Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 7: Travelling For Investigation

Chapter 7: Travelling For Investigation

After the meeting, we left Manarak for a journey toward the commercial city, Polorock.

Polorock is located in the south of Manarak.

It was the city that was about to become the evacuation destination for the citizen of Manarak during the demon king of Spider’s riot.

According to the information, the evil dragon came from far south.

That’s why we went to Polorock to gather the information, depending on the situation, depending on the situation and the result of the investigation, we might have to go even further to the south.

After we packed our luggage, we went out of the city and continued on a bit more along the plain.

「Never expected I’m going to come with you guys.」

The only difference was the fact that Rosemonde came with us.

The other adventurers were also investigating different directions.

「Tch, why do I’ve to come with you guys? No matter how you think about it, there’s no need for me to come with you guys.」

Rosemonde clicked her tongue as she spoke, and glanced at Philia.

Philia walks happily while holding onto Pomera’s arm.

「Are you still scared of Philia-chan?」

The terror of when she got sent flying by Philia seems to be haunting Rosemonde even now.

「I’m not scared, I’m just wary of that brat! I mean, where in the world did you pick that brat? You should’ve realized what kind of a mess will happen if you messed up when babysitting her right?」


Indeed, it was an undeniable remark.

If I entrusted Philia to an orphanage, she might end up erasing a city from the map once she threw a tantrum.

「Are you, talking about Philia just now?」

Philia suddenly turned around and asked us.

Rosemonde flinched, she retreated immediately and took a fighting stance as she face Philia.

Then she quickly turned around toward me.

「Just to make sure, I definitely am not scared.」

「I’m not saying anything though…」

Rosemonde then stopped his gait.

「So, what kind of transportation method you’re going to use? I mean, you even refused Gannet’s offer to lend you a carriage. I can only think that you have other methods of transportation.」

「Well, I just considering the option of using the spirit since we’re racing against the time.」

I decided to use this method since Gannet also needs the information as soon as possible.

We could quickly arrive in another city by riding Urzottle.

And since we would be flying in the sky, it would increase our chance to meet the evil dragons.

「You can summon spirit too huh… Seriously, just who in the world are you people? But, is that spirit going to allow three other human, non-contractor to ride on their back? That sounds like an easy spirit. Just to be sure, they’re fast right?」

「Don’t worry, they’re really gentle, friendly, and adorable children. And fast of course.」

「Humph, I wonder about that. Most high-rank spirits are moody creatures. I doubt such a spirit exists. Depending on the situation, we might need a carriage.」

Philia hide behind Pomera and trembled nonstop while holding onto the latter’s sleeve.

「… Dog-san is scary.」

「Even that monster has a rather childish reaction.」

「Please stop saying this in a way that makes me look like I’m going to summon a scary monster.」

Rosemonde didn’t say anything back after hearing my retort.

I heaved a sigh and then raised the unsheathed blade of 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》 upward.

「Summon Magic, 18th Rank《Urzottle(Sacred Beast Puppy Who Summon Death)》」

Following that, three meters long giant dog with beautiful blue furs appeared from the magic circle.

Their golden eyes scanned me, Pomera, Philia, and lastly Rosemonde.

「I-I see… They seem to be a rather useful spirit.」

Just like that, Rosemonde cast her glance at Urzottle as she approached the latter.

Urzottle seems to be curious about Rosemonde who they saw for the first time was also taking a step forward.

Their two tails swung around excitedly.


Urzottle rushed at Rosemonde.

「UOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!」 Rosemonde screamed to the top of her lungs as she turned around and escaped from Urzottle.

I sneaked in between Urzottle and Rosemonde and caught Urzottle’s rush.

Rosemonde staggered and then fell on her rear.

「Kuu, kuun, kuun!」

「There there, calm down, Ur. Sorry to call you out of nowhere but, I have a request.」

Urzottle kept pushing its head toward my abdomen.

I pinned Urzottle with my right hand and patted their head with my left hand.

「Sorry for the surprise, Rosemonde-san. Don’t worry, Ur is a good child. They’re not the kind that attack humans. They just love to frolic a bit too much.」

「I-I see, that’s startled me for sure. D-Don’t you feel bad for riding this dog spirit as our means of transportation?」

Urzottle then moved their line of sight from me to Rosemonde, seemingly extremely excited.

Their purplish, long tongue hung out from their mouth.

「I’ll be in your care, Ur.」

Rosemonde stretched the arm that was covered in the metal gauntlet, reaching out to Urzottle.

Urzottle’s eyes glowed even brighter, their two tails were moving even faster than before.

Their tails hit my body.


Urzottle brought their head closer and took a bite of Rosemonde’s hand.

I snapped back immediately and pulled Urzottle away from Rosemonde.

The sound of their gnashing fangs resounded in the forest.


Rosemonde raised another scream and tumbled down on that place.

That was close.

A moment later then Urzottle might accidentally tore Rosemonde’s arm from her shoulder.

「W-W-W… Which part of this dog is gentle and good!?」

I brushed Urzottle’s lower jaw.

Urzottle shut their eyes, enjoying my scratching skill.


「My apologies. Ur, love to play biting when they’re all fired up. They always jumped at someone in that state to play with them, I’ve always warned them to be careful though… 」

Urzottle sit straight in their place the moment they heard my reminder, it seems they really were reflecting on their action this time.

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