Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 10: King of Dragon

Chapter 10: King of Dragon

After we descended to the ground, Philia restrained both of the dragons.

In just a moment, both dragons were restrained with thorny rope made from 《Dream Sand》.

Certain parts of the rope had eerie flowers with an eye in its center.

Though Rosemonde only looked in silence at the flower, I hurriedly stopped her when she was about to swing her huge metal cross at the flower who looked back at her.

「Lookie lookie, Philia is so amazing right!? Praise me!」

Philia spoke proudly.

I patted her head in return before looking at the two dragons.

「Well… You’re flame prison dragon Dite-san, and ice prison dragon Tromea-san is it? Both of you seem to know about me, care to explain how did you know about me?」

Dite did say something along the 『The order from the 《Ruler of The Sky》』.

I had no idea about that name, nor did I remember making an enemy with someone like that.

But considering the fact that Nyarlhotep was trying to kill me, he might be moving behind the scenes to kill me with someone’s help.

『… The great me is actually being defeated by humans, and restrained! Alas, we have nothing to say to the lower lifeform like you people! If you want to kill me, just do it! We’re proud dragons, even if we got defeated, we won’t yield to the like of humans!』

「Ul, feel free to eat him.」

I turned to Urzottle and ordered them.

Urzottle breathed quickly as they looked up at Dite.

The drool that overflowed from their muzzle was dropping to the earth.

The ground where that drool dropped melted away as it rose sizzling sound along with black smoke.

『W-We’re prepared to die but, killing us means that you’re making an enemy of the 《Ruler of The Sky》, our master! That personage is far more powerful than the likes of you!』

「 Since that personage of yours isn’t here, there’s no need to be scared of them. So, will you be kindly answering my question for you guys?」

Dite was at a loss for words hearing my remark and fell into silence.

It seems he knew.

After showing hesitation, he turned around and looked at Tromea.

『T-That persona hates it when someone else discloses the information about them.』

Tromea shook his head.

『Human, your foolish and wretched attitude truly knows no bounds, you think you can make a proud dragon to speak by threatening them eh? We dragons have long lifespans, thus we’re not clinging to our dear life like humans. We’re existence who were born with a mission to keep the balance of the world! Even the notion of talking with the likes of lowly humans like you who only eat and breed on equal terms will make us feel ashamed!』

What kind of confirmation did he want to get from Tromea just a while ago?

Dite spat those remarks at once.

He seems rather desperate.

「Ul, feel free to eat him.」

『… But, I really have no idea about what to do since even the great 《Ruler of The Sky》-sama know about lowly human like you! Now let me to tell you about 《Ruler of The Sky》-sama so that you may fall into the abyss of despair!』

Dite’s attitude took a sudden turn this time.

Thanks to him my stock for the dragon race kept getting lower and lower.

When I looked to the side, Pomera was also looking at Dite with dead eyes.

『Dite… Are you going to betray the 《Ruler of The Sky》-sama!? Stop, don’t be suicidal!』

『I-I’m not betraying that personage! I just going to teach these ignorant humans of their place and drive them into the abyss of despair! This is not a betrayal!』

After making such an excuse to Tromea, Dite turned to me again.

『That personage, the 《Ruler of The Sky》-sama the existence who once broke the taboo as a dragon, and rose to prominence from that. But, that power gained recognition from the will of the work, and they’re pardoned for their crime… And become the factor that makes them chosen as the new 《Five Fingers》 of the 《Invisible Hand of God》, the organization that rules the world from the shadow.』

「The… 《Invisible Hand of God》.」

I’ve heard that name before.

『With this, you will become my puppet. I lost the 《Red Authority Cane》 alas, that’s a trivial matter. I can finally become a member of the 《Invisible Hand of God》 with your power.』

If my memories serve me right, Alice did say that name back then.

From the very beginning, the reason for Alice to aim for Kotone’s 《Ares Hand》 and the 《Red Authority Cane》 was so that she could join the 《Invisible Hand of God》.

And then, the incident caused by Alice had warned me that the higher being was moving behind the scenes to kill me.

In fact, I heard a voice that was similar to Nyarlhotep who interfered with my magic when I was about to subjugate the Red King, resulting in me almost losing my life.

Alice who was already aware of the interference of the higher being seemed to be doing her best to make sure that they weren’t keeping a tab on her.

And now, the organization called the 《Invisible Hand of God》 seems to be aiming for my life.

Considering the above factors, I had pretty much discovered the true nature of the organization called the 《Invisible Hand of God》.

In short, the 《Invisible Hand Of God》 was a direct subordinate of a higher being like Nyarlhotep and co, the one who controlled Lochlore from behind the scenes.

The reason why the humanity of this world didn’t perish was simply because there was an organization that always acted as the balancer against the threat of monsters.

「… Though the previous riot looks like a roundabout way. It seems he doesn’t care about appearance anymore and coming to crush me from the front this time.」

Alas, if Nyarlhotep was truly wanting to erase my existence, he just needed to come on his own.

His power should be incomparable with the likes of Zorophilia and Red King.

The reason he didn’t do that seems to be the restriction put on the higher being to not interfere directly with this world.

In short, the 《Invisible Hand of God》 was the real mastermind behind the event that disturbs the peace in this world, if we exclude the higher being.

I had to somehow meet up with Lunaire and tell her about this matter alas, I had no idea about her whereabouts.

She was strangely stubborn about this and escaped as soon as I found her.

Maybe I need to cook up a solid plan to catch Lunaire.

「So, is there any other subordinate of the 《Ruler of The Sky》 aside from you guys? And what about the other member of 《Finve Fingers》?」

『Bah, we don’t know anything about the other 《Five Fingers》! But, The 《Ruler of The Sky》-sama who broke the taboo in the past is the common enemy of the dragon race. The reason we become their subordinate is because we’re also the dragon who strayed from customs of the dragon race.』

So that was the reason why Dite and Tromea were hailed as the evil dragon.

Nevertheless, since I’ve never met any other dragon before, nor did I have something to be used as a comparison, I couldn’t give any judgment about that matter for now but…

『Nevertheless, the subordinate is something akin to a messenger! You guys already lost the last mercy by defeating us! As soon as the 《Ruler of The Sky》-sama descended into this land, all of you going to die! Savour your despair, Kanata Kanbara!』

The moment Dite finished speaking, a black flame started rising from Dite and Tromea’s body.

I quickly pointed 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》 at them, thinking that they were trying to do something.

「Step back, I wi—!」

But then, the two dragons suddenly rampaged around in pain.

The flame on Dite’s body was being swallowed by the black flame, The ice on Tromea’s body melted instantly.

『T-This is… The 《Curse of Devotion》! You’re mistaken, 《Ruler of The Sky》-sama! I just tell this ignorant human about your greatness, 《Ruler of The Sky》-sama! I ju—!』

『I’ve tried to stop him! Why, me too…! 《Ruler of The Sky》-samaaa… !』

It seems the 《Ruler of The sky》 was observing them with a certain curse so that they could kill them in case something beyond her expectations happened.

Before I stepped forward to save them, Rosemonde called out from behind.

「There’s no reason to save them. They’re the evil dragon who has been tormenting humans since a long time ago, a walking disaster. All the more reason to not save them is because they think that humans are lowlife equal to bugs.」

Hearing Rosemonde’s reminder, I lowered my sword.

The black flame didn’t spread on the surroundings, it only burned the body of the two dragons.

「… But, that 《Ruler of The World》 is truly a cruel and merciless evil dragon. Just what kind of a mess you guys has committed to be marked by such a terrifying dragon?」

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