Everyone rested for a bit before continuing forward.

At this moment, news of the successor arrived.

They walked with difficulty.

The animals on the road were not friendly, so there were several battles.

Shen Qi felt that it was even weirder.

Why were the animals friendly to them as they walked?

Why did the people behind him start fighting?

He Yi Ning thoughtfully looked at Shen Qi, and said: "Xiao Qi, could it be that it's because you have glass mirror on you, that's why those animals are relatively friendly to us?"

Shen Qi thought about it seriously.

She had stepped on the tentacles of the big squid just now, but the big squid had only retracted its tentacles and hadn't made a single move.

But when the UAV threw down the detector, it swallowed them all.

Therefore, it was not impossible!

After all, in the myths, this glass mirror was an existence that could suppress demon beasts!

These mutated animals should be demon beasts, right?

Well, looking back at what happened three thousand years ago from a mythical point of view, could it be inferred that the meteorite was the source of the radiation and thus caused the local animals to mutate and become so-called demon beasts?

Then, the Seven Fairies brought along glass mirror and suppressed all of the mutated beasts here?

Oh, although he felt that this explanation was quite a fantasy, he actually felt that it made sense!

Only animals that exceeded common sense could be called demonic beasts.

Shen Qi explained his idea to everyone, and they all nodded in agreement.

Because there was only such an explanation, and that was the only way to combine the myth with the experience.

Everyone continued to move forward.

The more they walked, the thi

er the air became. They didn't have to walk very far before they could hear the sound of water.

Looking at the map, this should be the underground river.

Because they had gone too deep into the hinterland, Xiao Qiu's technology could no longer keep up.

In other words, from this moment onwards, everyone would have to rely on their own strength to continue forward.

Everyone's tablet computer could no longer receive signals from the outside world.

Mobile phones and watches had stopped the flow of time, and everyone had to rely on experience to determine the time and day.

The UAV above his head and the Expedition Vehicle had lost its effect due to the magnetic interference.

Xiaochun took away the UAV and the adventure car, and said to He Yi Ning: "CEO, if we continue walking, we will reach the underground river that we detected earlier."

He Yi Ning nodded, and let everyone fix it again, strengthening all the parcels.

After checking their equipment, everyone protected the tablet computer and continued forward.

The following route was no different from the previous one.

This was because the road ahead only had a rough outline, and there were no more detailed data.

At that time, the UAV scouts had also only come to this place, and then, they had used mechanics to deduce the road ahead.

The specific danger and unforeseen event will depend on everyone's luck!

Since they had already been to the cemetery twice, they weren't that nervous.

The reason he didn't say anything was just to maintain a better condition.

After about an hour of walking, they finally reached the location of the dark river.

Standing by the side of the river, Shen Qi said in puzzlement: "The speed of this water flow, is completely unable to match the speed of the moving cars!"

"That's right!" "It's indeed strange." He Yi Ning frowned: "Since you're here, then let's go take a look! Everyone, get the hovercraft ready and let's go into the water! "

"Everyone, be careful." He Guo Xiang took the initiative to speak up for once.

It was probably because the road ahead was still unknown.

As a father, he was still worried about the safety of his children.

However, in view of his identity and personality, he couldn't say much. Thus, he could only say this simple sentence.

Everyone present were all smart people, and instantly understood He Guo Xiang's worries and uneasiness.

"Don't worry, even without technical support and navigation, we can still make it to the end." Wen Yi Bo said to He Guo Xiang: "Besides, we are here to deliver stuff, not to steal tombs. It will not scare anyone! "

"Everyone, get on board!" He Yi Ning saw that he was ready, and ordered someone to push the hovercraft into the water. After everyone had boarded, the hovercraft immediately underwent a change.

Like a dumpling, the two sides slowly closed up, trapping everyone inside.

When Shen Qi was seated, she realized that this hovercraft was completely transparent!

This visual effect was simply magical!

If she hadn't experienced it for herself, she probably wouldn't have believed that such a mystical technique existed in this world!

Xiaochun explained on the side: "This hovercraft is Our He Family's patent. It could withstand thousands of meters of underwater pressure, 100 kilometers of impact per hour, and hundreds of thousands of sharp cuts. As such, the number of hovercrafts on this ship is very small, and our He Family only has three of them. "

Liu Yi, who was listening at the side, could not help but clap. "Truly amazing! He Yi Ning, your He Family is studying this too? "

He Yi Ning laughed and nodded.

Shen Qi recalled that when she had just married He Yi Ning, there was a small island that she had visited before. That small island was also a mysterious island that was researching and cultivating food.

Now that he saw this patent invention from the He Family, Shen Qi felt that it was not even enough to surprise him.

In any case, the He Family had many secrets.

The hovercraft automatically floated down the stream of water.

It didn't take long for him to sink into the water.

"Why is the density of this water so low?" , who had rarely opened his mouth, could not help but ask: "With our great buoyancy, we are actually underwater?"

Xiao Xia carefully observed for a while and said, "It's not just a matter of density. There are still hidden waves underwater. Look at the foot of the mountain. "

Everyone lowered their heads and looked over at the same time.

Because this hovercraft was completely transparent, he could clearly see the situation beneath his feet.

Everyone pointed their illumination tools at their feet. This time, it was such a good light that even the hairs on their bodies were split!

Because it was too transparent!

Thus, he could clearly see the torrent of water beneath his feet.

It was because he had seen it too clearly that he felt scared!

This was because a group of small fish were desperately devouring the hovercraft beneath their feet!

"Is this a piranha?" Liu Yi asked uncertainly.

Lea nodded and said, "Yes. The ca

ibal fish here are really numerous! "

You Qin Yue opened his mouth and said: "These ca

ibal fish have also mutated before right?"


Shen Qi thought for a while, then took out glass mirror s from her bosom and shook them under her feet, it was useless!

The group of fish continued to gnaw on the meat. Even though they could not penetrate the meat, they still felt extremely cautious when looking at it from such a close distance!

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