Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 348: Retiring From The EIA.

Chapter 348: Retiring From The EIA.

Commander Sigrid mercilessly dropped the bomb as the entire place became dead silent.

Even Zeras himself found his heart violently thumping within his chest. It was close to impossible for someone like him to really accept death. And the mere mention of it almost made his spine collapse from their hold.

“But even more damaging is that the more intense the work you do, Zeras, the more your life quickly closes to an end. And if we had forcefully gone through with the Nanotechnology transplantation. Your life would decrease a lot and you would only have a single more year to live. It wasn’t worth it, so we canceled the operation…” Commander Sigrid said as Zeras took a deep breath in.

“So, I have to retire from the EIA?” Zeras asked as Commander Leviron looked to the side, while Commander Sigrid looked down on his feet as if an object was suddenly perching on it.

“That…That really ended fast…” Zeras mused to himself. He had thought he would go on to rise above the ranks in the EIA, till he reached a position equal to the commanders, but who would have thought he’ll have no choice but to retire?

Life really changed fast for him. From a person with very high potential and whose path to the moon is a sure thing to a person who has no choice but to stop. Life hit him really hard this time and the chance of him getting up was close to nil.

“Understand Zeras. Your retirement would pain us more than it would pain you. You had a potential that could rival all of the five monstrous geniuses, but even better is that you don’t have these strange quirks and most importantly is that you listen well to orders and ensure you complete the mission, irrespective of the risk. I don’t even think you consider the risk at all. Your bravery is commendable, Zeras…”

“Here, this is your letter of retirement. You only have three more years to live. The EIA cannot bring itself to still force you to work when you only have that much to live…” Commander Sigrid said as a white coloured sheet of paper appeared in his hands with a pen and he passed them to Zeras.

The words, LETTER OF RETIREMENT FROM THE EIA, could already be seen at its top, with the emblem of the EIA. And below the paper was where the place to put his signature could be seen.

“I…I…” He tried to say but no words came out of his mouth as his hands holding the pen twitched uncontrollably.

The EIA meant a lot to him. His entire life, he had been raised in an orphanage, which barely made him survive, and then he chanced upon the EIA. It was the place that showed him the difference between surviving and living. It was where he had grown more than he ever would, both in strength and even coming to find out more about his own origin.

He had grown to see things he never would have seen and experience life that just wasn’t normally ordained for a person like him. The EIA was basically everything he knew. It was the only thing he could fall on. The only thing he trusted would save his ass went things go down lane. But now, but now…




And the sheath of paper in his head was suddenly enveloped in small circular wet patches that continuously dripped down from Zera’s eyes.

And after a minute of the tears raining down on the sheath of paper, he forcefully got control of his twitching hands as he signed the paper.

Immediately he signed it, a brilliant rune flashed on the paper followed by a strange seal imprint appearing on it before suddenly it disappeared into thin air.

“You might have retired from the EIA, Zeras. But the EIA recognizes you as one of its own and will always…” Commander Leviron said holding on tight to his shoulder, unfortunately, the young man was in his own world already and he slowly released his grasp on him

“Are we in the EIA base…” Zeras suddenly asked as Commander Sigrid shook his head.

“One without Mana core cannot enter the EIA training base. It is a rule set up by the grand commanders, even we ourselves can’t break that rule or to better put it, we don’t dare….”

“But, the information on all your friends has been gathered and they have learned of your plight. According to our information, you only knew a total of five people in the EIA.

The first is Quinn Voidspace but we were unable to get to him. It was said that, after you had gone to the mission, Quinn had descended into close cultivation ever since never for once exiting nor attending class at all. He had simply locked himself away in the Mana Cultivation chamber and cultivated like a madman. As for the reason why, we don’t know too…” Commander Leviron said as Zera’s eyes narrowed.

He had truly noticed a strange anomaly in Quinn and that was his cultivation growing so rapidly but now he had even entered absolute cultivation. That was very strange for the jovial Quinn who would rather spend time eating, playing VR games, and learning about the various beautiful girls.

“Your second close friend is an elven name, Triton Elvianor. But he had strangely given no reply to the message for reasons unknown…” Commander Sigrid said.

“OH?” Zeras replied without saying anything more. He and Triton weren’t that close. However, Zeras would say that was the first friend that he had ever met. Their department wasn’t close too, so they don’t really chat much. Although, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of pain in his heart on hearing he didn’t reply.

“Your third friend is a human girl named Gaia Shiron. She had been sent the news, but there has been no reply, too…” Commander Leviron said with a dropped face, and he couldn’t help but look at Zeras, but noticed there was no reply from the young man nor any bodily change that he noticed at all. He just had a deadpan expression on his face.

“Your fourth friend is a male dragonnoid called Vornek Roosevelt. To me, he is your only true friend…”

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