Child from the Dungeon

Chapter 139: Elven Meeting Part 2

Chapter 139: Elven Meeting Part 2

" My Liege! is it true!? " the Sky Sage shouts as he hears it from the Elf Emperor.

" How could you say that, didn't that will kill many of our kind!? " the Sky Sage panics as he hears this from the Emperor himself.

" Sky Sage! " the Flame King stands up from his seat.

" How dare you shout like that in this meeting, you- "

" Silence, Flame Elf King. " the Elf Emperor orders him calmly, which scares the Flame King, for the Elf Emperor specifically and directly uses the [Mana Pressure] just to him, personally.

" Kukkh! " the Flame King feels the pressure as he immediately sits back, falling to his seat like a toddler.

" Flame King... " the Elf Emperor says.

" I know you are loyal, to me, to our cause... " the emperor stares sharply at him while saying that.

" But you must realize that the Sky Sage is your elder, despite him always objecting to every plan that always does harm to others. "

" For 'he' is your 'elder', be respectful to him for without him, whether this affects you or not... "

" You won't exist right now if the Sky Sage wasn't this merciful. "

" Or 'weak', hence what you always called him from behind, I guess? " the Elf Emperor says to the Flame King, knowing everything behind every facade.

"( He knew? )" the Flame Elf King gulps while sitting on his chair.

" My Liege... " the Sky Elf Sage says which the Emperor permits him to continue.

" Please my Sage, tell me what you were going to say. "

" My Liege, I must tell you once more that we Sky Elves will always abolish any violence in the world, in any way. "

" For what you just said earlier, is very sinful to us. "

" It makes my old fragile heart almost break that you want to wage a war with the humans. " the Sky Sage says while giving the Emperor his bow of respect.

" Indeed, Sky Sage. "

" It is always in my intention that the humans we once allied with had cost us much damage. "

" By using our race's kindness to their filthy advantage, they sneaked through the gates and do their things in many of our domains, destroying the places there with their magic. "

" Even some of our local Elven Regional Leaders had to face them in combat, and some of them also get killed in the process. "

" Especially when fighting some of the humans' Royals. " the Elf Emperor mentions it, making the Elven Leader says feel angered, excluding the Sky Sage for he had no qualms with the humans, at all.

"( Oh my, the Elf Emperor is not having it... )"

"( 'Ancient Spirits', please help me on swaying the emperor's heart from unleashing more violence. )" the Sky Sage prays, for he knows that despite many of the human enemies that will die, more Elves will also die for fighting a hatred war, instead of advancing the Elven Race through peaceful innovation.

As the Sky Sage prays, the Elven Emperor had already hardened his heart to prepare his war against the humans, for he had already planned this in the meantime.

" Our race had been so threatened by the humans even before Ragnarok. "

" I've seen it since I was born at that much time before the twilight flames burn us all. "

" I've seen the greedy humans often destroy our Elvish Realms with their violent desires, they ravaged us all from our Utopia. " the Elven Emperor clenched his fists.

" I remembered it all, the humans' wicked behavior, the things they've done without remorse. "

" They've done it as if that is what the gods of old wanted from them as if those other than the human race are considered demons. "

"Those hypocrites of a race! " the Elf Emperor remembers the humans who once had destroyed his home, his realm.

He wants to avenge those humans, but many times, he failed to enact it as some humans were also not that wicked as they began to feel sorry for what their brethren had done to the Elves. Some of those humans begin to ally themselves with them, to pay for their other brethren's sins against the Elves, things were done great for some time, as the human-elf alliance was done harmoniously.

But then, the day came, for one of the Human Royal Families, part of the ones that allied themselves with the Elves, decided to steal some things from their race. Holy Artifacts of old, the Human Royal Family, decided to keep it from themselves and hide it in their domain while using the human-elf alliance treaty to make the Elves can't take it back what's theirs.

" I've had been so patient with the human, especially for their Royals in years of my long life! "

" For years, I knew some of them would listen to their good intentions and abandon their wickedness. "

" But in the end, human wickedness spreads to the purest of them, like a virus. "

" For now, all of the humans I've seen are none other than some wicked retards that deserved to die. " the Elf Emperor slams the round table of the meeting, making the other Elven Elders gulp.

" That's why, as your Emperor. "

" I've decided to finally abolish our treaty with the humans... "

" And just wipe them all out, to end their virus of wickedness. " the Elf Emperor says, for he also explains that some of the human's wicked cultures had also spread inside the Elven Realms, which he and many other higher-Elves decided to exterminate those alien toxic cultures of humanity from their kind, to maintain their purity once more.

" What did you say, My Liege!? " the Sea Chief asks, feeling angry.

" How dare those humans!? " he growls for he hears from the Emperor that some of his Sea Elves had used a human technology that instead polluted the seas, making him angrier when he hears it for any pollution in the seas will definitely trigger the wrath of a Sea Elf.

" I'll destroy that human corruption in my place! " he says in anger while the other Elven Leaders decided that they shouldn't hold back anymore and just get to the war already.


" Before that, before I wage the war... " the Elf Emperor says as he orders the Flame Elf King to bring him.

The Flame excuses himself and gets out for a sec, after some time, he returns and he brings a human back into the meeting.

" Who is that? " the Forest Elf Queen asks as she sees the weakened human.

" May I present you, the Current Head of the Richter Royal House. " the Flame Elf King says as he puts the human he brings into the center of the table.

" The Richter House's Head, Hector Richter! "

" Son of Rainard Richter*, the one who killed the Forest Elf King. " the Flame Elf King says, introducing Hector to the Elves.

" Rainard Richter? " the Forest Queen says as she looks at Hector.

" You're his, son!? " she says and stares as he sees Hector in front of her very eyes.



* Rainard Richter:

Hector Richter's father, Irina Richter's grandfather, means he's both Donovan and Adria's great-grandfather.

First appeared in the flashback of Chapter 107: Third Year Story Part 3

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