Blue Phoenix

Chapter 618: Shadow Attack

Chapter 618: Shadow Attack

Hui Yue was about to step forward to speak with the law enforcer of the sect when Huli flickered her wrist, and a memory stone appeared in her hand.

Placing the memory stone between her eyebrows a gentle blue light shone from the stone as Huli recorded the memories of everything that had happened and then tossed the memory stone towards the law enforcer who caught it in the air.

He did not waste any time and placed it on his forehead; his brows frowned as soon as the memories flooded into his mind.

"They were indeed in the wrong," he said slowly. "But they were not so bad as to warrant their deaths," he continued, not completely sure how to deal with this situation.

It was clear that Huli was a monstrous beast with amazing strength. If she was so strong, then who was her master? Although it seemed that he was not as strong as Huli, it was clear that he was no ordinary person either. Looking at him, even now he was incredibly calm as he stared back at the law enforcer with his blue piercing eyes.

Clearing his throat, the law enforcer was about to speak when the young master who had been the subject of Huli's ridicule suddenly spoke up.

"Master Law Enforcer, I am Fan Jian! The young master of the Fan family who is the strongest family within the Gate of Revelation!"

Hui Yue raised his eyebrow slightly as he heard this. The Gate of Revelation was the second strongest guardian sect within the Celestial Sword Sect's World. The Gate of Revelation had always been one of the most loyal supporters of the Celestial Sword Sect and had followed them ever since the sect was first founded.

The Fan family was very well known, and to see one of the young masters of the Fan family act in such a disgraceful manner, Hui Yue was truly shocked.

"Young man, you seem to be the leader of this group," the law enforcer turned his focus on Hui Yue who nodded his head.

He could feel that all Huli's muscles were taut, and her body was ready to pounce at whoever said anything bad about Hui Yue, but he gently placed his hand on her shoulder and gave her a slight squeeze before he smiled at the law enforcer.

"Sorry, it seems that I failed to introduce myself," he said apologetically, and the law enforcer held his breath. He had a strange feeling that this young man was no ordinary person.

The law was that no matter who, fighting within the City of Endless Clouds was forbidden, but in reality, it depended on who you were and the situation. If a direct descendant of the Great Roc came and caused problems, they would usually leave it be after a small punishment. Right now the law enforcer needed to know who Hui Yue was to know what kind of punishment he should administer.

"My name is Pei Yue!" Hui Yue said with a voice filled with authority, "I am a third generation descendant of the Great Roc and the Second Judge of Hell!"

Every word he said caused the young master Fan Jian to shake in fear. When he heard the name Pei, he already knew that he was in way over his head and that it was impossible for him to get out of this unscathed. He had insulted a direct descendant and not just any descendant, but one of the third generation! It was akin to buying his own coffin!. If he had put Pei Yue in a bad mood just now, he would be dead for sure.

"I see, so you are an esteemed young master from the inner sect," the law enforcer had already guessed some of Hui YuUe's background, but he was still shocked when he heard that he was a third generation descendant.

It was not only Fan Jian and the law enforcer who were deeply shocked but also everyone else who had stopped and watch the situation. The actions of Huli caused many experts to stop in their tracks and observe what was happening, even more so when they saw a law enforcer take action.

It was human nature to want to see a scene, and now that one was happening in front of them, everyone was of course very curious.

Therefore when Hui Yue introduced himself, there was already a massive crowd that had formed, and the majority sucked in a breath of air when they heard his words.

Many of the people present were from the guardian sects who had been given time off and needed to do some shopping in the capital. These guardian sect members were all staring with wide eyes and felt as if they had just seen a hero descend from the heavens above.

Obviously, there were also many people who were not from the Celestial Sword Sect itself but were here for various missions, or who were just traveling. All of them knew that the Celestial Sword Sect controlled this world, and hearing what Hui Yue said, they understood that there was something outstanding about this young man.

"Young master Pei!" Fan Jian exclaimed frightened as he looked at Hui Yue with terror in his eyes. He was unsure what he should do first. Should he cling to Hui Yue's clothes and beg for forgiveness or should he bow so deeply that his face touched the ground in the hope that his sincerity could be seen?

"I did not know you were a member of the inner sect! I had eyes but could not see Mt. Tai! Please forgive this lowly one and I shall do my best to improve my shameful personality!"

The sudden change in Fan Jian's behavior shocked a few of the touring experts that had come to the Celestial Sword Sect's world, but the majority understood how much trouble this young master had brought on himself.

Although it was frowned upon to kill experts of the guardian sects as an inner sect disciple, it wasn’t unheard of. The guardian sects members’ understood this and knew that insulting such a highly ranked member of the main sect was just asking for a beating or worse. This time the young master from the Gate of Revelation had insulted Pei Yue far too much."

Hui Yue sighed. He had expected something similar when he introduced himself, but he was still quite shocked. He knelt down in front of the bowing expert and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I am sorry for my companion killing your friends," he said apologetically. He had not planned for them to die, but he knew that Huli had a weak spot when it came to him. Anyone who insulted him had to die. Anyone who might stand in the way of Hui Yue would be killed by her in a moment.

"Stand up and don't be like this, although you were in the wrong at the start our reaction was indeed over the top."

Hui Yue smiled gently at Fan Jian, and the young master was deeply shocked but also grateful from the depths of his heart.

Clearing his throat the law enforcer had considered leaving it at this, but he also knew that it was not acceptable to fight within the city, and the ones who had fought was not the celestial sword sect's direct descendant but his beast, therefore, he had to punish her.

Clearing his throat, the law enforcer spoke up, his forehead beading with sweat. He was not too happy with what he had to do, but it was something that had to be carried out, "The rules state that fighting within the City of Endless Clouds is forbidden. It is a fact that you have killed a group of experts, however, considering that they started, I will let you off with a fine and a warning."

"Don’t fight in the city again, and you will have to pay fifty thousand Worldpower Stones for each person your beast killed," the law enforcer continued. He hoped with all his heart that these experts had enough Worldpower Stones to pay. There were quite a few people who had died, so it really did add up to a few Worldpower Stones; however, there were no smaller fines, and thus he had to go with it.

Hui Yue had expected a much more severe punishment, but now he just had to pay some Worldpower Stones.

He flicked his hand and was about to retrieve some Worldpower Stones from within the Universe Box when Huli gently placed one of her hands on top of his and shook her head. She waved her own hand, and a bag appeared which she threw at the law enforcer.

"I killed them, and I can afford to pay the fine," she said proudly before she stopped paying attention to the law enforcer or anyone else for that matter. She once more wrapped her arms around Hui Yue's and nestled against his shoulder. When one looked at her, it was impossible to tell that she was a ticking time bomb.

Hui Yue did not want to linger in front of everyone and was about to leave when suddenly he felt a shadow rushing towards him. This shadow was many times faster than him; it was obvious that this person was at the Immortal of Creation rank, and not weak at all. He was unbelievably fast, and Hui Yue felt how his entire body was enveloped in an intense killing intent that was so strong that it had seemingly solidified. It felt as if Hui Yue had been thrown into a frozen sea.

He shivered and tried to gather his Ancestral Worldpower, but it felt as if every move he made was in slow motion while the man coming closer towards him was many times faster. Hui Yue could already now tell that he would not manage to defend in time.

Hui Yue was not the only one who noticed the danger, Wei and Huli's eyes glistened with hate and they both moved at the same time.

Wei strode forward, but he was too slow, and even he could see that he would not make it in time, but Huli was right by Hui Yue's side and her body enlarged, her entire being turned into a black Ninetailed Fox.

Her body was not in its usual small, cuddly form. Instead, she had become a massive beast a full twenty meters tall.

The moment her body transformed, Hui Yue was standing beneath her, and Huli growled protectively as the shadow which had advanced, swiftly retreated. But, his speed was too slow, and Huli's paw swiped out and smashed the shadow into the ground.

The entire area fell into silence. This was strength! The speed that this shadow had shown was so fast that it was impossible to see him move, but even so, Huli had managed to slap him down with a single swipe of her paw.

The hit sent tremors through the ground as the shadow's body dug out a deep hole in the road where he landed. Afterwards, Huli's body quickly returned to that of an alluring woman. Even so, she was not done, the power of the wind swirled around her, and as Ancestral Worldpower rotated in her body, and the aura she released was so overpowering that everyone was forced to hold their breath.

"Wait, miss," someone called out, and Huli, who had walked towards the collapsed shadow stopped for a moment and looked.

The one who had spoken was Pei Ziqi. She had just appeared from the shadows. Her face was slightly pale, and anger was visible on it.

She seemed to be seething, but it was clearly not against Huli but this unknown man.

"Leave him to me," she said with a frosty voice. "I want him dead as much as you do," she continued. "But I need him to tell me who hired him."

Huli was quiet for some time. Her inner self just wanted this man to die a terrible death as soon as possible, but she also understood that this would not stop the man behind the curtains from continuing to attack Hui Yue.

Instead, she turned and looked at Hui Yue with pleading eyes, "Marry me soon, so I can enter the sect with you and protect you!

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