Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 11: Dragonfolk Girl

Chapter 11: Dragonfolk Girl

After the small incident with the evil dragons, we decided to stay in one of Polorock’s inns since the sun was about to set.

Though Dite said that the 《Ruler of The Sky》 would come to kill me immediately, the so-called 《Ruler of The Sky》 didn’t seem to do anything after that.

Though it only increased my anxiety, we had no choice but to wait for the other party to make their move since we had no way to reach them.

The 《Ruler of The Sky》 should be far more powerful than Dite and Tromea.

And even if I managed to repel the 《Ruler of The Sky》, there were still four other members of the 《Invisible Hand of God》.

As if that wasn’t bad enough already, there was still Nyarlhotep and co-backing them from behind.

They’re a little bit too much for the current me.

I’ve been thinking about various things since before but, raising my level in the 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》 alone wasn’t enough, I had to find something in this world that would enable me to fight the higher being.

When I was pondering about our next policy while reading my grimoire in my bed, someone was knocking on the door of my room.

Among the three who were with me… Pomera was probably the one who knocked on the door.

I came down from my bed after returning the grimoire back to my pouch and then opened the door.

「Is something the matter?」

When I opened the door while muttering those words, I saw an unknown girl standing in front of the door.

She was a girl with indigo-coloured, and wavy hair, with round, golden-coloured, cat-like eyes.

She wore a flashy, red-coloured crystal necklace on her neck.

But then, the one thing that was even more obvious than her necklace and eyes were her horns, bat-like wings, and two tails. behind her.

She was looking up at me with an adorable kitty gaze as if expecting something from me.

I instantly related her to a dragon as soon as I saw her tail, wings, and horn.

It seems she was another assassin sent by the 《Ruler of The Sky》 to kill me.

I got away from her, my hand had already touched the hilt of the 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》.

「You are…!」


The girl waved her palms in front of her as if trying to use that to protect herself.

Seeing that gesture, I let go of my hands from the 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》.

Thus, she heaved a sigh of relief.

「I beg you to stop! I mean, you’re the guy who rode on the back of that huge doggy outside of the city and fought the twin prison dragon, isn’t it?」

Twin… Prison Dragon?

She might be referring to Dite and Tromea.

「Indeed but…」

「As I thought! We the dragonfolks have really good eyesight, that’s why I drew your portrait and looking for your whereabouts in this city! You’re Kanata-san, right? The truth is, the reason I came to this city is to warn the citizens about the approaching evil dragon since I know that the humans who know about those evil dragons are also aware of their danger! In the end, I failed since I arrived far too late but… The fact that they met you and your comrade before arriving in this city is really a good thing!」

She went on and on with an excited look on her face.

「I mean, I had never expected that I would meet a human who could overwhelm those dangerous twin prison dragons, even by dragon standards! Though I feared that we, the dragonfolk, might be annihilated by the humans if all humans are as strong as you, I guess there’s no need to worry about something like that if there are people like Kanata0san and co!」

It seems that both the dragon and dragonfolk were related.

From the way she spoke, it seemed the dragonfolk had the tendency to lean closer to the dragon’s side.

「… So, what’s the matter?」

「Ah, my apologies for the late introduction! I’m Ramiel, the dragonfolk from Peach Dragon Village! I want to express my deepest gratitude for subjugating the evil dragon, a duty which should befall us, the dragonfolk!」

The world of dragons sounds like a complicated one.

「Ha~, you’re welcome…」

I replied drowsily but, the moment she mentioned that she knew about the twin prison dragon, my drowsiness vanished at once since there was a possibility that she also knew about the 《Ruler of The Sky》.

And from the way she spoke, the population of the dragonfolk might be far cry compared with the human population, so the dragon’s society might be not as complicated as human society.

And since every single one of them could live for a really long time, they should have a record of the past.

The 《Ruler of The Sky》’s personality aside, they should be considered as one of the strongest dragons.

If my guess was right, some of the dragons might have the information about them.

And knowing one’s enemy was the basis of fighting.

If we met under the current situation, our battle might literally destroy the entire city.

「I’ve something I want to ask you if you want to know how to repay me but…」

「Yes! Ask anything! I’ll try to answer your question to the limit of my ability!」

「Do you know about the 《Ruler of The Sky》?」

The moment I asked that question, Ramiel’s eyes opened wide, and her face stiffened.

Ramiel was at a loss for words immediately.

「That reaction… You know about them, eh?」

「I know… That name becomes taboo among us since that evil dragon is the shame of dragonfolk and the dragon. Sorry but, it’s by no means something pleasant to hear for humans…」

I was speechless.

It seems Ramiel did know about the 《Ruler of The Sky》.

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