Child from the Dungeon

Chapter 138: Elven Meeting Part 1

Chapter 138: Elven Meeting Part 1

In some other place, far far away from Elysium Haven.

[ Hall of the Elves ]

[ Grand Elven Hall Section ]

The Grand Elven Hall Section, the Hall for a Meeting for every leader in every race in the Elven Realm. This hall is used in order for any important meetings of the Elven Elders.

" It seems the humans had already been chaotic due to our successful attack. "

" We've destroyed many of their Royal Houses and it seems many of our armies had returned safely without any repercussions whatsoever. "

" What a victory for us, don't you all think? " said the Chief of the Sea Elves as he tells the other Elven Elders that many of his armies had returned to their domain.

" Seriously, that's what you were proud about, Sea Elves Chief? " said the Flame Elves King as he makes a defensive gesture.

" Death of some meager Royal Houses? what an easy target you're kind were given. " the Flame King tells him.

" Your target is an easy target, unlike us, the Flame Elves, we had to deal with some enemy of the past, we just captured the descendant of our long past enemy while you Sea Elves just surfed around, using any huge amount of water nearby to do your dirty work. "

" You slippery little fishes! " the Flame King curses.

" What did you say to me, you lizard!? " said the Sea Elf Chief, angry at the Flame Elf King, mocking him as a lizard, insulting his elf's skin which mostly looked like a lizard, for its scales.

" Just because you Flame Elves are mostly descended from the Dragons, I'll assure you that we Sea Elves never fear your fire for a bit! NEVER! "

" Why you!? " the Flame King and the Sea Chief begin to unleash the magic blasts of their elemental magic, but before that.

" ENOUGH! " the Sky Elves says, using his Sky Wind Magic to push both Elven Elders away from clashing with each other.

" THIS IS A HOLY MEETING! BOTH OF YOU! " the Sky Elf Leader says to them, using Magic he wisely separated the two Elves from hurting each other which each of their elements.

" Damn you, Sky Elf Sage! " said the Sea Elf Chief to the Sky Elf Leader, the Grand Sage of the Sky Elves.

" Why can't you let us on proofing our points? isn't this the place where every Elven Leader reveal their thoughts to each other!? " the Sea Elf Chief asks the Sky Sage regarding his actions just now.

" That's right, Sky Elf Sage! you should've stayed passive and let us prove our points! "

" You passive jerk! " said the Flame Elf King, mocking the Sky Elf Sage for his pacifism.

" Oh Spirits, forgive our conflicts. " he prays in midst of the debate.

" Reall now, Sage!? you're praying to the Spirits instead of proofing yourself with pride!? "

" How shameful are your kind, Sky Elf!? "

" You think so merciful to everyone as you pray to the 'Spirits'!? " the Flame King shouts and the Sky Sage.

" One must respect the 'Ancient Spirits', for they're the ones who made us with their extinguishment... " Sky Sage humbly replied to the Flame King.

" Whatever, keep your 'Ancient Spirits' belief to yourself, for we Flame Elves only do what our Dragon Ancestors would've wanted, fiery spirits of conquest! " the Flame Elf King says, but before he can do anything, a plant bursts out from the ground as it binds him with a special kind of flame resistant thorned vines.

" One must not destroy the peaceful believes of the ancient Elves, Flame Chief... " a soothing voice comes out, it is the Forest Elf Queen, the Leader of the Forest Elves.

" My Queen... " the Sky Sage greets her.

" Sky Sage, I am honored that you managed to hold these two men off before my arrival. " the Forest Queen humbly bows to the elderly Sky Sage with respect.

" For if these two men really did use their magic here, only destruction will happen in this very beautiful place of our Elven history," she says as she gazes around and breathes the air in the Hall.

" This very hall is made by our ancestors after the perils of Ragnarok my dear comrades. "

" Look at this place, filled with Alvif Flowers*, decorated in every aspect of the hall made from golds and silvers of every mountain in our realms, gems crafted by the finest smiths in our history, paintings made by the finest artists of old, they all made this, just to represent our races, and also look at the calmness of the water here, my dear gentlemen. " The Forest Queen tells everything she likes in this place, the place so beautiful in every way.

" It is the calm unlike any other, a peaceful place in the Elves' history, the pinnacle of our race's culture. "

" How ungrateful if one of us, or some outsider had to destroy what we all have built after the destruction of Ragnarok! " the Forest Queen grips her hand, tightening her vines that not just grip the Flame King, but also the Water Chief.

" Forest Queen! " the two gentlemen says as the queen's plants begin to press them.

" Release them, dear Queen. " the Sky Sage humbly asks the Queen to give mercy to the two men which the Queen respectfully accepted with humble kindness.

" As you wish, great and peaceful elder," she says as she releases the two Elven Race Leaders they scoff on the ground.

" You two better be grateful to the Sky Sage here, the elder one's peaceful believe that you both hate is the one that had to save your skin. " the Forest Queen tells.

" Agreed, it did save us... " said the Sea Elf Chief as he stands up.

" So what if it did? " said the Flame Elf King. "

" Just because your plants, some of them, are invulnerable to flames, doesn't mean that I could have the chance to burn them just like any plants you see in every realm! " the Flame King still feels proud of himself, he rejects that the Sky Sage's mercy is the one that saved him and just think of it that it's just luck.

" Suit yourself, Flame King. " the Forest Queen says.

" I'm sorry for this Elf man's behavior elder, I should've made an example of him better. " the Forest Queen says to the Sky Sage.

" Please, do not exert too much violence, Forest Queen. "

" We all have done much violence just now in the human world, we mustn't do more even to our own race. " the Sky Sage says.

" Indeed, great Sage of the Skies. "

" No Elves should harm each other, especially in this very place! " a voice comes, with a hugely powerful presence making all the Elves react.

The Flame King, the Sea Chief, and the Forest Queen kneels while the Sky Sage simply bows to the Elf that just came.

" We greet you with honor, your Majesty, our Liege! "

" Master of the Elven Race and one who holds the fragment of the 'Last Light'. "

" Our Majesty, O Elf Emperor. " they all say at once as the Elf Emperor comes in with the skin that was so bright, courtesy of him having the 'Last Light'.

" Your majesty, we... "

" At ease, Sky Sage... "

" Please be lenient to yourself in your old age... "

" You can return to your seat, it is proper for your health. " the Elf Emperor says as he approaches the elderly Sky Sage and returns him back to his seat.

" Thank you, my Liege. " the Sky Sage humbly thanks the Emperor for his kindness over him.

Seeing it, the Flame Elf King begins to see it with rage in his deep heart, he clenched his fist.

" I see the Star Elf King isn't here... "

" Do you all know why he doesn't come to my summon? " the Elf Emperor asks.

" I heard that the Star Elf King is busy finding a replacement for his most trusted elite Soldier, my liege. " the Forest Queen informs.

" I heard that the Elite Captain, Rourka is defeated..., killed in battle. "

" By whom, I couldn't say for certain. "

" For my resources only managed to inform me those things before their existence can't be traced anymore. " the Forest Queen feels sad.

" I'm sorry Forest Queen... "

" It's my fault for revoking such a sad event. "

" Do not feel sorry Emperor, it's my- "

" It's alright, my dear Queen of the Elven Forest Region... " the Elf Emperor tells her.

" For every Elves death give me tears every time. "

" Our race all nearly vanished during the Fires of Ragnarok, in the Twilight of the Old Gods. "

" I... "

" I couldn't risk any Elf to die once again, every death of the Elves is my fault. " the emperor says, showing them a slight tear.

Seeing that, the Forest Queen bows even more, for she humbly asks for forgiveness and swears to the Emperor that she will make sure to help the Star Elf King to avenge the death of the Elite Star Captain, Rourka.

" I'm grateful, Forest Queen. "

" But please, let us start the meeting for now. "

" For the faster, we start, the faster things will progress to our very race. " the Elf Emperor tells them.



The Star Elf King is mentioned in Chapter 115: Draven's Official Debut To Society Part 2.

You might know him from Rourka at that time, that Star Elf Captain who fought Black Shadow Tania.

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