kana as she looked happy and the smile on her face was beautiful, he never saw her like that, maybe this is her true nature and personality completely different when he first meets her, kana noticed yohan's curious gaze towards her direction.

"What happened, why are you looking at me like that," she asked, hearing her yohan smile and shake his head in response.

"Do you miss your home, I mean you guys do not belong to the northern region, my mother told me that lady Evelyn originally belongs to the eastern region but somehow she ended up here, I don't understand why, I mean I heard this region is not prosperous compared to the other region, why bother coming here,"yohan asked with a confused manner.

Hearing him kana's facial experience become completely different and she looked at him with a smile" Aana and I don't remember who we are and where we belong, when we were kids lady Evelyn took us under her wing, she is the only family we have, and for your second question don't know why lady Evelyn decided to leave everything behind one day, she never told us despite we are very close to her, we left eastern region very long ago and after that, we roam around the whole kingdom for many years and at the end, she decided to stay here, far away from everyone" kana responded to yohan and look him with a hesitant expression as she wants to ask him something.

"Is there something bothering you kana, I mean if there is anything you want to know you can ask me, I will try to be honest with you?"yohan said seeing that hesitant look on kana's face.

"Why did you not accept her as master, people are desperate to meet her even once, you know what when you go to the eastern region then you will know her true dominance, people are crazy for her they worshiped her as a goddess and you bluntly ignored her kind request, you could learn lots of things under her wing and no one dares to do anything to you, not even royal, I want to know the real reason why did you do that," kana looked at yohan with a furious gaze as she said those words, seeing that rage on her face, yohan smiled.

"I just wanted to live a peaceful life, that's why I ignored her offer, but as passing time I realized that no matter how hard I try to stay away from things, in the end, I can't run away from my destiny, in order to save my family, I have to become stronger, because I know that I can't live a peaceful life until I have what it takes to protect my family"yohan explains kana with a smile.

Kana became surprised when she heard yohan and a smile appeared on her face" so you are going to accept lady Evelyn as your master and join us" kana asked as she looked at yohan with excitement.

"No, I won't, my decision may be different if you ask me a few weeks ago but not now, I have chosen my own path,"yohan smiled as he responded to kana, hearing yohan kana was taken aback and the excitement on her face disappeared with yohan's words.

Kana took a moment to gather her thought and she looked at yohan with a calm expression, and a moment later she nodded her head" I understand, I am not going to force you to come and join us, because I know various things have been changed, you grew a lot yohan, look at you already reached the seventh level of the core formation soul realm in a few months, and you have great partners to help you, deep down I knew sooner or later this day would come but i just wanted to be with you and trying to ignore everything else" kana bitterly smiled as she looked yohan.

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