Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 536 - Musical Piece

Chapter 536: Musical Piece

Under the moonlight.

Town Leith of the Dark Moon Estate.

The blonde woman in white dress quietly listened to the melodious tune played by the veiled woman. The night breeze passed by, blowing the cloak of the veiled woman, showing her graceful figure inside and complementing the blonde woman like a beautiful painting.

This piece of music was also played in the capital under the same moonlight. The theme was blood and fire.

The White Feather Estate Army that rushed into the capital quickly divided into 3 parts. A group controlled the garrison guards, another group controlled the city gates and important passages, and the rest rushed to the inner city at the fastest speed.

The inner city was in a state of chaos. There were not many places where the fire started, and it was not a major place, but the explosion was too terrifying. Furthermore, it spread from the core of the capital- the palace. The blaze was very terrifying. It was difficult for even the protective magic circles of the imperial palace to resist it. Immediately afterward, the government affairs hall in the inner city and the barrack of the Red Devil Legion were also impacted by the explosions.

Doren. Rus, the second general who guarded the capital, was badly battered. Not to mention that his house was on fire, the palace actually exploded too. Then, the explosions occurred one after another. Looking at the route, it seemed like there was a dangerous “terrorist” throwing a “bomb” along the way.

Before the chaos of the explosions and fires subsided, there was another emergency. The inner city was surrounded by a large number of unknown troops, and the city gate was in danger.

Where did the large number of troops come from? Doren was surprised, and he immediately led the Red Devil Legion to face the enemy. When he hurried to the gate, he received the bad news that Deputy Commander Danzell, who was responsible for the defense of the gate, killed Commander Virgil and let the enemy troops enter the city.

At this time, a large number of enemy troops had charged into the inner city. Doren could not help being furious when he saw Danzell leading them. Danzell was the former subordinate of the First General George. Wales. Just when George openly opposed Regent Obsidian, Danzell did not hesitate to switch side to him, the second general. Over the years, although he did not enter the direct line of the Red Devils Legion regiment, he was considered valued, but Doren did not expect he betrayed again!

Doren urged a demon horse as the greatsword, Soul Shatter, in his hand drew a red arc. An astonishing crack appeared on the ground. A raging flame appeared in the crack and swiftly extended toward Danzell.

Danzell’s strength was only the peak stage of the Great Demon King. How could he withstand the Demon Emperor-level’s furious slash? Just as he was about to be killed on the spot, a sword suddenly appeared in front of him.

The quillons was a demon lion. The engraved sword body was extending from the lion’s mouth. It was emitting a faint blue light.

This sword was inserted into the ground, and the flame of the crack rolled back before it touched this sword. Doren was startled and quickly reined his horse. When he pointed his greatsword, a sword qi blocked the fire pillar that skyrocketed from the crack. However, he was pushed back by the strong fluctuations.

“Lion Tooth Sword!” Doren looked at the familiar figure that was increasingly clear in front of the sword. He was utterly shocked.

Because of this person, Regent Obsidian dared not kill the Dark Moon all these years; because of this person, the Warlock Fortress, which was adjacent to the Bloody Empire, had always been sturdy; because of this person, no matter how glorious was the second general, he could only be placed second among the 3 generals.

In an instant, Doren finally understood why Danzell would betray him. Perhaps Danzell is the pawn placed beside me by this man from the beginning!

In the palace’s secret vault, Old Cowen and Oliver looked serious. At first, they thought that the “the capital’s night banquet” mentioned by the delayed recording stone was just a scheme to trick them into leaving in order for him to steal the Sword of Fallen Angel. However, after hearing the blaring explosions in the distant palace, they gradually realized that something was wrong.

Then, one after another shocking news came. Explosions were everywhere. At least tens of thousands of troops had invaded the capital!

Oliver and Old Cowen couldn’t believe it. Where did these tens of thousands of troops come from?

The Bloody Empire broke the promise of the alliance and attacked the Fallen Angel Empire? The Warlock Fortress and the White Feather Estate are both lost? Why is there no related intel?

Oh. The recording stone of the “Night Banquet”... Could it be the Dark Moon Army?

It’s ridiculous!

How powerful is the Dark Moon? Moreover, they are now fighting the coalition army led by the regent. How is it possible to transfer so many troops to the capital without anyone noticing?

According to the latest news, the enemy forces had breached the inner city gate and were currently engaged in a fierce battle with the Red Devil Legion of General Doren. Both Old Cowen and Oliver couldn’t sit still now. When a bird’s nest was overturned, no egg could remain intact. Once the Red Devil Legion was defeated, both the palace and the elder families would suffer a fatal blow.

Both of them made a resolute decision and used emergency authority to completely seal the entire secret vault. This seal must be activated by both guardians at the same time. Even if it was opened again, they could only enter after half a month.

The closure was not only to prevent someone who was suspected of taking advantage of the situation, but it was also to guard against invading troops so that both of them could act separately without scruples. Oliver guarded the palace, organized the guards to put out the fire, protected the royal family members, and strengthened the palace defense. Old Cowen went to the inner city to gather the power of the elder families to help the Red Devil Legion destroy the enemy.

After leaving the palace, Old Cowen ran all the way at full speed. Seeing the fire blazing into the sky and the explosion sounded constantly along the way, he could not help but frown, and he speeded up again.

In his line of sight, a figure suddenly appeared and stopped in front of him. This man was wearing a cloak that covered his head and body. He looked strange under the purple moonlight.

Old Cowen felt that the figure was only a Great Demon King-level power, so his charging speed did not weaken. When he secretly bent his middle finger, 3 strong sharp qi burst out of the air, and they whizzed toward the cloak man in a triangular formation.

Old Cowen thought that this blow would kill the opponent, so he didn’t bother at all about this kind of lowly guy. His figure passed the cloak man like the wind. When he passed the cloak man, he suddenly had a strong warning sign. As he felt a wisp of sharp power rushing at high speed behind him, he dodged hastily. That sharp power slashed a bleeding wound under his ribs.

A deafening sound behind instantly sounded. The cloak man behind him had reached the front of Old Cowen. It was flying so fast that even the Old Cowen of the peak stage of the Demon Overlord felt ashamed of his speed.

Old Cowen reacted extremely quickly. Before the enemy settled down, he flicked his 2 fingers, and countless sharp qi surrounded the cloaked man. A faint light from the hands of the cloaked man drew a water-like trajectory in the air. The sharp qi covering the sky was extremely fast, but when it encountered this “slow” force, it actually slowed down strangely. Then, it suddenly speeded up, shooting toward the surroundings. The nearby houses and ground were blasted into dust. The sound of destruction continued. Numerous small pits appeared one after another, and the pits cracked outward like spider webs.

This familiar mysterious technique made Old Cowen startled and exclaimed in anger, “So it’s you! What do you actually want to do? Where do those troops come from!”

“The battlefield between Princess Royal and Obsidian is not just against the Dark Moon.” Chen Rui replied faintly, “With the heavyweight of the capital, the scale of war will fall to the true master of the empire.”

A flash of light flashed in Old Cowen’s eyes, “The true master of the empire will not destroy the entire capital!”

“The destruction of the old means a new beginning. If you want to break the original decadent pattern, it is inevitable to destroy something. Do you still remember the wish I mentioned in the secret vault? The elder families should stay out of this matter and preserve the vitality for the real empress as well as the entire empire. Don’t sacrifice in vain in this kind of internal strife!”

“Oliver and I originally had a pretty good impression of you, but now I don’t want to listen to this kind of sweet talk anymore! Only one of us can go back alive today. Let me see your true power!” A terrifying murderous aura radiated from Old Cowen, and the expanding storm-like power was on the verge of launching. Compared with the present, the power he showed in the secret vault in the palace before was only a breeze and drizzle.

“Then one last question, do you remember the betting agreement between us?”

“Of course!” Old Cowen sneered, “But you didn’t...”

Before he finished speaking, the sneer on Old Cowen’s face was fixated as he saw that the cloaked man took out a long package from behind. Then, he poured a bottle of blood on his hand and took out a sword from the package. He held it high, and it made a buzzing sound under the moonlight. It actually overwhelmed the sound of the fighting and explosions in the distance.

There was an unbelievable look on Old Cowen’s face. For him who had guarded this sword for hundreds of years, he could feel it in the first place. This is definitely the real Sword of Fallen Angel!

This is unbelievable. Just before I came out of the palace, I activated an emergency mechanism and sealed the secret vault together with Oliver. Even if 10 peak stages of the Demon Overlord join forces, they would not be able to forcibly destroy the completely sealed secret vault. How did this “Aguile” get the Sword of Fallen Angel?!

Chen Rui saw Old Cowen’s shock and sighed, “You still don’t understand? This is the will of the artifact!”

Old Cowen was taken aback: The artifact is able to choose the owner it recognized. This is true, but the artifact automatically passes through the secret vault... It’s unbelievable, but at present only this explanation can be justified. Otherwise, Aguile used 10 minutes to break through the sealed secret vault and steal the artifact in the palace guarded by Oliver? It doesn’t make sense!

“As a guardian, are you really going to violate the will of the artifact and the will of the empire?” Chen Rui shook his head, “Or you want to bet the future of the entire elder families and the empire on the usurper that is about to be annihilated by the will of the artifact? Sir should have heard that the capital coalition army has suffered setbacks frequently in the Dark Moon, so please continue to wait and see how the Dark Moon works miracles. The new ruler of the empire will be crowned with the blood of the traitor!”

Old Cowen’s murderous aura had gradually faded, so Chen Rui took the opportunity to add, “I don’t ask the elder families to take action against the Red Devil Legion, I just need them to stay out of the matter. As long as the elder families stay silent tonight, I can guarantee that I will never hurt anyone in the elder families.”

Old Cowen’s face looked uncertain. He was obviously hesitating. The betting agreement was actually just an excuse, but the current situation really made it difficult for him to make a decision.

“Sir Cowen can rest assured that I can swear in front of the supreme artifact that if the elder families can persist in protecting the artifact and guarding the empire, their status and interests will be preserved even after the establishment of a new order in the future! These words are not my fabrication out of thin air. It’s Princess Shea... or soon she will be called Her Majesty Shea’s promise!”

Old Cowen took a deep breath, and he finally made up his mind to speak, “Alright then, as a guardian, I can’t violate the will of the artifact. I will immediately go back to urgently summon all the elder families to stay out of this. I can even help you to persuade my old friend who guards the palace, but Princess Shea must remember the promise made in front of the artifact!”

Chen Rui’s eyes lit up and he nodded solemnly. Old Cowen promised not only to stay out, but he would also persuade Oliver. It was an absolute windfall. As for the artifact’s will... Chen Rui was really a little apologetic.

In fact, it was simple. The 2 star points of the [Star Gate], the secret vault of the Sword of Fallen Angel, and the secret place in the inner city. When both the guardians were led out, he just opened the door to take the Sword of Fallen Angel away, then he opened the door again and returned to the secret place in the inner city.

The star points of the White Feather Estate and the Dark Moon had been cancelled. Under the order of Sicali, the army at Town Iztar in the north of the estate was quickly dispatched to Town Kedonno in the south. At the same time, an elite group of the Warlock Fortress led by General George also came to the south.

The conflict caused by the looting had long been resolved. When Sicali led his army to Town Kedonno and began to march toward the capital, the lord’s mansion issued a notice signed by Sicali to the towns. After investigations, it was found that the major damage suffered by the 3 towns of Town Iztar was not caused by the Warlock Fortress’ General George. Instead, it was done by the capital’s Regent Obsidian to instigate hostility between the Warlock Fortress and the White Feather Estate.

After citing a series of charges against Obsidian, Sicali stated that the White Feather Estate would now respond to the call of the Dark Moon Princess Royal to resolutely overthrow the evil forces led by Obsidian. If it was another estate, even the Dark Moon, it would not be possible to deal with the capital with a single notice. Every effort must be made to mobilize and gather soldiers. However, the White Feather Estate was different. In order to obtain the faith power through the Wheel of Hera, the “predecessor” Sicali spared no effort to deceive the trust and sincerity of the people by various means. He changed the White Feather Estate residents to become fanatics. As long as Sicali said a word, even the capital would be condemned by the public.

Sicali reminded Chen Rui of the General of Heaven who led the Yellow Turban Rebellion at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. However, Chen Rui obviously robbed the fruits of labor from the great virtuous teacher of this world. The White Feather Estate, one of Obsidian’s subordinates initially, became the deadly knife that stabbed behind the old master.

“General, there are too many enemies. The soldiers are about to fall!”

“General Dayle was killed!”

“General Xiwen was killed!”

These bad news made Doren spit out a mouthful of blood, and several severe injuries on his body began to hurt. He was just barely supported by the Soul Shatter Greatsword. If it weren’t for his guards to rescue him, he would have died under George’s Lion Tooth Sword.

I thought I am already able to compete with this first general who always ranked above me because I have advanced a small realm to reach the peak stage of the Demon Emperor a while ago. I didn’t expect... George. Wales has already broken through to the Demon Overlord!

I am still inferior to him... Doren smiled miserably. What made him even more desperate was that he had sent dozens of soldiers to reach out to the imperial guards and the major families for help, but the palace and the elder families seemed to have vanished into thin air. Nothing has happened yet. Could it be...

“Fight to death!” Doren shouted as he held up the Soul Shatter. Unlike the elder families, since he chose Obsidian back then, there was no way to back out. A capricious villain would be despised by everyone.

He could only fight to death.

In front of the Dark Moon’s military tent, the Quqin music became clearer and more melodious; it was almost synchronized. In another exciting musical piece, the fire shone on the endless soldiers, the 2 blood-colored moons reflected by the pool of blood all over the ground, and tragic sounds of the greatsword clashing with the Lion Tooth Sword turned into lively musical notes, pushing the theme of blood and fire to the climax.

Note: Lion Tooth Sword is now capitalized

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