As I had said, it took me under a minute to finish relocating the hive of the baby bastion bees to the inside of Bucky’s Out of this World Restaurant. Ever since Grat-ra’zun had expanded the interior of the main dining room of the restaurant, there was a lot of excess space, since Edlyn and I couldn’t possibly cook enough to serve so many people during rush hour.

Because of that, much of the vast hall was never used. The seats left unfilled, except for the closest half towards the kitchen. I always thought that made the place look rather dull. Which was why I also thought it was a good idea to bring the hive of the baby bastion bees in here, to spice up the decoration quite a bit.

So I set up their brand new hive towards the center side of the main dining room. It had a direct view of the kitchen, which allowed the baby bastion bees to peek out and see what I was doing at any time.

I dusted my hands off, admiring my work. I thought I really did a good job. But Dorien walked up next to me as he scratched the back of his head.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” he asked hesitantly.

I glanced back at him, then I looked towards the baby bastion bees and Bucky who were standing up ahead and inspecting the side of the rebuilt hive.

“Why wouldn’t this be a good idea?” I replied simply.

Dorien shook his head. “Won’t your customers scare the baby bastion bees? And wouldn’t they scare your customers? This seems like a recipe for disaster.”

“Fortunately for me, I am a chef. So I know a thing or two about recipes. Let me cook, alright?” I said, waving my hand off as I still eyed the baby bastion bees up ahead.

My plane was simple, and twofold. Not only would I get the people of Wolfwater to acclimate to the baby bastion bees, thus turning them to another attraction for my restaurant— I was also going to give the baby bastion bees some exposure therapy to other humans.

Surely they would eventually acclimate to this environment, especially since they were still babies. So they could definitely get used to it over time.

…I hoped.

And as my thoughts trailed off, the baby bastion bees approached me, led by their queen. I noticed Bucky trailing after them, looking annoyed as she clucked quietly to herself. It looks like they got into an argument. I wonder what about?

Well, I didn’t have to wonder much. It was probably about me. Which— fair enough. Bucky might have been my mascot, however she didn’t have the highest opinion of me either. And that was the intention on my end.

I wasn’t a hero or whatever. There was no reason for me to go out of my way to earn the respect of others. Even with the little responsibility I had, I tried my best to use it to my advantage. That way, I wasn’t just being ‘heroic’.

I eyed the baby queen bastion bee as she flitted forward up to me, and I raised my open palm. She landed there as her wings fluttered gently. Her large bulbous eyes peered into me, and I could see the reflection of myself there.

I tilted my head, seeing her twitch her antennae at me. It almost looked like she was trying to say something. I heard a soft clicking that came repetitively, but I didn’t understand what she was saying.

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However, Bucky and Dorien did. The chicken immediately started clucking, showing her dissatisfaction with what the baby queen bastion bee was saying. I looked towards the [Druid] for translation, and he pursed his lips.

“She’s asking you if she can trust you,” Dorien said. Then he looked down, facing Bucky who was clucking to the side. “And the chicken is saying that you can’t be trusted.”

“Of course.” I rolled my eyes at Bucky, before looking towards the baby queen bastion bee. I opened my mouth. “I—”

And I caught myself. The baby queen bastion bee cocked her head, staring at me intently as I remained in thought for a second.

“You know, I just realized I still haven’t given you a name,” I whispered softly.

The baby queen bastion bee stared at me curiously. Bucky paused when she heard that. And Dorien frowned.

The swarm of buzzing bastion bees surrounded me, and I sighed.

“I don’t know if I can trust myself either. So I can’t guarantee that you can trust me.” I spoke simply as I lowered my head.

Hearing that, the baby queen bastion bee almost seemed to deflate.

“However, your mother did trust me. And whether or not that trust in me was misplaced— I do not know for certain. After all, I don’t even know what she saw in me.” I closed my eyes as I spoke, and the swarm of bastion bees slowed. Bucky huffed when she heard that as Dorien bit his lower lip. Then I opened my eyes. “But even if I can’t be trusted, I will still try my best to help you. To look after you. Because that is my responsibility. And while I am no hero, I won’t just forsake those around me that easily.”

Raising my head, I met the gaze of the queen baby bastion bee.

“So I hope you can trust me as your mother did. And hopefully I won’t disappoint you.”

The baby queen bastion bee stared at me as I finished. She shifted hesitantly, still in my hand. And I knew that she wasn’t reassured by what I had to say. However, I answered as honestly as I could. Because I couldn’t bring myself to lie over this.

Even if I could lie about… other things.

After what felt like an eternity of deliberation, the baby queen bastion bee flew up. Slowly, she floated up until she was level with my gaze. I stared at her as her gaze bore into me.

And she nodded.

“You… trust me?” I asked, staring at her in slight disbelief.

From the side, Dorien said, “She does. Even if she is uncertain too. She believes she can trust you.”

Bucky clucked unhappily when she heard that. But her disapproval was drowned out by the swarm of bastion bees began to land on me as I smiled.

“I’m sorry for not being the best guardian for you. But I will keep trying to live up to your expectations. So thank you for trusting me.”

The baby queen bastion bee landed on my shoulder again, and I placed a hand on her back. I closed my eyes, before shrugging.

“What about Melita?” I suggested.

And the baby queen bastion bee peered at me quizzically.

“As a name— what do you think of it?”

The baby queen bastion bee lowered her head, then she gave me an approving look. I smiled at her.

At Melita.

“I’m glad you like it. Now come on, let’s get you back inside your hive.”

I began to usher the baby bastion bees forward as Bucky and Dorien watched from the side. However, their attentions were drawn back to a figure approaching from behind. Bucky and Dorien stepped aside, confused.

Even the baby bastion bees began to part ways, sending the approaching figure. I glanced back, looking away from Melita as she flitted up away from me. She stared at the man standing there, and I blinked.


I looked at the former [Receptionist] of Windrip’s Adventurer’s Guild as he stood there, staring at me. His gaze was hardened, his brows wrinkled. The look on his face was pale and almost hollow. I raised a brow at him curiously.

“Is something the matter?”

“Yes,” he said as he took another step forward.

“What is it?” I asked, even if he didn’t give an immediate answer.

He closed his eyes, trying to steel himself— like he was unsure of what he was about to say. But the grim expression he wore made it abundantly clear that this was important. And he looked up to face me.

Justyn sighed.

“The Kingdom of Kal’s armies will arrive at Astral by the end of the week. When that happens, the Astrad Kingdom will fall.”

Hearing that, everyone in the room froze.

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