Chapter 620: Dowry

The usual dowry from the woman's family to join the Celestial Sword Sect varied greatly on the strength of the woman joining. A woman such as Huli would actually not have to give a great dowry to be accepted because she was a genius in her own right, but taking Hui Yue's qualities into account, a dowry was definitely a requirement.

The patriarch had not mentioned the dowry to threaten Huli, but as a way to warn her that she had to provide some benefits to the sect for being allowed to be engaged to him. He had neither expected that she had already prepared such a thing nor that she would toss such great wealth at him so casually.

The patriarch of the Celestial Sword Sect had seen many treasures in his life. He was in no way poor, and he had access to all kind of materials at his beck and call. From this, one could see just how shocking a dowry he had been presented with.

Every elder within the hall was curious. Just what could be within the bag to cause such a reaction from the patriarch? Was it rare materials? Pills?Worldpower Stones?

It seemed that no matter what they thought of, such things shouldn’t be able to shock the patriarch, yet it was obvious to all that the patriarch was indeed very shocked from just one glance.

Finally, they could no longer hold in their curiosity, and an elder cleared his throat, "Excuse me, Lord Patriarch, will this young woman become our daughter-in-law?" he asked in a roundabout way.

Everyone knew that the patriarch had already accepted her when he accepted the leather bag, but for them to directly ask what it contained was something they couldn’t do.

"Miss Huli will have an official engagement ceremony with Pei Yue in a few days," the patriarch said as he slowly closed the leather bag and rose from the chair.

"Since Pei Yue is building a family he will be given a valley where Miss Huli can live. Pei Yue is to stay living together with his father; we cannot have the two of them sharing a home before they are married. If something should happen and the engagement breaks, then there is no way that we can accept them having a child with one another."

The patriarch was very strict when it came to the rule about no descendants being born outside of the sect, but he was already looking very favorably at Huli as he allowed her to live within the sect before they had even married.

"Pei Wu I will let you deal with the transfer of Huli from the guardian sect to the inner sect. I will also let you find a suitable valley. The valley should not be too small; I assume that our dear Pei Yue will bring other wives home with him eventually and his family will flourish. Might as well give him a decent sized valley from the start."

Pei Wu was the elder in charge of administrative tasks within the sect, and to be asked to take care of this personally, one could see just how important it was for the patriarch that the task was done correctly.

Another thing which pointed towards this dowry being insanely alluring was the fact that Huli was offered a decent size valley, even though it was only her living there for now.

The bigger the valley, the more respect the family gained from the other families. By giving her a decent sized valley, it was clear that he wanted to show that her rank was not low. This coupled with her cultivation base and the fact that she was the fiance of a third generation descendant of the Great Roc altogether would give her immense status in the sect.

"Well then, let’s get to it shall we?" the patriarch sighed as he waved his hand. A table which had been standing at the site suddenly flew in front of him. He placed it on the ground after which he placed the leather bag on top of it.

"I know you are all curious about this dowry, and I can say for certain that it is the most outstanding dowry we have ever seen before."

The patriarch reached into the bag and took out around ten thousand small stones. These stones were all dark blue with what seemed to be a black mist within them.

"There are ten thousand soul stones!" he started, and everyone sucked in a cold breath of air. The only ones who were not impressed were Hui Yue and Huli.

Hui Yue was unimpressed because he had no idea what soul stones were, but even if he did, he knew Huli. She would never give away much of her wealth. If she had given away ten thousand, it meant she had at least a million.

The next thing he took out were jade vials, and as he opened them, medicinal pills fell out. The Alchemist God had crafted all of them, they knew this because his symbol had been placed on them to prove their origin.

When they saw this, the ones who had already been shocked, now had their eyes popping out of their heads. Their hearts leaped in their chest, and all of them were gobsmacked unable to say anything. There were at least a thousand pills created by the Alchemist God on the table!

One had to know that just one pill created by the Alchemist God was incredibly rare, but having a thousand of them in one go was the same as if meat pies were falling from the sky.

As if this were not enough, the patriarch reached into the bag once more and took out three scrolls. These scrolls each contained an Ancestral Worldpower Skill.

Each of these three things were already more than plenty to marry into the sect. The Celestial Sword Sect would even marry a cripple into the family for just one of these three, but here Huli was, giving all three to be allowed to marry Hui Yue.

"You said my dowry had to suit his talent, so honestly I feel that it is still somewhat lacking, but it is all I could take out," Huli said apologetically, but Hui Yue knew she was bluffing.

Everyone had already gone numb to the surprises brought by Huli, and no one, not even the ones who opposed Hui Yue, wanted to oppose this marriage. Getting all of these things from the dowry would be of enormous benefit to the sect.

Having so many pills created by the Alchemist God meant that this young woman had some sort of connection with him even though he had gone missing for many years and no one knew if he was still alive. If he had a relationship with this woman, this would be an amazing chance!

No matter how they looked at it, having Hui Yue marry Huli was of great benefit to the Celestial Sword Sect, and every elder gave their blessing. Many even placed Huli in the same position as Hui Yue in their hearts. She was stronger than him and had many redeeming qualities. She had brought so much wealth to their sect for something as little as a marriage, and she even brought connections that they could benefit from later on.

"Everyone, we seem to have reached an agreement. We are done for the day. Miss Huli follow Elder Pei Wu to be settled in the inner sect and Pei Yue you can follow along. Dear brother, you better prepare an engagement ceremony, your only son is getting engaged! I expect it to be grand!"

Hearing his words everyone knew that it was a dismissal, so they started flooding out of the hall, back into the sect. The patriarch had not told them not to talk about the dowry given by Huli, and thus everyone was discussing it with traces of shock in their voices.

Hui Yue and Huli found elder Pei Wu who was supposed to deal with settling Huli in the sect.

Huli held Hui Yue's hand as they moved. She was not nestled against his side as she usually did, but she still refused to let go of him completely.

Outside of the main hall, many disciples of the Celestial Sword Sect's inner sect had gathered in curiosity wondering what had happened inside. They had heard the name of someone unfamiliar being introduced, and whenever someone unfamiliar was brought into the family, it meant changes to the entire sect.

Everyone noticed Hui Yue straight away. He was a shooting star within the sect, and everyone would notice him wherever he went with his dazzling appearance. Now they noticed that someone was holding his hand, and this someone was an otherworldly beauty.

She was not a pure fairy-like beauty, but instead a mature, alluring beauty which would make men go wild for her and women jealous. She had an aura of power about her, and everyone, men and women alike, were stunned the moment they saw her.

This woman clearly had some connection with Hui Yue, but these inner sect disciples had a poor relationship with Hui Yue. They had no way of asking who she was. Instead, they all made a mental note to ask their elders a few questions about her.

Hui Yue and Huli paid no attention to the many stares they were receiving. They simply followed Pei Wu to the administrative building where he quickly wrote a letter. In it, he explained that Huli was to be engaged with a member of the Celestial Sword Sect's inner sect and that she was moving to the inner sect. He quickly sealed the letter then found a clerk telling him to hand it to the leader of the guardian sect that Huli had belonged to.

Having finished notifying them, the elder quickly found a map and started looking through the many valleys that were located within the inner sect’s mountain range. He found many smaller ones on the outskirts, but he had understood the patriarch's message and quickly skipped past them.

"We do not have any medium-sized valleys available, but we do have a central valley that is quite decently sized available. It used to belong to a family of the fifth generation, but his entire lineage has thinned so much that they had to migrate to a smaller valley not long ago."

Personally, this elder felt that it was a waste to give such a large valley to one person, and even Huli and Hui Yue thought the same, but no one said anything. The patriarch had made his decision, and the rest of them wanted to keep the peace, so they just followed his orders.

"This valley will belong to the family of Pei Yue, third generation descendant of the Great Roc. Father Pei Tian, mother unknown."

The elder was speaking out loud while he wrote on a piece of paper which he placed on the map. Sighing, he felt relief for finally having finished the task he was entrusted with by the patriarch, and he found another clerk who could lead them towards their new valley.

"In the future, I will have to enter the Formation Palace again. I need to become a strong formation apprentice before it is time for the Formation Master’s debate. Feel free to do whatever you want in the meantime, just don't cause trouble," Hui Yue smiled, but Huli shook her head. "I'll accompany you," She said decisively with a smile. She had finally gotten into the sect; there was no way she was going to leave Hui Yue's side.

As Hui Yue and Huli entered the valley, rumors of Huli and Hui Yue's engagement spread through the sect like wildfire, and at the same time, people seemed to understand that her dowry was special.

Everyone was shocked that Hui Yue, the young genius, was suddenly engaged, but even more so when they heard that Huli had given over the biggest dowry the Celestial Sword Sect had ever seen. Even more astonishing was when they were told which valley Hui Yue and his fiance had been given. Lastly, when most saw Huli and her strength, everyone was simply numb. This was all too much. She was simply too much of an alluring beauty and too powerful!

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