Chapter 535: A Song

“Princess Shea.”

A woman wearing a veil appeared next to Shea. Although she was wrapped in a cloak, her fiery figure was still inadvertently revealed.

“You have arrived.” Shea retracted her gaze that was looking up at the starry sky. “Obsidian has sent the letter of challenge, asking me to fight in the wilderness 3 days later. What do you think?”

“He is waiting.” The voice of the veiled woman was very certain. “The overall strength of the enemy is still above us, but because we have shown the strength beyond the enemy’s expectations previously, Obsidian’s mentality is shaken. So, he wants to wait for the internal clearance, wait for an ambush in the west, or something else. In short, he is waiting for the best time to launch the overall attack.”

Shea nodded, “We are also waiting.”

“Yes, we are not only waiting for the west, but also the north. I just got the news from the White Feather Estate that they are already under our control. According to the itinerary, the plan has already reached the capital step.”

“Very well, then we have a little more hope.” Shea’s spirits refreshed. A hint of surprise flashed past her purple eyes, and she recovered her calmness, “Anyway, the final battle 3 days later is the real key to the outcome. The enemy is so powerful that there is no room for a slight mistake on us.”

“Really?” The veiled woman showed a strange look, “Princess Royal Highness is really confusing. You are obviously very excited, but you showed a worrisome look. You obviously want to hear news about that person, but you are pretending like it’s not in your mind...”

Shea didn’t expect that the woman would say such bold words out of the blue. Her face suddenly became cold, revealing a brutal murderous aura without hiding.

The veiled woman caressed a strand of brown hair in front of her forehead nonchalantly, “I didn’t dare to take care of the private affairs of the noble Princess Royal Highness. However, Your Highness is clearly not confident about this battle at all and your mind is a mess, but you just pretend to be well-prepared and confident female military god. I’m afraid this kind of duplicity commander will harm those blindly loyal followers.”

If the previous murderous aura was just a breeze, it had now skyrocketed into a terrifying hurricane that was locking firmly on the veiled woman. The icy voice sounded, “What are you trying to say?”

The veiled woman’s demeanor suddenly changed as she greeted the murderous aura without showing weakness, “This kind of superficial composure can be seen by the generals and soldiers, but the most important thing is what do you see yourself? Nervous? Panic? Fear? Worry? There is no belief in winning! Our strength is already at a disadvantage. If such a commander is to command the battle 3 days later, the result will undoubtedly be a defeat. Am I wrong? Princess Royal Highness?”

Shea’s murderous aura gradually calmed down. Instead of looking at the veiled woman, she looked away.

“I’m not as good as the residents and soldiers imagined. I have only taken over the position of the lord from my dying father for 7 years. I have neither strong power nor excellent commanding ability and combat experience. Without him, the Dark Moon is still in a faltering situation. Because of the hard-won prosperity and strength of today, I’m nervous, worried, and afraid of losing. But this is a battle that must be faced, and I will not escape or give up anyway. “

“Is it just not giving up? I remember that Your Highness led the army to fight the Red Spirit Estate and the Blue Lava Estate’s coalition army on this battlefield, right?” The veiled woman smiled slightly, “Are you afraid at that time?”

“At that time...” Shea looked at the clear eyes of the veiled woman and seemed to understand something.

At that time, she arranged a back road for Alice, then she chased away the man with a scheme. She was completely fighting with the determination to die. There seemed to be no concept of “fear”.

Later, he appeared and miraculously turned the tide of the battle. She would never forget the figure of that rider rushing toward the Red Spirit Army alone.

“For Princess Royal.”

Shea’s eyes suddenly became blurry.

“My foolish woman.”

“Because I know that I need to do it.”

“We will win the final victory just as we will always be together as long as we have this belief. Do you have it?”

The past and the present began to overlap, and a little flame hidden in her heart began to burn and expand into a blazing fire that evaporated the faint mist of water in the purple eyes. The corners of her cold lips slightly rose. Facing the ambiguous shadow, she said softly, “Yes.”

After saying this word, Shea’s eyes became clearer. She met the veiled woman’s gaze without avoiding, but the veiled woman did not look at her anymore. Instead, she took out something.

A musical instrument, Quqin.

“It seems that Your Highness seems a little more spirited. Then, I, your subordinate, will work hard and play a little tune to refresh our Princess Royal.” There was a hint of provocation in the veiled woman’s green eyes, ” The tune he taught me.”

Hearing the last sentence, Shea’s firm gaze suddenly shot a fierce aura. It was not murderous, but a unique hostility between women.

Damn playboy!

“Achoo!” A guy far away in the capital was explaining the plan to several people around him with a solemn expression. Suddenly, he sneezed inexplicably, and the dignified atmosphere was suddenly destroyed.

Who misses me? Chen Rui rubbed his nose embarrassingly. He gave a few more instructions and looked at the timer, “Now, start acting right away!”

The surrounding black shadows all responded and quickly dispersed.

At the same time, the capital’s patrol team accidentally discovered a large number of troops in the northern suburbs. Judging from the label of the flags and armor, it was actually the army of the White Feather Estate. The White Feather Estate Lord Sicali was also in the army and was the commander of the army.

According to Sicali’s statement, he had urgent military affairs and needed to enter the capital.

The news surprised the patrol guards. Since it was a matter of military affairs, they didn’t dare to neglect. They immediately led Sicali and a cavalry of about 500 soldiers toward the north gate.

Seeing a group of dense cavalry approaching the city wall from a distance, the garrison guards at the north gate were like facing a great enemy. The guard commander, Simang, hurriedly ordered the soldiers to turn on the emergency defense magic circles, turn on the night war lighting equipment, and prepare to face the enemy.

The captain of the patrol guard hurried forward and explained the situation to Simang across the defense magic circles.

The army of the White Feather Estate? Simang was taken aback. His gaze turned to Sicali’s face who was surrounded by the cavalry under the light. His complexion became slightly sullen.

“General Simang, do you recognize me? We had a drink together at Leisure Moon Inn.” Sicali rode his mount forward.

“It is really White Feather Estate Lord Sir Sicali.” Simang bowed slightly, but he did not immediately open the defense magic circles.

“I really want to catch up with general, but now the military affairs are urgent. Please open the city gate and let my army pass, General Simang.”

Simang frowned and said, “Sir Sicali, what kind of military affairs requires all the White Feather Estate’s army to be dispatched... Why didn’t I receive the order from the Military Affairs Department? I’m sorry, this is my duty, so I must ask clearly .”

Sicali jumped off the horse, walked up alone, and said, “As the matter is confidential, it’s not convenient to talk about it here. Let’s open the protective magic circle first.”

Simang thought for a while and ordered the soldiers to open the protective magic circles. Sicali ordered the guards to stand by. He came all the way to Simang, clasped his shoulders, and familiarly brought him to a corner. He channeled his power to isolate from the outside sound.

“General Simang, we are also old friends. I wonder if you know the news of the regent’s coalition army’s crusade against the Dark Moon?”

Simang hesitated for a moment, then he nodded, “I heard some.”

“At first, General Nesta and the Magic Shadow Legion were forced to surrender to the enemy. General Samoer and the Nether Hydra Legion died in battle. Then, the coalition army attacked the Moonlight Fortress and lost their troops. Following that, Town Dico was ambushed. The 3 elite legions suffered heavy casualties. The whole Flying Cloud Legion was wiped out... The coalition army encounters a tough enemy this time.”

Simang was very clear about the matter of Nesta and Samoer. He also knew a little about the battle of the Moonlight Fortress. As for the battle of Town Dico, it was the first time he heard about it, so he couldn’t help but to gasp.

“Now that the battle situation is completely ruining Royal Highness Regent’s reputation. I received a secret order to lead the army south through the Red Spirit Estate, and then detour the Dark Shadow Empire’s Town Leia to ambush the western part of the Dark Moon.” Sicali mysteriously said, “This secret plan is critical to the entire Dark Moon’s crusade. The Royal Highness Regent has always been wary of the elder families. He does not want the elder families’ forces to know about this plan.”

Simang knew that the minister of military affairs was a member of the elder families, and the relationship between the elder families and the regent was in a very tense situation. He showed a knowing look.

“I know that general is a direct subordinate of General Doren who is not a member of the elder families. That’s why I disclosed so much. General must keep this a secret. If there is any accident in this secret plan, general will also be implicated, understand?”

Simang showed a wry smile of being involved. He nodded, “How about I report to General Doren at the barrack. After getting his order, I will let sir’s army enter the city. This is the rule. Please don’t make it difficult for me, sir.”

Sicali smiled slightly, patted him on the shoulder, and deactivated the soundproofing power, “It doesn’t matter. Thanks general for going personally. I’ll be waiting for you here.”

Not long after Simang left the city gate, he heard a loud noise suddenly coming from the city. He stopped a patrolling soldier and realized that there was a fire in the tavern area. Several adjacent houses were burned.

After walking for a while, news of fires and explosions came one after another not only in the outer city, but also in the inner city. Even General Doren’s mansion was not spared.

It’s nothing if it’s just a tavern. Now that so many places are on fire at the same time, someone must have deliberately set fire! Somehow, Simang had an ominous omen.

At this time, he felt a tremor from the ground. It seemed that there were thousands of troops and horses running. It was especially clear at night. Simang turned his head abruptly, and the source of the sound was the northern gate where he was stationed. His face suddenly became extremely pale.

At the north gate, groups of cavalries quickly rode past the corpses of the defending soldiers, and they rushed into the city quickly. It was followed by a huge army with an unknown number of soldiers.

Is this a distraction? Or is it an all out attack to take down the capital?

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