59 A home run

Zhai Heng ignored Yu Lingyun’s attempts to flattering him, instead, he turned to look at his younger brother and then said in an important voice, ” I have sent an imperial physician to the Grand Dowager Empress’s palace, he will be returning any time soon.” Zhai Heng paused and then asked, ” Why did you send the imperial physician to grandmother’s palace, is something the matter? Are you still suspecting that the Queen has done something wrong to grandmother?”

” Something along the lines,” Zhai Tianyu was indeed suspecting the Queen but he wasn’t suspicious of her harming his grandmother, he was suspicious of the words that she has told him last night, which was why he sent the imperial physician to the Heavenly blessing courtyard. He was sure that what the queen has told him was nothing but bullshit but when he was reminded of the three ghosts, he could not help but worry about whether or not the Queen was telling him the truth?

If he was to ignore her words and instead harmed his aunt and grandmother at the same time, he will never be able to forgive himself.

To make sure that everything was fine or not fine, Zhai Tianyu asked his brother to bring the imperial physician to their grandmother’s courtyard secretly. Given that both he and Zhai Heng were pretending to be vulgar and pedantic perverts.

” Did you tell the imperial physician what he should take care of ?” asked Zhai Tianyu, the last thing he wanted on his plate was the Liu family or his mother finding out that he was sending an imperial physician to treat his grandmother secretly when the Liu family very much wanted to see his grandmother dead.

Zhai Heng nodded and said, ” You do not need to worry about it, I have made sure that the imperial physician would not be caught by anyone.”

The life they all were currently living was full of dangers, even the smallest mistake could cause him and his brother their lives, in case they made a mistake.

” Your Majesty, the imperial physician is asking for a meeting, shall I allow him?” The guard outside the study shouted from the other side of the room and Zhai Tianyu nodded his head in reply.

Seeing his nod, Zhai Heng turned to look at the door and replied, ” Let the imperial physician inside!”


The guards slid the door open for the imperial physician and allowed him to enter. The imperial physician was in the middle of his thirties, his hair was still black and he looked rather active as he kneeled in front of Zhai Tianyu and greeted him politely, “It’s my esteem fortune that you called for me, your majesty!”

” You may rise,” Zhai Tianyu waved his hand and the imperial physician rose from the floor picking up his wooden box in which he carried all of his medical equipment. ” How is the Grand Dowager Empress doing? As far as I know, the last time you checked up on her, you said that she was doing all right.”

This was why he was suspicious of what Liu Hui Ying told him, his grandmother was completely fine a month ago, how come she would get so sick that she would be left with only a few months?

That was what Zhai Tianyu thought but then he noticed that the imperial physician seemed to be hesitating. His heart lurched as he exchanged a glance with his brother before asking, ” Zhen is asking something, why are you not paying attention to what Zhen has said? Answer Zhen, how is her majesty the grand Dowager Empress?”

The imperial physician dropped to his knees and immediately kowtowed as he rubbed his forehead on the hard floor and replied, ” Answering his majesty, the grand dowager empress seemed to have caught a chill. I don’t know when and how it happened but now the grand dowager Empress’s condition is really poor, I am afraid if she does not recover soon, then she won’t be able to survive this winter.”

A very peculiar scene happened in the afternoon at the Empress’s palace, the Emperor who only spent a few hours away from her came looking for the Queen in a hurry. The maids all looked at the Emperor who was opening one room after another of the Queen’s courtyard looking for the Empress, he was in such a hurry that he completely forgot to ask a maid whether or not the Queen was in the courtyard or not.

It was only when the Emperor was done looking at the last room that he turned to look at the maids, who were eyeing him curiously from the floor and asked, ” Where is the Queen?”

” H..Her majesty is at the Empress Dowager’s palace,” replied one of the maids and Zhai Tianyu’s expression turned grim.


” I heard that the Emperor spent the night at your palace yesterday?” asked an elderly woman who was pouring tea in the cup instead of asking her maid to do it for her.

Liu Hui Ying looked at the woman who was sitting in front dressed in pale white colour clothes with wooden jewellery adorning her hair, as she calmly raised her head to look at Liu Hui Ying.

” The late Emperor, he died years ago right?” Liu Hui Ying asked her ghosts, who immediately nodded their heads as Li Gang responded, ” I found out from the ghosts who roam around the palace, the Late Emperor passed away when the Emperor was only sixteen.”

It means that it has been more than ten years, so why was this woman still dressed up as a newly widowed woman?

” Hmm? Hui Ying, did you not hear my question?” Though Empress Dowager seemed to be smiling, Liu Hui Ying noticed the cold glint in her eyes. She shivered as she nodded her head and shyly responded, ” En.”

Only then did the Empress Dowager smile at her genuinely. “It’s a good thing that the Emperor has bestowed his grace on you... I just hope that you will live up to this grace.”

As she spoke the gaze of Empress Dowager dropped to Liu Hui Ying’s flat belly.

Fck! Do you think your son is some sort of ace striker? That he will score a home run in one ball? What exactly do you think can happen in just a night?

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