Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 537 - The Third Nocturne

Chapter 537: The Third Nocturne

Under the moonlight, the music gradually became inaudible.

Shea slowly opened her purple eyes and took a deep breath, “Isabella, the tune is very melodious.”

Isabella gently put down the Quqin from the veil, “The name of the song is “The End of the World”. When that man taught me, he said that even if the end of the world comes, he will be by my side.”

“Really?” The blonde princess smiled coldly, and the coldness in her eyes that had just been dissipated by the music began to freeze again. “Then you should also know that he said the same thing in my arms every time he spoke sweetly to you. “

The implication of this sentence was that she was just drinking the leftovers of soup. Isabella’s beautiful eyebrows subconsciously frowned. It seems that this Princess Royal Highness is not a fool. On the contrary, she understands much more than I expected.

Ms. Secret Intelligence turned her blue eyes and sighed, “How can I compare with the noble Princess Royal Highness? Princess Royal Highness is the winner regardless of whether it is a victory or defeat. At least, you can get the position of Queen Royal Highness.”

“There is only the princess who died in battle, there is no defeated queen alive.” A trace of determination flashed past Shea’s purple eyes, but she counterattacked her love rival without yielding in, “Speaking of life and death... Devil’s Snare Flower’s resurrection is the real good news for the capital’s enthusiastic bee and butterfly.”

In the mutual exchanges of sarcastic remarks, both women both seemed to have surging fighting spirits. Between the purple and blue eyes, there seemed to be intangible electric sparks making a buzzing sound.

“It’s so late already. If you don’t go to bed, you will have dark circles under your eyes. How can you seduce that man?” Isabella yawned and bowed slightly, “Then I will leave first, the spirited Princess Royal Highness. “

After that, she ignored Shea and left.


The footsteps of the person wrapped in the cloak stopped.

“The tune is very melodious.”

But Princess Royal Highness strongly added, “I will let that guy play it to me dozens of times a day.”

Behind the veil, the corners of the purple lips curled up slightly. She walked forward without turning back.

The sound of the music in front of the military tent was over. The capital’s musical piece was nearing its end. In the west of the Dark Moon, another nocturne was quietly kicking off.

It was common for a vast estate to have different weathers in different areas. There was no moonlight over the Xilang Mountain Range now, but dense dark clouds.

There was a faint flash of thunder in the dense clouds, occasionally breaking the darkness of the night, and rain dripped down in the cold wind.

Under the command of Gerant, an army of 5,000 men entered the Dark Moon border under the cover of night and rain.

This army were the elites that Gerant brought from Tekula Fortress, Saber-toothed Tiger Legion. In addition to their outstanding combat effectiveness, their strict obedience was even more important. They completely obeyed Gerant’s command. Sergey, the son of the second general Doren. Rus, was also among them.

Sergey originally held an important position in the Red Devil Legion, and reached Higher Demon at a young age. Because of Athena, he “mistakenly” killed the jealous Alan who was the son of the Financial Officer. He was dismissed from his position and sent to Tekula Fortress to become Gerant’s bodyguard. After Sergey came to Tekula Fortress, he started from scratch. Under painstaking training, he had reached the intermediate stage of Higher Demon. This time he went to the Dark Moon with the team, he was also determined to make a contribution and make a turnaround in this war. He never had the chance to participate in the battles previously. Now that he finally had a chance to perform, he was naturally high-spirited.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. Most of the rain in the Demon Realm was a bit acidic. Even if the body of the demons was stronger than the human, it was not suitable to be exposed to the rain for a long time. However, it had become the best cover for the Saber-toothed Tiger Legion who was about to ambush.

“After this hillside, the Walan Fortress is in front of you!” Gerant put away the glowing magic map and held the Netherblood Spear tightly. “Warriors of Saber-toothed Tiger Legion, the contribution of defeating the Dark Moon is right in front of our eyes! Give those enemies who are still sleeping a real nightmare! Before dawn, the flag of the Saber-toothed Tiger Legion will be planted at the top of Walan Fortress!”

Walan Fortress was a medium-sized fortress built on a mountain. It was built on the only main road to enter the Dark Moon. In front of it was an open space that narrowed down, and the terrain seemed to be a gradually shrinking pocket. This fortress was not built for a long time. Behind the fortress was the same newly-built Town Walan. Since the Dark Moon was fighting in the north and the enemy was the powerful capital coalition army, many Dark Moon City merchants had evacuated. Instead of leaving the Dark Moon completely, they moved to Town Walan with a wait-and-see attitude, which had accelerated the pace of development and construction of Town Walan. It had become one of the most important hubs for commerce in the west.

Across the hillside, Gerant wiped the rain off his face and looked at the fortress with soft lights in the distance. This time, we are really blessed by Demon God. Not only did the rainstorm weather cover our whereabouts well, but the Dark Moon’s horrifying magic crystal cannon will also be greatly weakened whether in terms of accuracy or power.

When Gerant pointed his Netherblood Spear, the 3,500 infantry tried their best to suppress their voices and sneaked toward the fortress while the cavalries carefully kept their distance and followed behind. Gerant was always vigilant about whether the opponent set ambushes. He was calculating the distance silently. When the army passed the effective range of the magic crystal cannon safely, only then he was relieved. He ordered the soldiers to speed up and prepare to assault the city.

At this moment, Gerant suddenly heard a strange continuous shooting sound in the rainstorm. A bad omen suddenly surged in his heart. He shouted, “Defend!”

Unfortunately, it was too late. When Gerant reacted, the unknown murderous intent had already penetrated the darkness and reached the infantry of the Saber-toothed Tiger Legion. Judging from the screams, at least 300 men were down.

Immediately afterward, the illumination light balls were thrown out by some kind of mechanical spring and scattered, illuminating the entire battlefield in front of the fortress suddenly. This was a magic item commonly used in night battles, and the light source could stay for a period of time.

Gerant’s heart was tight. The enemy is actually prepared to fight!

It seems that it was some kind of powerful arrows that killed my soldiers just now, but even the most powerful elf shooter in the human world could not reach this distance. The answer would be revealed immediately as the second round shooting from Walan Fortress had begun. This time, Gerant clearly saw the true face of the terrifying weapon.

These were giant spear-like “arrows”. The range, strength, and speed were extremely amazing. The shields of infantrymen were as fragile as a paper in front of these terrifying “arrows”. A soldier with a shield was pierced and nailed to the ground. Immediately, the spear burst open, bursting out countless small arrows. The nearby soldiers screamed, and many died instantly. It seemed that the bursting arrows were even poisonous.

What kind of weapon is this! It actually has such terrifying power! Gerant was shocked. A ballista? No, it is definitely not an ordinary ballista!

Due to the complexity of loading and slow speed, the ballista has gradually faded out of the battlefield and it has been replaced by the magic crystal cannon. The ballista-like weapon that appeared in the Walan Fortress now has exerted far more lethality than I imagined. It almost subverted the current ordnance common knowledge in the Demon Realm

Gerant’s face was already full of water drops which were not only rain, but also cold sweats: This kind of terrifying ballista has not actually been used in the previous battle with the capital coalition army! How many trump cards are the Dark Moon still hiding?

“Infantry, disperse! Cavalries, follow me!”

Although the ballista was powerful, it was not enough to affect Gerant’s determination to conquer Walan Fortress. He immediately issued the order. The cavalries quickly charged toward the fortress in another whistling sound. The time for ballista adjustment and launching was quite fast, but this time the casualties were smaller. There were not many direct hits, but the bursting poison arrows were still amazingly powerful. Many soldiers fell one after another.

They were closing the gap, and many arrows shot out from the fortress mixed in the heavy rain. From time to time, the cavalries and the rides collapsed. They were trampled over with their blood mixed in the rain. The cavalries shot back with crossbows, attracting a batch of arrows. The infantry followed closely.

Gerant’s deputy commander, Laktos, led in front of the troop. His long sword ignited a strong blue flame. As he was chanting spells loudly, a whirlwind rushed toward the fortress. The rain brought by the whirlwind became extremely cold. Many blown arrows froze into ice in the midair and fell to the ground one after another.

Due to the whirlwind, the walls of the fortress were actually frozen with a thick layer of ice, and many defending soldiers also turned into ice sculptures. If it was another world, the ice city would be more difficult for the attacker, but this place was a world with magic. After the storm, cloud ladders made of ice actually appeared in front of the city wall.

Laktos was a mutated bloodline dark elf who specialized in martial arts and magic. He was proficient in water and wind magic, and he possessed the strong power of the early stage of the Demon Emperor. The amazing effect was mainly due to the weather advantage of heavy rain. The infantry of the Saber-toothed Tiger Legion wore special gloves, and the soles of their boots also had facilitating features like spikes, which were prepared in advance for climbing the wall.

Unfortunately, before the Saber-toothed Tiger Legion’s infantry approached, those ice ladders began to melt quickly, turning into water pillars that splashed out. The water pillars seemed to be poisonous. The soldiers who were splashed emitted green smoke. The painful screams were endless.

Laktos frowned. The enemy that turned the ice ladder into poison is actually weak in casting magic, but his ability to control water elements is still above me. With such an enemy, it will be very difficult to climb the fortress by magic.

The mechanic spring of the ballista sounded again, and the soldiers of Saber-toothed Tiger Legion collapsed one after another. The terrain space that narrowed down as they got closer to the fortress was quite unfavorable for the offensive side.

A thought suddenly flashed through Gerant’s mind. The enemy’s defenses were extremely strict and highly effective as if they knew everything about the Saber-toothed Tiger Legion’s ambush plan, soldiers and strength. Could it be that...

Spy! Someone must have revealed all the information about the ambush to the enemy!

This is simply a pre-set trap! A trap waiting for the Saber-toothed Tiger Legion to plunge into!

Including myself, only 3 people know the overall plan. One is the Regent Obsidian, and the other... Gerant couldn’t help shudder. He no longer had the extravagant hope of conquering Walan Fortress anymore. Now, he just wanted to escape! Even if I am going to be condemned of the defeat, the most terrifying traitor must be exposed!

“Retreat! Retreat to Town Leia immediately!”

Just as Gerant quickly retreated with the remaining troops, a group of dark and dense figures suddenly appeared, blocking the way.

Under the illumination light ball, it could be seen that these enemies were tall and strong. They were wearing chain armor while holding heavy weapons such as axes, hammers, and flails in their hands. The most peculiar were the bull heads.

“Tauren!” Gerant was surprised. There are at least 2000 taurens which is equivalent to a large group. They never appeared here by chance. Besides medusas and the Wyvern Legion, does the Dark Moon also have a Tauren Legion?

Both taurens and medusas are highly intelligent demonic beasts which cannot be tamed like the wyvern. Even in the Fallen Angel Empire, there is no such special unit. I didn’t expect the Dark Moon to actually have it!

At this time, the door of Walan Fortress opened, and a large group of people charged out in a shout. They apparently wanted to encircle from both sides and wipe out the Saber-toothed Tiger Legion here.

Gerant’s heart sank, knowing that he was in a desperate situation. Once he raised the Netherblood Spear, he was shrouded in flames and turned into the battle form of great demon. He shouted, “Break through with all your strength!”

The cavalries raised their spears and charged toward the taurens who were blocking the way. All the taurens beat their chests and shouted. There was a kind of strange red halo under their feet as they walked toward the cavalries with deterrent steps.

The cavalry charging in the front was about to stab the enemy with a spear when a huge mace suddenly appeared on the top of his head with a “boom” sound. Before he had time to scream, he was smashed into a pile of mashed meat. A similar scene was staged in the next instant. These taurens’ combat power was amazingly powerful, and their equipment was incredibly sophisticated. When the cavalry used their horsepower to stab the spears, they actually couldn’t penetrate the silver chain armor of the taurens.

“Laktos! You try to break through! I’ll drag the enemy behind!” Gerant yelled, reined, and rushed toward the back with the cavalries.

“Understand!” Laktos jumped up from the mount and floated in the air. He pointed his long sword at the rainstorm sky, and there were several lightning bolts in the air which were attracted to the sword by a strange force. Laktos raised the long sword full of lightning, flew toward the tauren group and slashed it in the air.

All the taurens within about 20 meters only saw the blue electric light flickering, and they were all knocked off by the high-voltage current before they could resist. The super defensive chain armor became an excellent conductor of the lightning. The taurens, who were struck by lightning, fell to the ground. Their whole body trembled, and they lost their combat power. The taurens had magic resistance. If they were ordinary demons, they would have become coke.

Laktos succeeded in a hit and landed on the ground. He was about to cast the magic again, but he had an instinct of danger. He turned back and parried with his sword! Sparks were splashing everywhere, and he staggered back a few steps. Behind him was a tauren that was taller than the ordinary taurens. He was holding a large axe and a huge shield in his hand. Judging from the breath, he seemed to be the mutated chief of the early stage of the Demon Emperor.

Who is ambushing who now😏? According to the situation now, the capital had fallen, the ambush from the west had failed, only the battle on Obsidian’s side remains...

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