57 Pig blood.

Zhai Tianyu did not say anything about bringing gold and silver to her, instead, he took a pouch from his sleeves and threw it at Liu Hui Ying who caught it looking excited. ” What is this? Are you already paying me? I knew you were a smart man.”

But then her praise stopped as she tugged the pouch open and then looked down at the red and coppery-smelling liquid that was inside the pouch, stunned she looked up at Zhai Tianyu and asked, ” What is the meaning of this? Do you want me to spill your blood is that what are you asking me to do?”

” You will be having your virginity test tomorrow,” replied Zhai Tianyu as he pointed at the white sheets that Qui Ai and Nanny Gong has spread over her bed. ” Strictly speaking today was supposed to be our wedding night and with me coming here you will be tested. In case the sheets do not have drops of blood then you will be counted as impure.”

” And what about that?” Liu Hui Ying did not think that it was too big of a thing for her to fail the purity test.

” You will be sold to the brothel if you fail the test, my queen,” replied Zhai Tianyu with a smile and he was overjoyed when he saw Liu Hui Ying’s eyes widen as she stared at him in shock and surprise. ” In case you do not want that to happen make sure that you sprinkle some blood drops on the sheets, it will be too much of a shame if you sold off into a brothel.”

” What the fck!” Liu Hui Ying shouted in anger as she pointed her finger at Zhai Tianyu and said, ” What about you? What kind of test do you have to pass to sleep with me?”

Zhai Tianyu was heading out when he paused and then tilted his head back as he asked, ” Excuse me?”

” You have been excused,” said Liu Hui Ying as she waved her hand and repeated her question. ” Answer me, what about you? As my husband should you not be doing a test as well?”

” You seem to be confused, my Queen,” stated Zhai Tianyu as he crossed his arms behind his back and smiled at Liu Hui Ying. ” I am a man and the Emperor, do I need to pass a test? As the Emperor it’s my duty to give birth to as many kids as possible, so how is it possible for me to have—”


” Stop!” Liu Hui Ying raised her hand interrupting him looking sickened as she placed a hand on her chest and gagged. ” This world ..this horrible world, I have to get out of here as soon as I can.”

She paused and then turned to look at the Emperor who seemed to be amused by her actions before asking, ” Whose blood is this? Don’t tell me you have brought me the blood of a human or something.”

Zhai Tianyu saw that she was very casual with him, he was a bit uncomfortable with her calling him ‘you’ but he still shrugged it off and said, “It’s the blood of a pig.”

” A what?”

” A pig.”

There was silence in the room and then, ” You freaking jerk!”


Yu Lingyun tilted his head as he looked at Zhai Tianyu, he came looking for the Emperor because he wanted to discuss something with him but then he caught sight of the purplish bruise that was sticking out on Zhai Tianyu’s face and he asked, ” Did I not tell you to be careful with the Queen?”

” This wasn’t done by the Queen,” Zhai Tianyu helplessly replied as he embarrassingly touched the wound on his face and hissed. Last night, the Queen did attack him after he told her that he has brought the blood of a pig for dropping it on the sheets but he wasn’t a man who would let anyone attack him that easily.

He had dodged the attack of the queen but then his foot was caught up against the foot of the maid who was sleeping next to the door of the queen’s room. His sudden move caught the maid by surprise and she woke up in a daze, maybe it was him dropping on the floor in front of the maid or maybe it was the Queen’s scream but the maid ended up punching him in the face.

Zhai Tianyu never expected a small maid to have such a heavy hand but unfortunately for him, the Queen’s maid’s hands seemed to be made out of pure iron, with just one hit she caused his eye to turn purple.

The entire incident was so humiliating that he did not dare to tell anyone.

” You don’t have to lie,” Yu Lingyun sympathetically patted him on the shoulder and said with a heavy sigh, ” The queen is really strong and her temper is really fierce as well. I can already imagine her getting angry at you.”

Zhai Tianyu slapped Yu Lingyun’s hand off his shoulder and said, ” Why are you here? Didn’t I send you to keep an eye on the head of the Liu family?”

” I was keeping an eye on him but that man is really sharp, he did not go anywhere unexpected he stayed in the palace for the entire morning and then went to the Dowager’s Empress palace, most probably they are planning on how to deal with you and the grand dowager empress, after all, you even though they think that they have you under their control, they wouldn’t take the matter of you trying to kill their family’s empress that lightly but this is not why I am here,” Yu Lingyun looked around the room and then conspiratorially whispered, ” I heard that Third rank Official Liu will be submitting a memorandum against your actions in the court. Unexpectedly, he has gotten a few ministers to sign on the memorandum under the pretext that you are torturing his daughter.”

Zhai Tianyu’s face changed, he did not want to attract attention to the matter but because of concubine Shen being caught... his plan went downhill. ” Try to suppress it,” he said while tapping the back of his brush on the table. ” Ask third-rank official Liu to take his request back no matter what his condition might be.”

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