Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 349: Vornek Roosevelt: A Dragon With A Big Heart

Chapter 349: Vornek Roosevelt: A Dragon With A Big Heart

“The only good friend that I think you have is Vornek Roosevelt…” Commander Sigrid said as Zeras raised an eyebrow to that.

“Why did you say that…”

“It’s very hard for people to get real friends nowadays, Zeras. Your so-called friends are a prove of that. There are people who you call friends, who you waste time with but when you suddenly get rock-bottom, they all just ignore the call. I think the saying that it is when you’re at your down most moment is when you realize who is really the enemy and the real friends is a very good saying and it’s also a sad one…” Commander Sigrid said as Zeras simply looked into the distance.

What could he say in defense? They’ve sent the message to them for almost a week now and they all ignored it. They’re all so busy they have no time to reply to the message. Now that he was at his very lowest, none of his so-called friends bothered to call.

It seemed the system was right in the end. Really going around and making stupid friends was really a waste of time. He should really have devoted all his attention to just improving his strength.

“And Vornek was a true friend, Zeras. As he gave you this…” Commander Leviron said and a strange golden glass case appeared in his hands.

Immediately the glass appeared in the area, Zeras felt his own heart quake loudly in his chest as the illusion as if a dragon was roaring out loud echoed throughout the entire area shocking Zeras to feel his core shale within him.

But just as it came, the feeling disappeared and Commander Leviron placed the glass case on his palms. Zera’s eyes narrowed as he looked at the golden liquid in the box which seemed more of a golden teardrop.

And immediately, a golden notification panel appeared on his face…

[Host has come in contact with a Golden dragon’s Core tear.]

[Consuming would increase the Host’s life by an extra 20 years!] The system announced as Zera’s jaw almost dropped to the ground.

“This is a core tear given by Vornek to you. Let me tell you just how important this is to a dragon. This core tear is essentially half the total amount of life and potential a dragon possesses. It is half of the dragon’s entire existence.

If at his full potential, Vornek would be able to reach the peak galaxy rank stage and would live for a thousand years. With this tear core separated from him, he would only now be able to live 500 years and he would only reach the peak cosmic rank at max.

Do you now understand how valuable this is?”

Commander Sigrid said as Zeras stood there dumbly and looked dazedly at the golden core.

“Also, the Core tear of a dragon can never be extracted, even if the dragon was killed. It is simply impossible to extract manually. And you know well what happens if one forces a dragon. They will never agree and would even choose to detonate themselves rather than give you what you want. That is just how prideful they are. According to the EIA’s history, you’re the first person to be willingly given a dragon’s core tear. Even I was shocked and speechless when Vornek handed it to me. It was just unbelievable.” Commander Leviron said pure shock and amazement flashing in his eyes.

“But, why?” Zeras asked in shock as he looked at the dragon core tear in his palms. It was true that he and Vornek were friends. But it definitely wasn’t to a level where they would be willing to share half their remaining life and talent with the other.

So why did Vornek give him half of his own entire life? No matter how hard he thought about it, it just wasn’t worth it. It was sad to say, but Zeras himself genuinely felt he wasn’t worth the young man’s half-life.

“Don’t think too much about it. Dragons don’t think the same as we humans do. You might be thinking perhaps you’re not worthy of it but unknowingly whatever small thing you do might have unknowingly triggered Vornek more than you can ever imagine.” Commander Sigrid said.

“The last person we recorded with you is none other than Instructor Moneca. She had also heard of the news but unfortunately, Moneca is a rare breed and has been placed on house arrest or to be more exact EIA arrest. So, she can’t exit the EIA training base nor can she send any message outside of it.” Commander Sigrid said as Zeras raised an eyebrow.

He strangely wasn’t aware of that at all and thought Instructor Moneca was just another Instructor. Now he wasn’t so sure if she was just another instructor or not.

“That is, it for the people who you know…” Commander Sigrid said as Zeras gave a disappointed nod.

“With that out of the way. We want to say, Congratulations on your mission success Zeras. The operation was a successful one and the Mutant Organization has been wiped out from the face of this Earth. Only a single person is missing and that is the unknown base head. And we also have a question for you, Zeras. How did you get crippled?” Commander Leviron asked with a suspicious expression as Zeras wondered whether to even bother telling them.

It was kind of useless anyway, but he still chose to divulge it.

“The base head…” And Zeras went all to explain every single thing he knew about the man, including all his backstory and he noticed as he continued his story, there was a glint flashing in both Commander’s eyes.

5 minutes later…

“Huuuu. That is one heck of a disaster…” Commander Leviron said as he wiped off the perspiration on his forehead.

“But I would have to also call you on some things Zeras. The mission asked for you to stay hidden and out of view. The main focus was not to attract attention to yourself. And you did the exact opposite. You disobeyed the order. Why?”

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