Edlyn had been having a nice nap— until she heard the commotion that was going on in the common room of the restaurant. It was loud. Mostly because of the cacophonous buzzing. And when the [Royal Chef] heard that at first, she almost leapt out of her bed in sheer terror.

However, after a minute passed, she managed to calm herself down and steel herself. Everything is fine. Amelia will handle it. Even if the bastion bees are running wild—

Edlyn tried to reassure herself. Then she heard the commotion go silent. The voices quietened, much to her confusion. Blinking a few times, she exited her room and peeked her head out of the kitchen, right behind Harlan who was standing there hesitantly. And that was when she heard…

“The Astrad Kingdom will fall.”

That made Edlyn freeze. Her heart skipped a beat as the realization as to what was going on crossed her mind.

…what? She just stared at the scene in shock, processing what was going on.

And she heard everything. How the Capital City of Astral was going to fall. How Kallistus Kal was going to emerge victorious. How it was the end of the Astrad Kingdom.

Of everything that Edlyn had known.

This can’t be real, right? Edlyn thought as she wobbled where she stood. She knew of the consequences that could come from the victory of the Kingdom of Kal. Just like how the former nations under Kallistus Kal’s rule were now suffering with widespread poverty and disease, the same fate would befall the Astrad Kingdom.

Edlyn knew her parents would suffer— and she would be out of a job!

Well, actually now that she was working for Amelia, her job was secured. But still, she would never be able to return to being a [Royal Chef]. And even after all the hardships that she had been through working that job, she felt… sad.

Actually, sad didn’t accurately describe it. It was more like a lingering sense of melancholy knowing that she could never return to her dream job.

A hollowness to know that everyone she knew back then was likely not going to come out of this ordeal alive.

Edlyn’s heart raced— quickening as the realization that many of her colleagues and others she’d even consider friends were going to die. And King Jalen too. Even though he had been so kind.

He was now going to be executed by the [Hero King].

Someone has to do something, Edlyn thought as she raised her head. And then she remembered the task that was entrusted to her. Amelia needs to do something—

But right as the [Royal Chef] stepped forward, she heard what her employer had to say. Edlyn listened dejectedly as Amelia rejected taking any action against the [Hero King]. Which was… almost expected.

However, it was disappointing nonetheless.

Edlyn lowered her head as a sense of powerlessness washed over her. Is this really it? Is this how it ends for the Astrad Kingdom?

There was something she should have been able to do. But she felt like there was nothing at all that could be done. And as she stood there, dreading what was to come.

A voice spoke up.

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One that surprised her.

“I can help.”

Arthur, the bartender who worked for Amelia, spoke up and stepped forward.

And Edlyn just stared at him in disbelief. “...how?”


Arthur had been eavesdropping to the conversation the entire time. Even though he had been wiping a glass, acting inconspicuously, he had wanted to say something. Especially with what he knew of the [Hero King].

That was why Arthur had been training. That was why he had been sparring with Jax day after day, getting a better handle of his powers. Because the former Lich King had heard about the plight of the [Hero King] from Amelia’s conversation with Grat-ra’zun.

And Arthur believed that that the predicament Kallistus Kal was currently in was similar to the bartender’s own former predicament.

As things stood right now, Kallistus Kal was merely a pawn for the Fal-Deus. A tool that was being manipulated and controlled.

Arthur wanted to save the [Hero King]. And this was his last chance to act.

So that was why he stepped forward.

Even if everyone in the room just stared at him in confusion.

“You’re… the bartender who works here, right?” Justyn said, looking at the former Lich King in disbelief. “What are you going to do about the [Hero King]?”

“I will do what I can,” Arthur replied simply as he met Justyn’s gaze.

Arthur didn’t really know the [Receptionist] beyond what Amelia told him. But it was evident that Justyn didn’t know the truth behind the former Lich King.

“That makes no sense— you’re just going to get yourself killed,” Justyn continued, shaking his head. He glanced back at Amelia. “She’s the only one who can do something about the [Hero King]. You don’t know just how terrifying he can be…”

The [Receptionist] shuddered as he spoke. He almost seemed to hug himself, recalling a memory. Arthur nodded when he heard that.

“You’re right.” He closed his eyes, lowering his head. “I know nothing about the [Hero King]. I have only heard about him from the customers that come here to my bar. So all I know about him are rumors and hearsay. But that doesn’t mean I can’t act. That doesn’t mean I can’t do anything here to stop him.”

“But how are you going to stop him?” a voice piped up from the side.

That drew the attention from everyone in the room. Amelia blinked, seeing the woman standing in the doorway.

“Edlyn? You’re awake?” Amelia raised a brow.

“I am…” Edlyn paused, before averting her gaze from Amelia.

“When did you—” Amelia started.

And Edlyn continued, “You’re a bartender, aren’t you?”

She stared at the former Lich King quizzically. Her hands were placed on her chest, and she stepped forward. There was clearly a dubious tone coming from her voice. As she continued.

“How exactly is a bartender like you supposed to stop the [Hero King]?” she asked.

But the dubiety in her tone did not come from distrust. It was confusion— and a hint of desperation. It was like Edlyn wanted to believe Arthur, but she couldn’t bring herself to do that.

Arthur hesitated as he scanned the room. A part of him wanted to reveal the truth. To tell everyone who exactly he was. But as his gaze went from Edlyn, to Justyn, to Dorien, then to Harlan… the former Lich King realized it was pointless.

There was no reason for him to reveal the truth to anyone here.

After all, they knew him as Arthur. As a kindhearted bartender, and that was all he wanted to be. Not who he used to be.

So he looked towards an elf who was sitting in the corner of the room.

“You do not have to believe me. You don’t have to trust my words— that I can do anything. But you can believe in… Jax.”

Arthur spoke as he eyed the Forsaken Archer.

The SS-ranked adventurer.

“Oh?” The elf tilted his head back curiously. “You want me to get involved?”

“You always say you’re looking for a challenge, aren’t you?” Arthur tried to goad Jax into action.

But it was not even an obstacle. Jax laughed as he hopped out of his chair. “I did not say no, did I? This is interesting. I would like to see how I fare against the [Hero King] now…”

“Jax is a strong adventurer,” Justyn said as he nodded at the elf. “But the [Hero King] is stronger—”

“And that’s why we will not be alone,” Arthur cut off the [Receptionist].

Amelia frowned when she heard that, and the former Lich King nodded at her.

“We will seek out Grat-ra’zun— one of the last Elder Dragons in all of Vacuos. And together, with our combined efforts, we will put a stop to the [Hero King].”

Arthur spoke as he slowly turned to face Edlyn who was shifting her feet uncomfortably next to Harlan. The former Lich King met her gaze reassuringly.

“And that is why you do not have to worry. So please, do not be worried.”

“I—” Edlyn opened her mouth, then paused. She closed her eyes, tightly gripping onto the seams of her apron. She took in a deep breath, before looking up gratefully at the former Lich King. “Thank you. I will trust you.”

Seeing the fear and worry that Edlyn felt, and despite that, she still put her faith in him, Arthur resolved himself. That no matter what means were necessary, he would put a halt to the [Hero King].

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