Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1351 Big Sword Alliance

Chapter 1351 Big Sword Alliance

After 33 years, she had only been separated from him for 8 years because of being frozen. Her encephalopathy must have healed. In 8 years, she had given birth to 4 babies for herself and experienced the separation from 4 babies. It must be very painful, right?

Damn Black Blood City, New Moon City! If it wasn't for them causing trouble, how could Weng Lan be so miserable?

He was now an Adept, but what had he done in his life to make him stand in front of Weng Lan without any regrets?

Damn it, he just married a bunch of women. How exactly did he explain this to Weng Lan?

After another ten minutes, Qin An finally opened his eyes and exhaled again.

"Alright, then I'll play this game myself! You guys wait here, I'll be right back!"

With that, Qin An's body suddenly disappeared. A wave of astonishment rang out among the refugees nearby. They finally saw the legendary super-Adept.

Dejan has a quarter Indian, a quarter Chinese, and one half American.

This year, he was just 33 years old, which meant that he was born in the year of the apocalypse.

Before the bimonthly calamity, he had a large manor near Charleston. The large rift valley created by the earthquake destroyed the manor. Di Rong and his family's old and young bodyguards escaped in a car. In the end, they arrived at the Ionian Plains and were trapped in a dark crowd.

"Dad, what should we do?"

Akada was thirteen years old. His mother had been killed by a mutated beast many years ago. She had been brought up by a man who had never been married again.

"Being trapped here can only wait for death. We must head north!"

"But there are people everywhere. Can we go there?"

"Akada, what choice do we have to make when we have no other choice?"

"En … take the first step?"

"That's right! There's no way to go, so the place to stay is the road! Only when we walk out can we not stay where we are. This is a very simple principle!"

Just as Di Rong finished speaking, his eyes went blurry and he saw a short old man suddenly appear!

Cold sweat broke out. Di Rong tried his best to suppress the shock in his heart, but in the end, he did not move at all.

"Sir Adept, I wonder if you have any orders for you to suddenly arrive?"

An Adept who could steal or control space! Di Rong had only heard of it before, but he had never seen it before. Therefore, he was truly shocked. This kind of ability wanted to take his life, and that was the matter between raising his hand.

"I am Xuan Tian, Di Rang. Do you want to save yourself and protect your family? Do you want to obtain a special ability to become a sword xiuzhe? I am willing to grant you the Great Sword and confer upon you the title of Xuan Tian Sword Messenger. As long as you are loyal to me from now on and obey my orders unconditionally!"


Di Rang was a little dizzy and did not understand the meaning behind the thin old man's words, but this was not important!

To be able to become a sword xiuzhe? You can still protect your family? Was this someone's dream talk?

Di Rang had countless doubts in his heart, but he still nodded as fast as he could.

"Sir, I am willing. What should I do?"

"I'll grant you a special ability. Collect all the corpses of the people who died nearby. Ten o'clock in the evening, transport all the corpses to the center of the gathering place, alright?"

"This … of course this is possible. But now that there are people all around, I'm afraid that the center of the gathering place won't be able to pass through, right?"

The old man didn't waste any words. He suddenly raised his hand and held Di Rang's hand. Before Di Rang could ask any questions, he felt his palm heat up. In the next moment, all the strength in his body exploded!

Oh, my God. What's going on? Did he really become an Adept? How was this possible? Who was the old man in front of him? Is it called Xuan Tian? But who was Xuan Tian?

At this moment, the old man released his grip on Di Jian's hand, and two enormous swords appeared on his hands, one red and one blue!

The old man handed the huge blue broadsword to Di Rong. Di Rong only felt that the sword was estimated to weigh 70 to 80 jin, but it was very easy to hold in his hand.

"Later see wielding the blue sword is the same Xuantian Sword Messenger, must get along well with it, unity and love, otherwise will kill! Seeing the red swordsman as my bodyguard, Xuantian Sword Tyrant, they will also become my spokesmen and give you orders! Then before dusk, collect and tidy up the corpses nearby, and the other Profound Heaven Sword Messengers will do the same thing. "Before tonight, I will be able to unite all the power on this side. If the corpses are piled up together, I will be able to pour out some empty space. Then there will naturally be a way out!"

After the old man said those words, he put away the giant red sword and disappeared into thin air, not knowing where he had gone.

Di Rang opened his mouth wide, and after a long time, he was unable to spit out a single word. This kind of experience was truly too bizarre and shocking!

The old man was naturally Qin An's change.

As a party to the game, Qin An needed to start laying out, and he needed a strong army, which was not difficult for him.

The establishment of the organizational structure required a manager. The spatial ring contained many large sword weapons that Ling'er had specially forged for Heavenly Adepts. Qin An had brought out some of them and now they were just in use.

As for the Xuantian Sword Messenger, the vulgar name Xuantian Sword Tyrant was merely Qin An's evil taste. An army had to be distinguished by their duties, and Qin An used the method of bestowing the blue sword and the red sword to present them separately.

This was truly an opportunity. Earth's people had already reached the most dangerous moment. When the 138 Profound Heaven Sword Messengers were selected, the name of Profound Heaven spread throughout the entire gathering place.

It was a terrifying existence. Some said that he was an old man, some said that he was a sturdy middle-aged man, and some said that she was a graceful beauty.

No matter which Xuantian Sword Messenger they were, they could accurately tell what Xuantian looked like in their eyes. Then, when the Xuantian Sword Messengers met and communicated with each other, they discovered that the Xuantian in their eyes was unique, different from the Xuantian in the eyes of others!

Because of this bizarre mystery, Because Xuan Tian could allow ordinary people to become sword xiuzhe's powerful ability, The order to collect the corpses was thoroughly carried out, A bunch of headless, fly-like earthlings, no matter what they think, All of them were willing to listen to this divine dragon's instructions for the time being. They looked forward to living, and the people Qin An chose were also those intelligent and influential leaders of small groups. Everyone understood that if someone could stand out in this situation, it would definitely be a good thing for all the people of Earth.

Then Xuan Tian had the qualifications, because of his strength, because of his mystery, because of his shadowless movement technique. Everyone knew that it would be easy for someone to kill him!

In the evening, the corpses in the camp had been gathered together in an orderly manner, numbering tens of thousands, piling up into a large mountain.

Even if the average weight of each person was 100 jin, then the number of corpses over tens of thousands of kilograms was the weight of millions of jin of human flesh.

The weather was too hot. The body that had died for more than a day already emitted a stench and even began to rot. However, this did not affect the appetite of the orcs, because rotten meat was their favorite.

The so-called orcs here were ordinary orcs with a relatively large number of Sword Spirit Stars. Their intelligence was not high, and their strong bodies were not born with the physique of a sword cultivator. They needed to obtain a Sword Soul Stone before they could cultivate a sword.

When all the Xuantian Sword Messengers gathered together and Li Shu appeared as the Xuantian Sword Tyrant with the giant red sword in his hand, a new speech began.

"You may all have doubts, who exactly is Xuan Tian? What is he doing?

Now, I, Li Shu, the spokesperson of Xuantian, can tell you something.

Xuan Tian is a powerful Adept from the Eastern Continent. Of course, he is also from Earth.

The heavens and the earth are inhumane. Everything turns into a dog. In the 33 years of the apocalypse, it was not easy for everyone to live. However, now that the calamity of the two moons has erupted, your homeland has fallen, fate has once again forced us to a dead end!

What exactly should we do?

Mysterious Heaven Realm experts sympathize with the world and are willing to carry the banner to find a way out for you.

See these bodies? Among them, there are our relatives, our friends, and our beloved that we once swore an oath to!

However, they all died from this disaster. Some of them were burned, some were smashed to death, and some died of hunger because of weakness.

We miss them, we miss them, but we can't save them.

Then, let them save us, and let us continue to live in this cruel world with their souls.

On behalf of the Big Sword Alliance, I will bring these corpses to the orcs to negotiate, and then exchange them for enough food for us to eat for three days. Do you agree? You are willing to choose these soulless bodies to rot in the end. When they rot, you will be so hungry that you will turn into corpses. Those who survive will be abnormally hungry, and the pioneers among them will eat your bodies at that time! "Don't doubt it. The cannibalism in the apocalypse has become so common. No one will pity the dead. Even they will die in the end. I think you should understand!"

Li Shu's voice was loud. He was actually very excited because Qin An had finally made him a sword xiuzhe. A Sword Soul Stone had changed his fate.

After hearing Li Shu's words, the surrounding people began to whisper and discuss.

The 138 Profound Heaven Sword Messengers were also the leaders of the 138 factions. They had weapons and guards, totaling more than 200,000 people. They held an absolute advantage in the crowd.

These people personally felt Qin An's strength, and Li Shu's words made them think that this method was feasible.

If he could organize these corpses and exchange them for food, it would be a great thing.

Perhaps no one had been able to do such a thing before. After all, beastmen were stronger than ordinary humans even if they weren't sword xiuzhe, so it wouldn't be easy to do business with them.

Now it was different. Xuan Tian had appeared, and a management structure had been formed. As long as everyone cooperated with each other, the humans here would become a collective.

Obviously, this is a very good thing for the current situation.

Finally, Di Rang was the first to take out the giant sword and half-kneel on the ground to declare his loyalty to Xuan Tian. He was willing to listen to his various dispatches. When Di Rang's subordinates saw that the boss was like this, they naturally half-knelt on the ground to show their loyalty.

The other Profound Heaven Sword Messengers began to swear like Di Jian. The chain reaction spread throughout the entire gathering place, and the history of the Great Sword Alliance began in a daze.

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