Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 9: Flame Prison And Ice Prison

Chapter 9: Flame Prison And Ice Prison

The two dragons were coming toward us.

It seems the dragon was heading to us.

「It’s a good thing that you stopped the fireball but, they’re heading toward us for real! What are you going to do now!?」

Rosemonde pointed her huge metal cross toward the dragons while clinging to Urzottle’s back.

She might be trying to restrain the dragons.

And yet, the dragons didn’t seem to decrease their speed.

By the way, we absolutely couldn’t let them go near Polorock City.

Fortunately, the aftermath of the damage didn’t reach the city.

Whether it was to escape or fight them, we had to leave this place.

「Ur, lure them away from the city!」

Urzottle then made a sudden turn and went away from the city.

But right at that moment, Rosemonde suddenly lost her balance and fell from Urzottle’s back.

Since she held a huge metal cross in place of a cane, the centrifugal force threw her off Urzottle’s back.

Seeing that, Philia grabs Rosemonde’s hand in a hurry.

「M-My apologies…」

Rosemonde barely kept her life thanks to Philia.

But, that moment of carelessness caused the dragon clad in flame to block Urzottle’s flying path.

『Oops, are you trying to escape from me? How dare a mere human like you erase my flame.』

The dragon who clad in flame glared at us as he gritted his teeth.

His voice resounded right inside my head via telepathy.

『Good grief… The name of 《Flame Prison Dragon; Dite》 has been smeared in mud now, to think that his prided flame is stopped by a mere human.』

The dragon clad in ice heaved a sigh from behind us.

They caught us in pincer!

『What? Shall I melt that frozen body of yours with my prison flame, 《Ice Prison Dragon; Tromea》? That way, you will understand that my flame isn’t something to be trifled with.』

The dragon clad in flame… Dite frowned, and closed his eyes as he spoke, he didn’t even bother to hide his irritation.

The dragon clad in ice, Tromea shook their head dumbfoundedly.

『Is your weak flame which can be erased by mere humans really capable of that? You might be able to lie but, look at the reality, your prided flame turned out to be nothing more than a weak candle.』

The flame around Dite’s body exploded even further upon hearing Tromea’s provocation.

『Because I’m just playing around! I shall burn these humans to death. You can be proud to die by my hand, human! I shall go all out and burn you weakling with my strongest flame!』

Wow… he seems to be pissed off for real.

So this was a dragon.

The symbol of Locklore’s power, the protector of the world.

He had a completely different league compared with the enemy I met so far.

I had to create an opening to escape from this place.

I pointed 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》 at Dite.

In the worst case, I had to let Pomera and co escape from this place.

I should be able to fight them in the sky by making full use of consecutive 《Short Gate》.

And even if they were more powerful than me, I should be able to distract their attention by flying around their huge body.

Let’s confirm their level for now.




Lv: 711

HP: 4195/4195

MP: 3484/3484


… Far below my expectation.

「… Rather, Mother and Alice are clearly stronger than them eh?」

Rosemonde had told me before that the dragon was one cut above the like of a demon king.

And yet, there was such a difference with the demon king.

Since I heard that the weakest demon king was around level 300, her story might be based on that comparison.

『Uhm..? Black-haired man, blonde-haired half-elf… Are you by chance, Kanata Kanbara?』

Dite squinted his eyes, his maw curled up as he asked, forming an atrocious-looking smile.

「You know about me?」

『Hah! Lucky guy! Just when I’m getting bored of flying the human territory, the person delivered himself right in front of me! It’s the order from the 《Ruler of The Sky》! We have to kill you to show our loyalty!』

The 《Ruler of The Sky》… I don’t think I heard that name before.

Was this matter related to Nyarlhotep?

「Who is that? Are they aiming for me…」

Dite didn’t answer my question.

He just pointing his muzzle at us.

Just when I was wondering what he was trying to do, he fired a white flame toward us.

『Be proud to be able to die by my flame, weak human! This is the power of a dragon!』

That moment, Pomera pointed her big cane at Dite.

「Spirit Magic, 8th Rank《Salamander Claw》!」

The light beam fired by Dite got erased by the flame claw.

Yet the flame claw didn’t stop with just that, it kept rushing forward, till it gouged the dragon’s body, leaving a gruesome gash on Dite’s chest.

The impact of that flame claw blew that huge dragon backward.

Both of Dite’s wings were torn to shred by the flame claws.

His flimsy wings didn’t seem to be able to withstand that flame claw and got shredded as a result.


Dite fell down while raising a painful cry.

「U-Uhm… Pomera just unleashed her attack since she saw an opening…」

Pomera tried to explain with a troubled voice.

「The reason you can do that is your training, it seems to be a bit too much for the other party though. But, they happen to be just the right opponent to test your power.」

I gave a nod as I told Pomera.

「Y-You… You’re not this strong back during that spider turmoil. Just how in the world did you do in this short amount of time—」

Rosemonde commented with a troubled voice.

「One left.」

When I raised my face, Tromea’s figure had gone from its place.

When I looked around, I found their figure trying to escape from us at their fastest speed.

『I don’t know! I don’t know! I don’t know! I don’t know! That the target is such a monster!』


Philia swung her arm toward Tromea.

A huge, white-colored, one-eyed tetrahedron appeared right above Tromea.

That mysterious object suddenly falls right onto Tromea.

The dragon’s huge body fell straight to the ground.

「Thank you, Philia-chan. Is that dragon still alive?」

I had a few questions for them.

『Yup! I’m going easy on them! Praise me, praise me!』

Philia proudly puffed her chest.

「Just who… In the hell are you people?」

Muttered Rosemonde as she looked at Tromea whose body got nailed to the ground by Philia.

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