Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 350: The Truth About The Five Monstrous Genius

Chapter 350: The Truth About The Five Monstrous Genius

The Truth About the Five Monstrous geniuses…

“A then very sound choice. I thought to myself that this was a new institute. I thought I would be able to finally go all out. Showcase my true talent. Test out my true limits, but in the end. What a stupid thing…” Zeras chuckled mockingly to himself thinking of how naïve he was when he entered the Mutant Organization.

He had thought he would finally be able to go all out. He could stop holding back and see the limit of his own capabilities. But what did that earn him. Getting caught and having his mana core devoured.

“Perhaps if you had chosen to remain low-key just as you have been ordered. You would have survived this encounter…” Commander Leviron said shaking his head helplessly.

“Yeah, perhaps…”

“Having your core ripped out of you alive! That Is really a next level pain. But you said your core was devoured and the base head’s cultivation increased…” Commander Leviron asked as Zeras nod his head.

“This might be more troublesome than we initially thought. Anyway, do you happen to know the name of the Base head…” Commander Sigrid suddenly asked Zeras replied.

“He said his name was Adrian. Adrian Belmer…”

“WHAT!!!?” Both Commanders jumped up to their feet as they looked at Zeras as if he was a ghost.

“Are you sure of what you’re saying?” Commandeer Leviron asked.

“I might have lost my mana core. But I don’t think I’ve lost my brain too…” Zeras replies without thinking too much about it. How could he have forgotten the name of the person who crippled him?”

“Tch, shit. This is all our fault…” Commander Sigrid said he his nails tore into his palms. Incredible amount of veins bulging all over his arms. While Commander Leviron’s hand held onto the bedsheet, his teeth clattering together as a thick vein popped on his head

“Oh? Do you both know him from somewhere?” Zeras asked with raised eyebrow as he looked at both Commander.

It took a minute but they both finally relaxed as they once again regained their calm personality…

“We don’t only know him. He was one of us! He was an EIA official, and one of the Five Monstrous Genius, just like your teacher, Moneca…” Commander Sigrid said as Zera’s eyebrows furrowed a little.

He had just been hearing Monstrous geniuses. He didn’t even understand what that was suppose to mean? Was It some sort of club or something.

“You don’t Know the Five Monstrous Geniuses?” Commander Leviron asked with raised eyebrow.

“No, I don’t…”

“Ahhh, that’s plausible. Since they’ve stayed out of view for a long time now, who knows how long it will take for people to recognize them once again.” Commander Leviron said clicking his tongue.

“The Five Monstrous Geniuses. They were a group of five, whose talents and craziness was at a level never before seen since the beginning of the EIA…”

“The fifth is a girl called Rihanna, who goes by the Pseudonym of the Uncaring Angel. The fourth is the limitless Transformation Clown, Yuno. The third is the Smiling Buddha, and the second is none other than Devilish Demon, Adrain Belmar. The one who we thought was died…”


“The Five Monstrous Geniuses were all very talented and strangely all very good friends too. And one day, they all committed a grave crime. The world powers wanted all of them dead, but how could the EIA sacrifice its own students.

So we simply told the world that they have nothing to worry about and they will never ever cause trouble again but contrary to what they thought.

We didn’t kill them, the EIA never kills its own students. But we can’t also let the world see them or we’ll face the wrath of all Earth’s forces so we simply decided one thing…” Commander Sigrid narrated.

“To imprison them. Although temporarily, and we locked all of them extremely far away from each other.”

“But there was one who managed to escape imprisonment. According to how we saw the scenes, it looked like he was attacked and we even saw his blood spilled. We thought one of the worl’s forces found him and killed him…”

“But never, never would he have thought he was the Base Head of the EIA’s number one headache…” Commander Sigrid said as he clenched his fist tightly.

“The countless deaths that have happened. The countless innocent that have been mercilessly slaughtered. It was all the handiwork if that Kid that we raised. He really has fallen on the demonic path. We should have simply kiled him then…” Commander Leviron said clicking his tongue.

“Tch, I’m sure we’ll find him soon. And when we do, hehe, he’ll go through hell and back…” Commander Sigrid said with with a very wide smile on his face that chilled Zera’s to his bones.

“You don’t know how this information has greatly benefited the EIA. Don’t worry, Zeras. He would be caught soon, and then sent to hell a moment later…” Commander Sigrid promised as Zera gave a fake smile in his face.

To be honest, did he care at all whether Adrain lived or died? Will that bring back his Mana core?

“Lastly, let us talk about the rewards….” Commander Sigrid said as Zera’s ears perked up.

The initial rewards that we had for you was to help you push your cultivation to the Early Cosmic Rank in a week. It would require massive amount of cultivation resources but we were willing to shoulder it.

“But now, I don’t think that is a reward at all Is it…” Commander Sigrid said as he turned to look at Zeras who had a blank expression on his face.

And Commander Leviron noticed a change in the young man before him. And that was his eery calm.

Most EIA officials would be incredibly nervous talking to them, but the young man was very calm.

And he also noticed, Zeras never said too much. He would only say simple single words and the remaining times he was simply silent. He also had less emotions on his face and always kept a dead-pan expression.

It was a qualitative change to the Zeras he remembered and knew.

“But the EIA can’t just ignore your deeds. So we’re going to give you an ultimate gift. Consider this a parting gift from the EIA for your good service…”

“And that gift is for you to make three reasonable choices. And the EIA would fulfill it, if it is well within its capabilities…”

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