Shen Qi felt as if her heart was trembling.

Was what he had done right?

Separated by the gas mask, Shen Qi felt that his heartbeat was so clear that it could be heard.

His heart beat faster and faster.

He always felt that something was going to happen.

Indeed, in the next moment, the scene at the scene made all the humans present shudder!

The monkeys that were still alive, all stood up as if they had received a huge stimulus. Their hair stood up like steel needles.

The originally human-like face began to change.

Their faces began to degenerate, gradually regaining their ape features.

His black pupils instantly turned red as well, revealing a savage light.

She quickly counted the numbers and reminded He Yi Ning, "The number of monkeys that have survived to this point is around seven to eight thousand."

In other words, the two previous attacks had eliminated nearly half of their numbers!

However, if these eight thousand monkeys jumped down together, it would be enough to squash all thirty of them!

What should he do?

He Yi Ning immediately made a decision on the spot and ordered, "Everyone, let's go! This group of monkeys had turned into a beast. They were indeed not purebred humans. Take advantage of the fact that they haven't pounced on us yet, and quickly leave this place! "

With He Yi Ning's order, everyone retreated while fighting, quickly advancing deeper into the ground.

While walking, Shen Qi suddenly turned her head, but discovered that the monkeys had not caught up.

Shen Qi shouted: "Wait a minute, they didn't catch up!"

As soon as Shen Qi finished speaking, she suddenly felt her legs go soft, she was caught off guard, and her body instantly tilted backwards!

Just like that.

He Yi Ning grabbed Shen Qi's wrist, and pulled Shen Qi back fiercely!

Shen Qi was still in a panicked state, and only until she laid on He Yi Ning's chest did she regain her senses!

When he looked down, Shen Qi could not help but suck in a breath of cold air!

Damn it, what is this thing?

"Everyone, be careful!" He Yi Ning said in a low voice: "That group of monkeys didn't chase over, it's definitely because there's something even scarier than monkeys down there. We didn't come here to steal the tomb, but to return the treasure. Therefore, no one was allowed to touch anything. Do you understand? "

The others all replied in unison, "Yes, understood!"

You Qin Yue stood beside Shen Qi and explained in a low voice: "According to the data scan, this is a squid."

Shen Qi felt that her whole body was in trouble!

Shouldn't squid live in the water?

Why does it exist on land?

Could it be a terrestrial creature from thousands of years ago?

At this time, He Guo Xiang explained the thoughts in Shen Qi's mind: "No, this isn't a squid, this should be a creature that is similar to a squid. Just like the monkey that looked like a human. Those monkeys were not real monkeys, nor were they humans. This creature was also a mutated one. Not a squid, but a squid. "

He Guo Xiang's words were immediately heard by all sorts of nonsense.

But when he thought about it carefully, the description was extremely accurate.

Calming his heart, Shen Qi picked up the tablet, and after looking at the numbers, he felt that He Guo Xiang's description was becoming more accurate.

Looking at the numbers from the UAV above his head, this was indeed a creature that looked like a squid instead of a squid.

The squid normally had ten tentacles, but this creature had dozens of tentacles.

One of its tentacles had been accidentally stepped on by Shen Qi just now.

This squid like creature was currently lying in front of the passageway.

Its huge body was dark green, and under the illumination of the lights, it looked even more strange.

The dozens of tentacles were moving slowly and their movements were sluggish, as if they didn't notice the sudden invasion of these humans.

Brother Mo had originally pla

ed to slice the squid's tentacles with his blade.

"Don't act recklessly," she said in time to stop him. Everything here upsets our understanding of biology. This experience is completely different from what we experienced before. I have a feeling that there are eyes watching us here. "

Her words caused the atmosphere to turn solemn.

"This squid creature looks sluggish and sour, but if we were to fight, we wouldn't be able to stand a chance," she continued. One must know that the tentacles of the squid are very long. Those monkeys were caught off guard by us because they were far away. At this time, we are at a disadvantage. "

He Yi Ning expressed his agreement, "Aunt is right. This squid, we can't do it so easily. "

Wen Yi Bo said: "But it's blocking the way, so we won't be able to pass!"

He Yi Ning frowned and said to the Xiaochun: "Release a probe over there!"

"Yes, CEO!" Xiaochun immediately commanded the UAV above him from afar, and threw a small probe above the squid's head.

When the detector was about three meters away from the squid's head, the squid, which had been struggling to move, suddenly became nimble. One of its tentacles wrapped around the detector and swallowed it in one gulp.

The detector was so small that the squid swallowed it in one gulp.

The detector's data was faithfully transmitted to everyone's tablet computer.

Looking at the scene inside the squid's body, Shen Qi Gen Liu Yi found it hard to accept.

The internal organs of any living being were probably not good enough.

Therefore, Shen Qi Gen Liu Yi closed his own display.

He Yi Ning said to the Xiaochun, "Play a few more!"

The Xiaochun accepted the order and immediately gave the order. The UAV released a few more detectors and flew behind the big squid at the same time.

However, no matter how many he released, the big squid's tentacles would all agilely grab them and stuff them into his stomach.

As more and more probes entered the big squid's stomach, the images became clearer and clearer.

"No wonder those monkeys didn't dare to come. Those monkeys were once the food of the big squid."

It was only then that everyone realized a detector had dodged the big squid's capture and landed behind it.

There was a pile of excrement, some of it undigested bones.

From these bones, ella immediately judged the results.

Lea's judgment was shared by all.

This was the only explanation that could explain why the group of monkeys with bloodshot eyes didn't chase after them.

But the question was, how was anyone going to get past the big squid that even monkeys were afraid of?

This path had been completely blocked!

It was at this time that Xiao Qiu's voice sounded out in He Yi Ning's earpiece, "CEO, I have already pla

ed out a new path. This way we can avoid the big squid, but we need to work hard and make a detour. I've already transferred the new route map. "

He Yi Ning immediately updated the path information in his hands.

Sure enough, Xiao Qiu's repla

ing path was different from before.

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