Chapter 137: Some Talk

( In the meantime... )

[ An unknown place, a place outside the grid. ]

" I see you're having trouble on maintaining your father-in-law's house as part of the family too, huh..., Duncan? " Black Merchant asks Duncan who visits him again.

He drinks his milk and gets drunk from it (what a loser, he should've gotten drunk from drinking beer, alcohol, wine, or whatever that makes one drunk in the first place, not some milk, like a little kiddo).

( But, it seems this must've been happening for Duncan actually was raised in an orphanage before his marriage, from his childhood to his teenage years, he's been accustomed and trained not to drink things that make one drunk, for Father Priest who owns the place will be mad. )

" Father Priest, I've failed you again, I'm- " Duncan says while vomiting the white liquid out of his mouth.

" Sheesh, Dunnie, you really are too pure, aren't you? " Black Merchant asks as he sees him vomit.

" What kind of an adult gets drunk and vomits after drinking a lot of milk, it's ridiculous...! " Black Merchant says to him.

" Well, Black Merchant..., you don't live in Orphanage! " Duncan tells him while finishing his vomit as the Black Merchant just sighs, watching his behavior for doing this at his own home.

" You know Elysium Haven's Orhpanages prohibited alcoholic drinks inside it, yes? "

" That's why I and the others in the Orphanage once buy some 'milk', a 'Magic Milk' as a replacement for alcohol (after all 'Magic Milk' is more affordable at that time)... " Duncan tells the merchant.

" Damn kid, what a Brokey you are back then..., I feel sympathetic for you. " Black Merchant wipes his tears, to hear such a sad background as he drinks his beer.

"( After this, I'm back to usual. )"

"( After all, beers are for this only day, once in a year *sigh* )" Black Merchant says as he then finishes his drink while helping Duncan recover to continue their talk.

( Moments later. )

" So, what actually bothers you, boy? " Black Merchant says to Duncan.

" Everything, Merchant... "

" You knew what my problem is... "

" Starting from the Guild's problems to Tenebrae's re-emergence, and now the Elves' Raid on us, especially to my wife's very Royal House. " Duncan sighs as he recounts things.

" Not just that, due to my operation with Irina on rescuing Hector, I had no choice but to leave the kids outside our care. " Duncan tells his problem.

" So, the kids are technically fine, right? "

" Where did you put them now? " Black Merchant asks.

" *Sigh* " Duncan reacted to it.

" Well you see..., "

" My daughter is in her grandmother's care, my mother-in-law decided to stay while her kids and I help rescue my father-in-law, the abducted old Hector. "

" As for my son... *sighs* " Duncan felt worried even more.

" Something's wrong? " Black Merchant asks.

" Well, regarding my son... "

" The thing is, I just get the news that his school was attacked, I also heard from the principal that he's in the hospital right now to receive some treatment. " Duncan was so worried about Donovan, he was frustrated when knowing that something bad had to happen to the boy while he had to be away.

Even now, he's actually relinquishing the stress he's having by coming into the Black Merchant's place, the place where he usually chills safely, without anyone seeing.

As he recounts the news he received, Black Merchant tries to understand for he knew that Duncan must not feel good right now, but still...

" An attack? Oh, that one... " Black Merchant says, acting like just finally getting what kind of event Duncan just mentioned.

" The Attack on the [Prodigal Academy], I heard that the Elven Attack was also stopped by some random 'hero' right? the one who saves that day... "

" What is his name again, Draven, was it? " Black Merchant asks.

" Yeah, I know him, we met when I was fighting Tenebrae*... "

" He came out of nowhere, helping both me and Agniz as Tenebrae was about to take our lives. "

" Understandable, hence why you knew that this 'Draven' guy does not responsible for your son's injuries, and instead you immediately realized that he was the one who helps." Black Merchant concludes.

" Of course, he is a talented one, for sure... "

" I hope my son, Donovan could meet him someday, it will be an experience for his upcoming Hunter Career Path. " Duncan tells the Merchant.

" I see, good then... " Black Merchant simply replies.

" Based on what you just said, that Donovan boy is quite unique after all... "

" What is his 'Magic Attribute'? "

" Water. "

" Water, huh? "

" Remind of old times, I used to know some kind of person who is slithering in using it, he use the water ability flows, making snake constructs with it, for snake and water are both slithery and slippery. " Black Merchant goes nostalgic.

" Yikes, snakes...! " Duncan says.

" Even as an S-Rank, I would never be alone fighting snake monsters... "

" Or even let my son create those 'snake constructs' with his Water Magic, it is a no-no...! " Duncan tells the Merchant.

" Suit yourself, after all, there are many Water Constructs that one could make with Water Magic, it can be done in many options. "

" Besides that, I hope your son Donovan is okay when all of you are gone. "

" Better be recovered ASAP, for kids like him need to get back to school... "

" Or else you have to pay again for its tuition, you know... "

" For the lack of absence can lead him to repeat his grade once more. " Black Merchant warns him.

" Do not worry Merchant, I will return to him after rescuing my father-in-law, need to be there for the kids, especially for this generation of kids. "

" They're too vulnerable for any machinations... " Duncan says as he packs the things he brings.

" Don't forget to bring what I gave you in the bag, put it inside your [Dimensional Pouch], and make sure it is still with you all the time, no breaks, no lost...! "

" Or I'll assure you that your head will be flat as tire. " Black Merchant warns Duncan.

" At ease, old man! I mean littl- "

" Shut the f*k up and leave if you're in hurry, Duncan! " Black Merchant interrupts before Duncan calls him little, due to his height and size.

" You already waste many time talking your thing with me here. " Merchant tells Duncan which he leaves using [Sonic Speed].

" That brat really never changed, didn't he? "

" Always such a loose cannon, he lives like a leaf, only follow where the wind blows. "

" It reminds me of that someone I knew, someone I used to work with. "

" *sigh* Guess the good old days had to let go, *sigh*, " Black Merchant says while having to clean what Duncan just let off.

" I hope his kids could stay in check, especially that Donovan kid he mentioned. " Black Merchant says while tidying up.

" That brat from the Dungeon is such a new variable, even I who knows something for long had no idea that things like him exist... "

" Even some of him that Duncan described sounds very familiar to me, but still... "

" Kids, they are unpredictable, aren't they? " Black Merchant says as he then left the room, shutting off his light.

" I'm going out, y'all better guard this place with great security... "

" Got it! " he leaves and closes the door.

Right after he closes the door, many pairs of white eyes begin to glow in the dark room, guarding what the Black Merchant stores within it.



The Black Merchant first appears in Chapter 101: Black Merchandise.

Including the white-eyed glow-in-the-dark creatures.

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