58 Being spied on.

Fortunately, for them, third official Liu was a businessman at heart and he loved money more than anything, as long as he was given a few benefits, he would definitely agree to take back the complaint. This was one of the reasons why the Liu family chose Liu Hui Ying as a candidate for the Empress position. Just like her father, she was a naive fool and did not think about things properly, which made it easier for the Liu family to control her.

” I will see what I can do,” said Yu Lingyun as he took a seat on the chair that was sitting in front of Zhai Tianyu’s table and then placed his hands on the surface of the table as he said, ” I have been keeping an eye on the Liu family for a few days, from what I have seen, the second brother of right prime minister Liu is moving a lot these days. Apparently, he is meeting with the Shen family’s head, what do you think they are planning by meeting the Shen family and that too so late at night?”

Zhai Tianyu paused for a while and placed his brush on the table as he raised his head and looked at Yu Lingyun and explained, ” What else? The Shen family’s daughter tried to scheme against their family daughter. Even if the Queen might be a replaceable chess piece, it’s only for the Liu family and no one else. Only the right prime minister can drag Liu Hui Ying down from the throne on which she is sitting in, if not him then the matter lies in the hand of the Empress Dowager.”

He picked up the brush and then started drawing something on the blank piece of paper. ” For the Shen family’s daughter to make a move against the Empress of their family, surely the Liu’s won’t be happy... most probably they are trying to get hold of something in return as compensation.”

” And this is the type of body that I like to sleep with,” said Zhai Tianyu suddenly as he turned the black page to Yu Lingyun that had a body of a voluptuous woman drawn on it just as the sliding door was pushed open and the eunuch in charge of his day time care walked in. “I am a bit disappointed that the Queen wasn’t up to the mark but there is no need to worry I will tell her my likes for the upcoming selection of the Concubines, surely the Queen will look for a ...” he waved his hands and made a vulgar gesture in the air before continuing with a smile. ” A decent woman who would be to my liking a little more.”

Yu Lingyun caught on and he hurriedly picked up the brush that was sitting next to Zhai Tianyu and then made the two balls even rounder on the stick figure and said, ” That’s not even good enough to grab... you need more meat only then would you like the feel of squeezing the doorway to heaven, do you understand your majesty?”

The eunuch responsible for cleaning the study hall of the emperor widened his eyes as he looked at the paper that had a stick figure with two balls drawn on it and then shook his head, why was it that Empress Dowager asked him to pay attention to her son?

Except for frolicking with that Concubine Ji and the rest of the Concubines what else did the Emperor even do? Was there even a need to worry about him?

While the two of them were talking about the figures and women, the eunuch cleaned the room and then walked out of the study silently. Zhai Tianyu carefully listened to the footsteps of the eunuch and only heaved a sigh of relief when he knew that the eunuch was gone far.


“How long do we have to go on like this?” Yu Lingyun asked as he crumpled the paper with the figure of a woman in front of him and then glared at the surface of the table. ” I am the General of the imperial army, with a good and handsome-looking build but no one in the Empire wants to marry me why? Because I am rumoured to be a perverted fool who sleeps with women every next hour! Heavens know that I have never even so much as touched a woman!”

” Were you not getting chummy with one of the maids of the Queen?” asked Zhai Tianyu as he ignored the question that Yu Lingyun has asked him, he too had no answer as to how long it was going to take. As far as he knew, as long as he did not get his hands on a piece of decent evidence that would lock the Liu family up in the prison, this game of cat and mouse will never stop.

Yu Lingyun rolled his eyes as he fake smiled at Zhai Tianyu. ” Haha, like you don’t know... the maid was all nice to me a few days ago but who knows what the Queen told her, she suddenly seem to have grown horns. Every time I get near her, she will hit me with those horns of hers. I tried to tell her that she was mistaking my intentions and even tried to get close to her but talking to that woman is like talking to a wall, she isn’t listening to half of the things that I am telling her.”

That was something that Zhai Tianyu could understand, he shot Yu Lingyun a sympathetic look and the man in question only rolled his eyes as he looked around and questioned, ” By the way, where is that shadow of yours? Your elder brother... I haven’t seen him, don’t tell me that he has rebelled against the group of us single bachelors and is going around meeting his lover? Oww–what the hell?”

Yu Lingyun was suddenly smacked on the back of his head, he turned to scold the person who hit him but then he caught sight of Zhai Heng’s cold gaze and swallowed his words back as he forced a smile and said, ” You are here, Brother Heng ?”

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