Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1352 Guardians Of Weng Lan

Chapter 1352 Guardians Of Weng Lan

Actually, all of the Xuantian Sword Messengers might not have much sincerity when they were loyal to him. Everyone only had the mentality of taking one step at a time of crisis.

However, they didn't know that they were already the first of the domino cards. Once they fell, they wouldn't be able to stop. This was a path of no return!

Qin An hid in the crowd and was very satisfied with Li Shu's performance and everyone's posture.

Qin Xiang Ming was hugged by Qin An. At this time, he was a little sleepy. He didn't eat much for a day. The main reason was that Qin An had been teleporting around to get busy with his business, and the children in the apocalypse wouldn't really think much of it if they ate one or two meals less.

"Are we not going to look for Mom anymore?"

Xiang Ming was a little unhappy with Qin An's sudden stopping and not moving forward, instead, he started meddling in other people's affairs, so he implicitly asked his own question.

After all, his father wasn't too familiar with him. Xiang Ming didn't dare to let his temper run wild, afraid that he would offend this big boss.

Qin An touched his daughter's head and said, "Go find her, but Dad wants to do something and then appear next to Mom so that she feels that Dad is very powerful."

"But you're already very powerful?"

Qin An smiled and didn't say anything. The girl still couldn't understand the relationship between her ability and her career.

Thinking back on his many years, he didn't achieve much. Kowloon City was built with the support of Zangxi.

Now that he was here, he wanted to rely on his own abilities to establish a large force, and then point his sword at the Black Blood New Moon Cities!

Weng Lan must have had a hard time these past few years. As the culprit, Qin An did not intend to let go of these two groups so easily. He had to have some capital to vent his anger on his wife.

"It won't take long. After this place stabilizes a bit, I'll bring you to find Mom. Very quickly!"

"Then shall we stay here?"

"En, at least I'll be here today."

"Alright then."

Qin Xiang Ming decided not to worry about so many things. She couldn't understand too many things anyway.

There were also dozens of people in Qin An's small team. Among them, Li Shu, who was lucky enough to be valued by Qin An, had obtained the Sword Soul Stone. Qin An did not doubt this.

As for the others, they weren't so lucky. Qin An didn't want to have too many mistrusted Adepts around him.

Qin An did not use a universal ability on the children to solve their hunger problem, because the side effect of this ability, which had a strong healing effect on their bodies, was damage to their mental energy.

After choosing 138 Profound Heaven Sword Messengers, Qin An handed the matter over to Li Shu. This was another test for him, and also a test for Profound Heaven Sword Messenger. Qin An could clearly grasp everyone's movements by hiding in a corner.

In other words, the so-called Xuan Tian didn't need to appear, as long as he waited for the outcome.

At this time, Li Shu and the 138 Profound Heaven Sword Messenger had already brought the corpses to the border between the humans and the orcs. The negotiations proceeded smoothly. The orcs gave some food in exchange for the human corpses.

Qin An activated the Super Vision Strengthening Stage and paid attention to the so-called orcs. They were all estimated to be over three meters tall and very robust.

The orcs here weren't completely humanized. Their human form still maintained the appearance of some wild beasts, so they shouldn't be able to transform completely.

When Qin An was in China, he also had contact with orcs like this, Knowing that most of them are simple minded, Although they weren't barbarians, they weren't very polite. The only thing that could conquer them was their strength. The 138 Earthlings who held the blue sword and the Earthlings' equipment troops gathered behind them had obviously played a role, allowing Li Shu to negotiate a good deal.

The night gradually darkened, and the earth tribe was as restless as if someone had given them a powerful stimulant.

The food had already started to be distributed under Li Shu's arrangement. It was very fair and just. Almost everyone ate a mouthful of food in the air during the bimonthly period. Although they could not completely disperse their hunger, it was still better than nothing.

After finishing the food, Li Shu began to communicate with the 138 Profound Heaven Sword Messenger to arrange for the hundreds of thousands of troops to be formed into an army. To elect temporary officials at all levels and establish a large alliance, it would not be easy for them to command uniformly.

Li Shu hurriedly kicked the back of his head.

It had to be said that he was truly a talented person. As the only senior manager, he had just assumed his post and had already done a remarkable job. However, some of them were lonely. They had been busy until the night when Xiangfei's two months had already joined together, and they had not been able to figure out a clue yet.

The red moon looked bigger than Lan Yu at this moment. The civilians in the camp didn't care so much. They had a bite to eat at night. At last, they wouldn't wake up from hunger when they were asleep, so most of them went to sleep.

Due to the cleanup of the dead and the division of the area, the crowd now looked much more organized. At the very least, it was convenient to leave the crowd and go to the nearby empty passageway if they wanted to go to the bathroom. At Li Shu's request, the 138 leaders also sent a lot of people to patrol the corridors. In principle, no criminal acts were allowed to occur.

Actually, there was no need for this. Now that people had eaten, there was no one to care about. Who would cause trouble? None of them were fools. If they wanted to cause trouble, they had to observe the situation first.

At this time, Qin An had brought his men into the commoners' circle. Katrina and the others had already taken the children to bed, but Qin An himself did not sleep. He was not sleepy at all. Looking at the night sky in the sky, he felt extremely beautiful.

The three moons echoed each other, and the sky was filled with stars …

Qin An was stunned for a moment before he realized that there were so many stars!

It seemed that after the slight change in Earth's orbit, more planets could be seen, which was why there was such a resplendent starry sky!

This was truly a wondrous world. It was clearly night, and it was clearly stars and moons. However, the ground was illuminated. It did not look like the white of the day. The light in the black was very hallucinatory. What a beautiful night scene!

If it was a peaceful time, countless men and women would fall in love because of this star!

Lying on the ground, Qin An felt that he had never seen such a beautiful night sky before. He was stunned, and he was slightly drunk.

At this moment, Qin An suddenly heard footsteps.

The people nearby were either lying down or resting on their backs. The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, as if they were walking over the crowd and running towards them. From the sound, it seemed that the voice was that of a woman!

Qin An lay on the ground and looked at the starry sky. Then, he waited for the sound of footsteps to get closer and closer, and finally arrived at his side.

Qin An finally saw the woman's face and was stunned!

"It's you?"

The woman looked forty years old. She did not look old. She had good skin and was dressed appropriately. She was a gorgeous lady.

With a smile on her face, the woman nodded slightly and said,

'"I saw you back then. I still can't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true. Qin An, I haven't seen you for many years, but your appearance hasn't changed at all. No, you've become younger and more handsome!"

Qin An sat up and said after a long time,

"You're a little old, but you're still so beautiful. Should I call you Yan Liuxiang, or Yin Yao?"

"Call me Yin Yao. I'm Yin Yao and Yan Liuxiang's avatar after they completely fused. The year I left my mother's body, Ninth Sister was already eight years old. Sigh, twenty years has passed with a flick of her finger."

Qin An finally regained his normal expression, but he was still extremely surprised in his heart. He didn't expect to meet Yin Yao's avatar here.

Yin Yao's avatar saw Qin An's doubts, so she smiled and said,

'"Don't be surprised. Many avatars came to the United States to follow your footsteps, right? You should know that you never lacked Yin Yao. Judging from your expression and attitude towards me, Yin Yao should have returned to your side with Jiu'er, right? Are you … together?"

"No, at least not yet." Qin An felt that this kind of conversation was very strange. "I seem to have heard Yin Yao mention that there are many avatars coming to the United States. Do you have any connection with each other?"

"Of course there are. We are from the Fragrant Shadow Clan. The year you left the United States, there were thousands of our clones here. Eight years ago, many clones of Yan Liuxiang were sent over from the empty door. Therefore, the number of Fragrant Shadow Clan members is close to 10,000! In the past, all avatars couldn't get close together. Once they got close, they would be randomly teleported apart by the Space-Time Gate. Perhaps the Laws on Earth were very different from those of the Sword Spirit Star. Now, both Yin Yao's avatar and Yan Liuxiang's avatar could already be together. "

"Ah? Nearly ten thousand people?"

Qin An fainted when he heard this.

"That's right. A portion of Yin Yao's avatar and a portion of Yan Liuxiang's avatar have crossed over. However, most of us avatars are non-Adepts. We only have the ability to change our appearances and bodies. Are you here to search for Weng Lan again?"

Qin An nodded nervously and said anxiously, "Do you know her whereabouts?"

She should know that Yin Yao's avatar came to the United States in search of you. After you left, most of her avatars did not leave. Because she had lived in the United States for a period of time, she already had a new life circle, so she stayed behind. After the reappearance of the Fragrant Shadow Race, we were in contact with each other like a family. Haha, we are originally clones of one person, it is not too much to say that we are one person. Then here, we are helping each other to support and work hard together in life. Another mission is to accomplish what you did not do back then. It is to help you find the missing Weng Lan. Eight years ago, our branch in New York finally got news of Weng Lan, so all of the Fragrant Shadow Race moved to live near New York. All these years, we secretly guarded Weng Lan, but we didn't dare to save her because we were afraid of self-defeating her. After all, she was in a good condition now. Although she was a little bitter, she didn't lose much. If it was too dangerous outside New York, we wouldn't be able to protect her. Without her ability, we were just a bunch of ordinary Earthlings. For eight years, we have been guardians of Weng Lan and helped her solve many small problems. This has become a part of our lives. Ai, the big earthquake caused me to fall here. Qin An, luckily you came. "As long as you take me to the current Black Blood City, I can contact the Fragrant Shadow Race members in the city. They will bring you to Weng Lan's side!"

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