Chapter 8: Dragon

We were flying to the south on Urzottle’s back.

Each time Urzottle kick the ground, the scenery flew by around us.

Yup, their speed was incomparable to the carriage, it’s like comparing snail and rabbit.

This travel would be enjoyable had we just traveled without particular destination, maybe I would ask Urzottle once things settled down.

「Kanata-san, if we’re moving at this speed, I think it’ll be much faster for us to look for the evil dragons instead of visiting Polorock.」

I nodded lightly upon hearing Pomera’s remark.

「You’re right. Rather, there’s no point in visiting Polorock.」

It seems this matter was pretty serious for Gannet.

Iguess we better in hurry.

If we couldn’t find them in the south, we should start looking for them in another direction.

At that moment, something splashed on my face.

I wiped my face with the sleeve of my right hand.

「It’s rain huh?」

「Closer to ice it seems. That’s pretty rare. It shouldn’t appear around this time of the year but… Are they by chance nearby?」

Hearing Pomera’s remark, I recalled Gannet’s reminder.

『Yes. I’m not saying the change is too extreme but, the temperature tended to fluctuate in a way that should be impossible under normal circumstances. After we checked the past record to see if something similar happened before, we find a piece of evidence stating that two evil dragons who were sealed hundreds of years ago is released from their seal.』

The two evil dragons said to wield mighty power which could literally change the climate just by them being there.

「This sleet might be related to those evil dragons. Meaning that… They’re nearby.」

Thus, we went further in the southern direction.

Finally, we say a city surrounded by a tall wall, Polorock.

It didn’t even take us half of hour to arrive after we departed from Manarak.

Though I told Urzottle to not use their top speed since Rosemonde was tagging along, it was still much faster.

Urzottle stopped and then turned their head to see us.

It seems they were asking what to do after this.

「I-Isn’t this… Way too fast?」

Rosemonde muttered so with a bewildered voice.

But at that moment, I looked at the sky far above and further away from Polorock.

「… That might be the said evil dragon.」

Something like a lump of fire and a lump of ice was floating in the sky farther than Polorock.

When I squinted my gaze, I saw the silhouette of a dragon wrapped in flame and a dragon clad in ice.

On one side was a vortex of flame, and on the other side, was a snow storm.

The ice shard that melted due to the heat of the flame fell in this direction like rain.

「W-What a… Terrifying monster! I’ve heard the rumor about them before but, the real thing is even more amazing. 《Flame Prison Dragon; Dite》 and 《Ice Prison Dragon; Tromea》… They’re the literal embodiment of disaster. Never expect to see them together. Hah, look like they’re going to hold a dragon’s party somewhere.」

Rosemonde tried to crack a joke alas, her voice was quivering.

「… You guys might be abnormal but, those two are even more troublesome than the demon king. If they continue taking this route, they’ll arrive at Manarak eventually. We have to return immediately and let that cunning old man know the situation.」

「Is dragon really that dangerous?」

Rosemonde glared at me hearing my question.

「Do you think they’re just huge monsters?」

「Are they not?」

「… Most dragon has an interest in the human. Their wisdom surpassed that of humans, they also can use high-rank magic beyond the reach of humans. Not to mention that their huge size is packed with destructive force. They’re one step above your common monster. They normally stayed in the savage land, fighting to stop the collapse of the world due to the over-saturation of the monsters.」

Rosemonde explained with a dumbfounded face.

… Surely, I’ve never seen a dragon before.

《Humanoid Dragon》 was only a human with a high level, 《Jade Dragon’s Eye》 was also a mere crystal compared to the eye of a dragon.

I did see a spirit that resembled a dragon before but, the spirit wasn’t a living being.

Surely, the one hailed as 《Humanoid Dragon》 was nothing more than wicked existence who gained supernatural power.

In this world, the dragon was akin to a deity, on many occasions they would also be regarded as a symbol of power.

「Evil dragons are those among the dragon who have no interest in humans and gained infamy due to their malicious act toward humans. In short, they’re the enemy of the human.」

Rosemonde explained to me.

She glanced at Philia from time to time.

Since she said it in that way, I could assume that the dragon was truly a powerful being.

But at this rate, Polorock might meet a disaster once the evil dragon passed by.

Okay then, let’s decide our next policy after I checked the level of those two dragons.

Right at that very moment, the flame dragon spits a huge fireball from their mouth at us.

They were aiming at Polorock.


The moment I said so, Ur kicked the ground and flew to the sky.



Only after Ur leaped into the air did I realize that it might be much better for Rosemonde if I push her down before I asked Ur to fly in the air.

With her current level, even a nib from Ur was equal to a deathblow.

When I glanced to my back from over my should, I saw Philia press Rosemonde’s back onto Ur’s back from behind to prevent the Rosemonde from falling down during aerial combat.

Rosemonde tried to resist alas, it was a futile resistance.

「Is this enough… Kanata?」

Philia asked anxiously.

I gave her a thumbs up, telling her that she did a really good job.

Philia’s face glowed the moment she saw my sign.

Though this might add another trauma to Rosemonde, better than having her fall from Ur’s back and turn into a splat on the ground.

Something that definitely would happen considering her level.

Urzottle arrived in the sky above Polorock in just a moment and rushed toward the lump of fire.

The fireball was even bigger than Urzottle.

「Ice Magic, 12th Rank《Sequana(Hand-Mirror of Water Goddess)》」

A magic circle appeared.

A huge circular-shaped water appeared right before us.

The water spun at an extremely high-speed, forming a vortex.

The fireball sucked into the water vortex and evaporated the water inside.

「What a close call…」

I heaved a sigh after confirming that I managed to avert a disaster.

But, this was only the beginning.

The two dragons had discovered me.

They’re looking at me, and since we were matched, both of us heading toward each other.

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