Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 6: Adventurer Meeting Again

Chapter 6: Adventurer Meeting Again

We went to the 2nd floor of the adventurer guild’s building, to discuss the matter of investigating the two evil dragons.

Since Philia was house-sitting in the inn, I came alone with Pomera.

Inside the meeting room, the A-rank adventurers who gathered previously during the demon king turmoil had already been present.

Bandage man, elderly magician, blonde-haired swordswoman.

Rosmonde was also among those people.

Four A-rank adventurers of Manarak.

Rosemonde came to us and took off her goat mask.

「You guys came too eh?」

「Everyone seems to be invited. Which means that…」

At that moment, I heard another footstep come in into the meeting room.

When I turned around to see the newcomer, it turned out to be Kotone.

She squinted her gaze, looking around the meeting room.


It seems she had yet to recover from the matter of her manga.

I was wondering whether I should greet her and told her since the people around me didn’t care about that matter but then, it seems my decision backfired.

I might add fuel to the fire instead.

The moment Kotone found me, she closed her eyes and heaved a sigh before opening her eyes again, walking toward us.

Just when I thought she was about to escape, she came instead.

Kotone gait halted as she arrived before me.

She stayed still without saying something.

「Eeh, uhm…」

Kotone cleared her throat just when I tried to say something to her.

She then started speaking with a tinge of pink color on her cheeks.

「… I’m sorry. Uhm… I’m talking about the matter of the manga. I ended up quite upset for a while after that. I even sulked and caused quite a lot of trouble for you.」

Kotone bowed apologetically as she spoke.


「When I think about it carefully, I knew that you definitely won’t allow that kind of thing to be published. I also heard the details later from Gannet after I calmed down. He told me that you specially told Gannet to only publish the manga and to dispose of the other.」

Though she tried to make it ambiguous… I knew that she was referring to her BL doujin which ended up getting published by accident due to the runaway of a certain department in 《Mithril’s Cane》.

Though my relationship with Kotone became quite awkward after that incident, she herself knew that both Gannet and I weren’t at fault in this case.

「I even snapped at both of you.」

Kotone shook her head feebly, heaving a sigh as she spoke.

I also heaved a sigh inside.

「Well… I also owed an apology for not putting a nail in the coffin for that particular matter.」

I wanted to apologize to Kotone for not directly disposing of that wretched manga during her absence to prevent any damage to Kotone’s reputation.

I did get a bad feeling since Gannet 『Doesn’t really understand』 stuff like that.

If only I stressed that fact to Gannet, we might be able to avoid such an unfortunate incident later.

「Uhm… If you really feel bad about it, I wish you will help me next time.」

Kotone averted her gaze, covering her lips as she spoke.

「I-I’ll do my best when such time is come…」

It seems she really didn’t blame me for such a situation.

But still, some parts of it weren’t explained properly.

「I mean… No one in this world knows about manga. So I’ll be really grateful if I have someone available for consultation when I need a fresh new idea…」

Kotone added while seemingly trying to hide something.

It seems she was rather embarrassed.

「N-No problem, leave it to me!」

She might call it consultation but, it seems she only wanted to talk about manga with someone.

I mean, Kotone seems to have the time of her life when she was talking about manga with me.

Not to mention that I love manga too.

I would be more than willing to accompany her for a talk about our home world and manga.

I received her permission for now but, the awkward air persisted for a while after that.

Maybe she was really glad to be able to reconcile with me.

「Sorry for making you wait after calling you on such short notice. Let’s get to the point, a while ago, I heard a story from traveling merchant from another city telling me about the appearance of the new evil dragon, so I need some time to gather more evidence about their appearance.」

Gannet came last, he entered the conference room with his subordinate.

He scanned the room before his line of sight stopped at Kotone.

「Ooh, Kotone-dono is coming too! Thank you very much, you’ll be a great help.」

Kotone just glared silently at Gannet before she sit in her seat.

… It seems she still could forgive Gannet.

「K-Kotone-san, actually Gannet-san is…」

「I’m not angry at him. I’m really indebted to him after all. That’s why I’m attending today’s adventurer meeting.」

Y-You’re definitely pissed off…

But her anger was plausible since Gannet had the actual authority to stop that forbidden manga from spreading around, yet he failed to do so.

Well, this part might be something that Kotone had to resolve herself.

To begin with, manga culture was something alien to Gannet.

Not to mention that he was the kind of person who live for his work with his advanced age.

He might not understand what was a manga.

And this was the result of him allowing his younger and more flexible subordinates to decide on this matter, it backfired since his subordinates were too open-minded.

「W-Well then, let’s not beat around the bush and get to the point about this matter. Everyone, please sit in your seat.」

Gannet seems to be quite disturbed by Kotone’s attitude, his smile was twitching.

I then sit on Kotone’s right side.

Pomera sitting on Kotone’s left side, Rosmonde on Pomera’s left side.

The content of the meeting was to divide the labor for each adventurer to investigate the vicinity of the city.

In fact, if the evil dragon had truly appeared, I wanted to know if they were heading to this city.

Even if there was no information about that, or the information was incomplete, we could use the money to get more information.

According to Gannet, they seem to be in a rush.

During Gannet’s explanation, Rosemonde went to Kotone.

Kotone noticed Rosemonde and glared back at the latter.

「Is something the matter?」

「Humph, 《Ares Hand》… I used to think that you’re a gloomy, expressionless yet black-bellied woman but, I never expected that you’re turned out to be an artist.」

Rosemonde spoke in a low voice.

Rosemonde had her own pride as an adventurer.

She might be unable to stomach the fact that Kotone, an S-rank adventurer would abandon her position and enter a semi-retirement period to focus on art.

「Do you have any problem with that?」

And Kotone replied without even trying to hide her displeasure.

Getting caught in the middle of their crossfire, I ended up feeling like sitting on the bed of nails.

Pomera had also bit her lips, feeling as awkward as me.

Rosemonde’s hand then rummaged into her overcoat.

「W-Wait a minute, Rosemonde-san, we’re in the middle of the meeting. Please do—!」

I tried to stop Rosemonde with a small voice.

And stopped upon seeing her pulled out a manga from her overcoat and handed it to Kotone.

「When will you release the continuation of this? Oh, and please sign this for me.」

Kotone’s eyes opened wide, she was frozen in that state for around ten seconds.

She then raised a frown and turned away her face. She cleared her throat with a light cough.

Man, her face had actually flushed red due to embarrassment.

「… I’ve yet to start the continuation but sure, I’ll sign your book later.」

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