Blue Phoenix

Chapter 619: Audience

Chapter 619: Audience

Hui Yue was staring at Huli in disbelief, and everyone else was doing the same. She had not masked her voice in any way, and the young master Fan Jian who previously had tried to take ownership of her suddenly shuddered. Had he just tried to make a pass on not just a beast owned by a direct descendant, but also this descendant’s woman?

His blood froze and his mouth opened as he wondered if he should once more run over to beg for forgiveness.

The others also felt astonished when they heard the words of the beast. She was attractive, strong, and dominating. Any man would want to marry and conquer a woman like her, but they had expected that she only followed this young man because of him being her master. Listening to her words, it sounded as if she wanted to marry him, but he was not willing!

"Such a good woman, she will indeed make a good daughter-in-law," Pei Ziqi nodded her head in agreement, and Hui Yue suddenly felt that he was being stared down from two sides.

While Pei Ziqi was talking, she was also somehow managing to tie up the shadowy figure and take him into custody. The law enforcer who had been there the entire time was stunned and at a loss for words.

He had seen everything happening in less than a breath's time, the arrival of the swift shadow, the transformation of Huli, the quick defeat, and the arrival of someone of a very high rank within the Celestial Sword Sect.

This law enforcer was unaware of who Pei Ziqi was, but he could guess from her appearance and aura that she was no ordinary person.

Huli looked at the law enforcer unsure of what to do. She had fought again right after being told not to... Was there going to be an even bigger fee this time she wondered, but the law enforcer shook his head and took a step forward.

"This was not a question about being insulted and holding your tongue but an actual attack. If you are attacked you are obviously allowed to retaliate; there is no fine for saving the life of one of our young masters from the inner sect!"

Huli nodded her head and looked relieved. She had feared that since it was the second offense, she would not get off lightly.

"You are currently a part of one of the guardian sects I assume?" Pei Ziqi asked after having secured the shadowy figure, and she looked happily at Huli with approving eyes.

"Brat, you really know how to pick them!" she said as she turned to Hui Yue and slapped his back, causing him to take a few steps forward and feel a bit sore. Those stronger experts did not know how to control their power at all!

"A lot has happened today, but nothing much has happened to us this month," Wei said with a low voice that only Hui Yue could hear. "We have lived a leisurely life training hard, and it seems that Deng Wu's talents are quite extraordinary!"

"Cai Jie, that other friend of yours, said he would be coming next month so maybe you should just return with this older woman to the sect for safety reasons. No need to worry about us; we will be fine!"

"Pei Yue you rascal!" Pei Ziqi suddenly called out as she stomped towards him. For a moment he feared that she had heard Wei refer to her as an older woman, but when she stood in front of him, her face was slightly red. She lowered her voice as she spoke, "I hear you have three women who you want to marry!" she said hurriedly.

"I hear that one of them is currently suffering, and you won’t take a wife before she is nourished back to full health, but this fox girl is not bad at all! Just become engaged with her so that she can move into the inner sect! It will benefit her cultivation greatly, and it will also help you to have her with you whenever you move somewhere!"

"It can be done like that?" Hui Yue was surprised. He did not know that a fiance would be allowed into the inner sect as well, and to him, it was no problem to become engaged to Huli. He was already aware that one day he would marry her, to be engaged to her would not cause any problems.

"Great!" Pei Ziqi was already certain that Hui Yue had no more arguments and she took Huli's hand.

Everything which was said had been spoken in low voices so the only ones involved could hear it, but even so, a huge group of experts were still surrounding Hui Yue and his friends.

"Let’s go," Wei said to Deng Wu, and the two were the first to leave. They knew that there would be no way to meet up with Hui Yue calmly after this attempted assassination.

As they left, Hui Yue noticed that Wei kept Deng Wu close to him. In case someone wanted to get revenge on his friends, Wei would now be able to react in time should another assassin appear.

Gratitude welled up in Hui Yue's heart as he saw his friends leave, but his heart quickly turned cold as he looked at the shadowy figure.

The figure was wrapped in Pei Ziqi's Ancestral Worldpower just like a cocoon, and it was impossible for him to break out.

"Well let’s return; Huli, follow us, I will personally introduce you to the elders and your father in law! If you manage to win them over, no one will stand in the way of your engagement!"

Huli was beaming. A great smile was playing on her lips as she hung on Hui Yue's arm, and she nodded her head repeatedly, "I will make them approve of me." She said decisively. Even if she had to show all the strength she had, she would make them acknowledge her!

As soon Hui Yue’s group had left, the crowd of onlookers and the young master also slowly spread out and returned to their own business. Although things returned to normal, the big topic of discussion in the City of Endless Clouds for the next few weeks ended up being Huli and her astonishing display of strength and speed.

Pei Ziqi did not return to the shadows, but they headed straight for the main mountain peak. She stopped just before entering the inner sect and sliced her thumb.

"Mix my blood with yours," Pei Ziqi said, and Huli also sliced her finger allowing for their blood to mix.

After this, she did the same with the prisoner that was trapped in her binding Ancestral Worldpower, so that she could bring him inside the sect.

"Now you can enter the sect with me," she said, and the three together flew directly for the main palace in the sect, the patriarch's residence.

"Pei Ziqi, Pei Yue, and Huli request an audience!" Pei Ziqi called out, and her voice reverberated throughout the entire inner sect causing every elder to hear it, and all of them hurried towards the main hall of the sect.

"Who is this Huli?" many elders asked amongst each other as they looked at Huli by Hui Yue's side, but after a few moments even more looked at the figure that was bound by Ancestral Worldpower. What on earth could have happened?

"Enter!" a voice boomed out as the doors opened, allowing for everyone to come in. Hui Yue, Pei Ziqi, Huli, and the person all flew inside closely followed by all the other elders, a few dao protectors, and the ancestors.

Many normal disciples of the sect had also gathered around the main hall. All of them were curious about what was going on, yet when the doors opened no one dared to enter. They all understood that this was not somewhere they could tread.

Hui Yue, Pei Ziqi, Huli, and the bound assassin were the first to arrive at the main hall where the patriarch was seated on the throne. The three of them landed elegantly on the floor while the last person, the prisoner, was thrown mercilessly on the ground.

"What has happened for you to bring two outsiders into the inner sect?" the patriarch asked with a grim voice. Bringing outsiders into the sect was only something that was done when someone was sure to die or join the family. This was quite a rare occurrence, and yet today two non-sect members were in his hall. One was bound, and one was walking freely. Was she going to join their sect? If so how would this happen?

"Esteemed elders, dao protectors, and my lord patriarch," Pei Ziqi greeted everyone present. As she greeted them, the ones she spoke of nodded back to her in response; even the patriarch showed his face. In the end, Pei Ziqi was not much weaker than him.

"Pei Yue ventured into the City of Endless Clouds today, and while there was an assassination attempt on his life! The assassin was no weakling, and by the time I arrived, I was incapable of protecting him in time as I was tailing him too far behind."

"Pei Yue, one of our most talented geniuses, was protected by his lover, Huli, who also happens to be incredibly strong and his contracted beast," Pei Ziqi found a blue memory stone, and she placed it on her forehead right between her eyes. It shone light blue before a big picture was projected into the middle of the room, displaying exactly what had happened from Pei Ziqi's point of view.

She had rushed into the city, and the moment she saw Hui Yue, she also saw the assassin that was rushing towards him at an insanely fast speed. Even though she gave it her all to catch up to the assassin, it was simply an impossible task for her. Everyone could see this clearly, but then in the next moment they saw that a massive black ninetailed fox appeared and crushed the assassin into the ground.

The strength and speed displayed by Huli shocked everyone present. Many were certain that this alluring woman was even stronger than them!

"You said that she is Pei Yue's lover?" the patriarch asked, but Hui Yue cleared his throat, "More like sweethearts." He said. He had, after all, not done anything to Huli that could make her his lover yet.

"And you brought her here to be Pei Yue's fiance?" the patriarch continued, and Pei Ziqi nodded her head.

"Having a fiance who is stronger than even some elders, I cannot see how anyone could reject her," she said straightforwardly. Although the faces of some elders turned dark at this comment, no one said anything against it.

"Pei Yue," the patriarch turned to look at Hui Yue. "This woman, do you wish to be engaged to her?"

Hui Yue did not hesitate and nodded his head, "I love Huli, and we will be married one day," he said honestly and squeezed Huli's hand which was in his own.

"I have nothing against her," the patriarch said with disinterest. "But she has to be able to pay a dowry to the sect. Pei Yue is one of our most talented experts, therefore, her dowry should also be equally astonishing if she wishes to be your first wife."

Hearing this, it was Huli's turn to squeeze Hui Yue's hand tight as she flicked other her hand. A massive leather bag appeared, and she threw it to the patriarch who caught it unprepared.

"What is this?" he asked alert. Huli just smiled sweetly, "I am pretty sure you will consider this a decent dowry," she said smiling mischievously.

Opening the bag, the eyes of the patriarch, which had seen the riches of the worlds time and time again, could not help go wide and his mouth dropped as he looked inside this very plain looking leather bag. After taking a second to gather himself, he sent Huli a strange glance.

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