“There it is,” Kallistus Kal whispered as he eyed the city in the distance.

It was a sight that the [Hero King] had only seen once before. Back when he had first just formed the Kingdom of Kal— when he had emerged victorious over the Crather Kingdom from the remnants of the Morius Empire that summoned him.

At the time, Kallistus Kal had made many enemies, and most of the world thought that the Kingdom of Kal would fall. So nobody truly thought of his nation as a threat. And he took advantage of that.

He would offer the greatest powers in the continent of Laxo great deals which benefited them in exchange for a non-aggression pact. A mutually beneficial alliance, as the [Hero King] had framed it.

But the greedy leaders of these powerful countries thought it was only beneficial for them. After all, the Kingdom of Kal would soon fall. So they could just exploit the [Hero King].

Even the so-called benevolent King Jalen of the Astrad Kingdom seemed to think that way. He refused to accept a non-aggression pact until the terms proved to be favorable to him.

Kallistus Kal remembered telling himself that he would make King Jalen pay for such arrogance and callousness. And the hatred boiled and stewed in the [Hero King]’s heart for years. That was why he sallied forth now.

“Not for the Sect of Abyssal Thorns, and not for the Fal-Deus…” Kallistus Kal spoke softly under his breath. “I am doing this for myself.”

Once he was finished with the Astrad Kingdom, he would be granted even more power from the Void. When that happened, he would destroy the Sect of the Abyssal Thorns too. After that, he would finally leave this world.

He would finally return to where he belonged.

Behind the [Hero King], a voice spoke up. “So this is the Dome Of The Sentinels.”

Glancing back, Kallistus Kal saw Melissa standing there. She was the highest-leveled [Mage] in the Kingdom of Kal. An [Archmage] that was over Level 60. One of the [Hero King]’s most trusted subordinates.

At the very least, within the Kingdom of Kal.

Her long red hair whipped behind her back as she eyed the magical barrier protecting the city of Astral. And she shook her head.

“A grand spell that has existed for over a millennia, protecting the Astrad Kingdom from ever falling. According to legends, it has even withstood the siege of No’tika the Barbarian Lich King.”

Melissa spoke almost in awe. And Kallistus Kal shook his head. Drawing back, he marched back to his army that was amassed right behind him. A million soldiers stood there, waiting for his command.

Stolen novel; please report.

“And yet, the Dome Of The Sentinels will fall by my hands,” the [Hero King] said dismissively.

He turned to a group of nearby horsemen as he barked an order.

“We shall make camp for the night. And at dawn, we shall begin our siege and put an end to this war once and for all.”


“The Astrad Kingdom will fall.”

Justyn delivered the news as casually as he strode out of the kitchen. Everyone standing in the common room of the restaurant stared at him in silence. Nobody said a word. Not the [Druid], not the elf who was fiddling with some arrows in the corner of the room, not the bartender who was standing at the back, and not even the chicken made a sound.

Amelia stood there as she processed what the former [Receptionist] had to say. The expression on her face was unreadable— as per usual. Normally, it would be frustrating to see. But Justyn was used to it by now.

Because he knew Amelia. He knew better than to be surprised by her.

He had seen her feats and he knew what she was capable of. The only thing she did that had surprised him recently was finding out that Guildmaster Evan was saved. And even that wasn’t that shocking. The part which actually struck the [Receptionist] was knowing that he wasted his time.

That Justyn had labored so hard for no reason.

Back when he heard that, he passed out. But it wasn’t just the whiplash of finding out his efforts were wasted. It was also partly because he had been so utterly exhausted, he just needed to rest.

And since then, his days had been a daze. Until he heard the news from Harlan— when he was told that the [Hero King] Kallistus Kal had finally arrived at the city of Astra. That soon, the Kingdom of Kal would fall.

So Justyn sought out the only person who could put a halt to this. The only person in the world who broke logic enough times that it was possible for her to put an end to the war.

Amelia the Unranked Adventurer.

“Only you can stop this, Amelia,” Justyn said as he met her gaze. “If the Astrad Kingdom falls, then millions will suffer under the [Hero King]’s rule. And it is not just that—”

The [Receptionist] started. But Amelia sighed as she drew back.

“Don’t even start, Justyn,” she cut him off.

Justyn blinked, before narrowing his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“I mean that I am not going to do shit about the [Hero King]. Seriously, this is not the first time I’ve been approached to deal with him. And my answer still remains the same.” Amelia shook her head as she glanced around the room.

“That is…?” Justyn asked with a frown.

“No, I will not kill the [Hero King] or put an end to this war,” Amelia said simply. “I am not concerned with this war, nor am I concerned with its outcome.”

Justyn’s brows snapped together when he heard that. That was incredibly unreasonable. He glanced around the room, looking for anyone to protest what she just said— but all he found were averted gazes.

Even Harlan, who was standing by the kitchen, looked away.

“You can’t be serious, right?” Justyn said, gesturing at his surroundings. “This war could impact you— the [Hero King] is after your life, remember?”

“Yeah, well, if he wants to come after me, he can come after me,” Amelia replied as she waved a hand dismissively. “But until that happens, I don’t care.”

Justyn hesitated when he heard that. He didn’t expect this conversation to play out this way. He thought that Amelia would save the day. Like she did with the Goblin Lord back in Windrip. However, Amelia didn’t seem like she could be convinced in the slightest.

And the [Receptionist] didn’t know what to do.

His shoulders sagged as he tried to find his voice. “But… if you won’t stop the [Hero King]... then who will?”

It was a question Justyn was asking nobody in particular. In fact, he was asking himself the question more than anyone else. Because the [Receptionist] always thought that if the worst came to worst, Amelia would intervene.

But if she wouldn’t… what was going to happen now?

And as Justyn stood there, dumbfounded, a figure stepped forward from behind.

“I can help,” Arthur said as he nodded seriously at the [Receptionist]. “What’s the plan?”

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