Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 331: Trading Yin Qi

Hearing kana's words yohan came to his sense, he was amazed to know everything related to those dual cultivation factions, he become tempted after knowing those many things about those factions yohan's main concern was how he going to manage yin qi because every breakthrough he needs more and more yin qi, he felt assured and somewhat relieved that he can buy yin qi and Now he wants to get his hands on yin qi, he knew if he is able to buy sufficient amount of yin qi then he will soon get a breakthrough in the next major realm,yohan tilted his head and looked towards kana.

"It's not like that kana, but it was amazing that we can trade something like yin and yang qi, it might beneficial for my cultivation growth as you already know what kind of difficulties dual cultivators faced when they reached a high level, I need more yin qi to reach the next level of the core formation soul realm, when everything over I will definitely try to explore those factions and get my hands on yin qi,"yohan Said as he tries to explain things to her, he didn't want her to misunderstand him as some kind of pervert,yohan is not interested in other things inside those factions.

"Well it's up to you after all you are a dual cultivator and I understand your concern because dual cultivators faced too many problems when it comes to reaching higher realm, you are the exception because there is something about you that makes you different from others, even inside the divine blossom sector I have seen too much struggle, in some cases, it took years to get breakthrough in minor realms even after cultivating days and night, I feel sorry for those cultivators" kana to explain and she took a moment before started explaining again as yohan is listening to her carefully.

"trust me yohan I am amazed by you, I have seen anyone like you, I used to feel pity for dual cultivators because of their struggle but you changed my perspective, in a few months you reached the core formation soul realm and grew day by day, it took me too many years to reach the core formation soul realm it's not about which kind of cultivator you are everyone has their own hardship when it comes to reaching next level, even look at my master she got her last breakthrough hundred years ago, sometimes she felt annoyed because she is very close to the nascent soul realm, my point is you don't have to rush things and there is no harm to go there and peek inside those factions, but you need to take it easy," Kana said as she looked yohan.

Yohan nodded his head as he heard kana, he already knew about that lady Evelyn is the first cultivator inside the kingdom who reached the late stage of the heavenly soul realm but he was unaware that she got the last breakthrough hundred years ago,yohan tilted his head and looked towards kana.

"What is your cultivation level and when did you get breakthrough last time," he asked as he looked at her, kana bitterly smiled as she heard yohan.

"I got my last breakthrough ten years ago when I reached the late stage of the earth realm, now I am struggling to get a breakthrough, told you it's not easy to get a breakthrough, everyone has their own difficulties," kana responded to yohan, hearing her yohan exhale deeply, indeed everyone is struggling and he was fortunate enough to reach the core formation soul realm with the help of the system.

"Hey kana can you tell me where those dual cultivation factions are situated?" he asked as he didn't want to depress her more while discussing her cultivation.

"you have to go royal capital because those factions existed inside the royal capital and looking in recent events there is no way you can go there, that bastard Lucas will be there and he will try to kill you the moment you enter inside the capitol " kana Smiled as she said those words to him.

Hearing kana yohan's facial expressions turned dark and his excitement disappeared, kana understand how he is feeling right now, she tilted her head and looked at him" it's okay don't get disappointed, I know someone who can help you when everything is over I will personally lead you there but before that, I need to help my master to regain her consciousness," kana assured yohan with her words,yohan nodded his head as he looked towards kana.

"Don't worry she will be alright,"yohan responded to her, hearing yohan kana smile at him and she fastens her pace towards the mansion, a few moments later finally familiar sights appeared in yohan's eyes, and a moment later both of them descended in front of the mansion where old man Leon already standing and waiting for them.

Yohan exhaled deeply the moment he placed his leg on the ground and looked towards his grandpa who was looking at him with a suspicious gaze.

"What took you so long to come here, I was waiting for you for the last five minutes," Leon said as he looked towards kana and yohan, hearing those words kana ignored Leon as she started walking in the direction of the mansion and after taking a few steps she tilted her head and looked towards yohan.

"Ignore that old man and remember he also hates dual cultivators, your mother is an exception because she is the only person he cares about" kana smiled as she looked at yohan, hearing kana yohan took a deep sigh as he looked old man Leon who is trying to understand what is this all about and why kana said those words.

"Don't think about that grandpa, she is just teasing you, let's go we need to hurry and see lady Evelyn's condition"yohan said as he started walking towards the direction of the mansion.

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