He needed to go through the top right side of the mountain wall at three o'clock.

There was a sloping slope over there. Although it was not easy to walk on, one could still cross it if they were careful.

Everyone else accepted the new road map and agreed.

Shen Qi took out the three-dimensional map of the entire tu

el and saw that they were still moving around the upper part of the tu

el. This underground world was truly rich and complicated!

Shen Qi kept the tablet computer and followed the group to avoid the big squid. Relying on her equipment and tools, she slowly made her way across the slope and hung herself up.

When Shen Qi landed on the ground again, she couldn't help but lower her head and take a look.

This glance made Shen Qi a little dizzy.

From this distance, Shen Qi finally understood how big this squid was when she looked down at it.

Looking at it now, the big squid was like a millstone, filling up the entire passageway.

The range of those dozens of tentacles had actually reached over a thousand square meters!

It was basically the same as having such a monster lying on the ground in a small square.

No wonder everyone had to avoid the attack and go around to the right side.

At such a close distance, if he wanted to defeat such a large creature, it would be easy for him to harm his own people.

Even if the dozens of tentacles of the big squid were to swing over one by one, the strength would not be able to withstand it!

It was not like the people present were the sound of a whirlpool. It would be very difficult for anyone who relied solely on their hot weapons to win in close combat.

Unless they lost their lives, both sides would suffer!

Avoiding the big squid, and just when everyone thought they wouldn't encounter any strange creatures, along the way they encountered a huge flock of flying cockroaches, bubbling rats, and snakes that shouldn't appear at all this season.

Strangely, other than the monkey's apparent hostility, the animals appeared peaceful.

They didn't seem to know the fighting capabilities of this group of humans and didn't seem to care about their damage value. They completely ignored everyone's existence and lived happily.

Shen Qi felt that her view of the world had been turned upside down.

Why was this trip to the cemetery so magical?

It was completely different from the previous three times!

Along the way, they saw all kinds of animals. Everyone realized that they didn't have any intention of attacking them, so they put away their weapons. They really did travel underground.

Lea had been analyzing the data along the way, constantly drawing and writing.

When everyone stopped to eat and rest, Lea finally said, "I think I know why the animals here are so u


Everyone turned to look at her again.

Shen Qi swallowed the food in her mouth, then asked: "What happened?"

The ella shared a string of data with the others, and they all picked up their tablet computer s to check.

After looking at the numbers, Shen Qi was still at a loss: "Aunt, what does that mean?"

He Yi Ning laughed and said: "Aunt, you mean, there is radiation here? How is this possible? This place is over a thousand kilometers away from the detonation zone, there's no way there would be radiation. "

"Nuclear radiation?" Shen Qi's eyes instantly widened.

Liu Yi also put down the water bottle in his hand. "How is that possible?"

The others also had looks of disbelief.

She smiled and said, "I didn't say that it was the nuclear radiation that was detonated!"

"Huh?" Wen Yi Bo, Fan Sheng Fan Li was instantly dumbfounded, he turned his head and looked at Brother Mo: "Brother Mo, has your wife been provoked?"

Brother Mo raised his hand and knocked three people against one chestnut: "What nonsense are you talking about!" "How dare you say that to your aunt!"

She waved her hand and said without a care, "If I'm not mistaken, a major event did happen here three thousand years ago. Summarizing the story that Xiao Qi told me and the myths that I found out, I made a bold guess. Rather than calling it a war from three thousand years ago, it would be more accurate to call it a natural disaster. That battle was actually a nuclear explosion. As for the cause of the nuclear explosion, I don't know. It is because the movement is so great that the locals mistakenly believe it to be a miracle, because they believe that only a miracle can bring such shocking sensations and death. "

"Because of that nuclear explosion, the mutation of those creatures could be explained. Due to the war or the destruction of their homes, these humans had no choice but to hide underground. Hence, they constructed such an underground overpass that co

ected all directions. Have you ever thought that such a narrow road is inconvenient for us to walk? But for those smiling monkeys, it's the perfect place for them to climb? " "I call them smiley monkeys because they have completely transformed into primitive humans," explains ella. Their civilization didn't pass down, they are actually just like walking dead. "

The others all nodded.

"A civilization's inheritance requires many things. It was obvious that they did not possess the qualifications to pass on their civilization when they were in seclusion. Furthermore, they should have suffered a fatal blow that caused their return to their ancestors to mutate. Due to both sides' injuries, their civilization ended, leaving only the instinct for living beings to reproduce. I have to say, this is truly a tragedy. " Lea made her concluding remarks.

Xiaochun read the data and said, "If we were to analyze it from the data, there is indeed such a possibility. I did a research once while I was reading. The content of the research is the environment and the human body. I have previously investigated the health status of people in the radiation zone. Under strong radiation, they would die quickly. "This is similar to the theory of space radiation."

With the explanation of ella and Xiaochun, everyone present came to a realization at the same time.

It was possible that this might actually be the case.

Back then, when the dinosaurs went extinct, didn't that mean that the meteorites crashed into Earth and caused a change in the earth's crust?

There was probably radiation as well, right?

Otherwise, how could he have died so cleanly?

At that time, it really wasn't a rare occurrence for a meteorite to fall from the sky.

Well, it makes sense.

Shen Qi nodded and said, "Aunt's words make sense! "Otherwise, I would also find it strange!"

"But what's even weirder is that even Xiao Qi, you and Yi Ning can actually understand their language?" He sighed and said, "No matter how talented you two are, you probably didn't understand the Monkey Language before, right?"

Shen Qi and He Yi Ning nodded at the same time: "I don't understand monkey language."

A sigh escaped her lips, "Even I have to suspect that the two of you are not the real deal!"

The others burst out laughing and instantly understood what she meant.

Shen Qi suddenly leaned on her body and acted like a spoiled child: "Then Auntie, check it out."

She pointed at the tip of Shen Qi's nose and said, "What a heaven defying monkey, to pretend to be so evil about you!"

The surrounding people immediately burst into laughter.

Even the serious He Guo Xiang and You Qin Yue couldn't help but laugh along.

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