Yuan’s Ascension

Chapter 493: Cang Feng Eldritch World (1)

Rip! Astral Monarch Hou Qu tore space apart, stepping into a spatial tunnel. Wu Yuan followed behind him, enveloped and protected by an invisible barrier.

In the blink of an eye, the originally calm void twisted before his eyes, then suddenly seemed to boil, with countless fragments clashing and colliding.

It was a bizarre landscape, like bubbles bursting one after another. Brilliant lights and vibrant colors flowed past them like a river filled with countless glass shards.

The countless tiny fragments made Wu Yuan's heart skip a beat.

"Space is divided into many layers: the Material Spatial Layer, the Fragmentary Spatial Layer, the Turbulent Spatial Layer, the Vacuum Spatial Layer, and so on."

"Usually, the innumerable living beings inhabit the Material Spatial Layer, the shallowest layer and the most stable one, suitable for living beings to breed and fight," Astral Monarch Hou Qu said with a smile. "But it also has the most constraints. A flight speed of 3.6 million li per breath is the limit allowed by the laws of heaven and earth."

His explanation seemed intentional.

3.6 million li per breath? Wu Yuan thought to himself.

One breath was six seconds. Thus, this speed was effectively the speed of light! The speed of light was the ultimate limit allowed in the Material Spatial Layer by the laws of heaven and earth.

"The flight speed of an Archimmortal can generally approach or reach the limit of speed in the Material Spatial Layer," Astral Monarch Hou Qu said.

Wu Yuan couldn't help but nod.

Indeed. Earth Immortals could fly 90,000 li per breath. It wasn’t hard to imagine Archimmortals reaching the limit of speed allowed by heaven and earth.

"Do you have any idea how vast heaven and earth truly is?" Astral Monarch Hou Qu mused, "Forget about the endless river of space and time. If an Archimmortal wished to get from one end of the Greenridge Macrocosm to the other, it would take them ten billion years if they relied solely on normal flight through the Material Spatial Layer."

Wu Yuan was stunned.

It would take ten billion years for an Archimmortal relying on flight to cross the entire Greenridge Macrocosm?

In other words—

The entire Greenridge Macrocosm, the boundary of spacetime enveloped in its essence, spans a maximum width of ten billion light years? Wu Yuan shuddered.

Ten billion light years? This was the spacetime expanse of a macrocosm?

"What, do the numbers scare you?" Astral Monarch Hou Qu smiled, "In a macrocosm, more than 99.9% of its spacetime regions are empty. Each immortal continent and immortal nation is separated by immense distances."

"Typically, Archimmortals relying on flight can traverse the spacetime expanse of an immortal continent in tens of thousands of years."

"If an Archimmortal relied on flight, they would take tens of millions of years to traverse the spacetime expanse of an immortal nation," Astral Monarch Hou Qu continued, "Wu Yuan, here's some information on the distribution of power in the macrocosm; take a look."

Astral Monarch Hou Qu waved his hand.

Instantly, a flood of intelligence poured directly into Wu Yuan's mind.

With his powerful soul, Wu Yuan processed the information, which detailed the top-tier major factions, immortal nations, and summarized information about the entire macrocosm.

This! Wu Yuan's eyes widened.

He was properly scared stiff.

In the past, he only knew that each immortal continent and immortal nation was vast, and that the Greenridge Macrocosm was unimaginably immense, but he was never able to visualize it.

Now, through the intel provided by Astral Monarch Hou Qu, Wu Yuan finally understood.

The Redmoon Immortal Continent's core was the mainland spanning tens of billions of li, where most of the continent's beings lived.

But the spacetime region influenced by the Redmoon Immortal Continent's plane essence extended about thirty thousand light years, encompassing millions of worldlets and hundreds of millions of stars.

The spacetime regions influenced by the essences of different immortal continents were separated by vast distances, ranging from tens of thousands to millions of light-years.

Because of this, the spacetime territory of an immortal nation, formed by thousands of immortal continents, could reach a maximum width of tens of millions of light years.

And each immortal nation was separated by hundreds of millions of light years. Therefore, the scope of the entire macrocosm exceeded ten billion light-years!

An incredibly staggering figure.

So, the so-called immortal world and eldritch world don't rule over a unified spacetime essence. Rather, they rule over the territories occupied by various smaller factions. Wu Yuan mused inwardly.

Each immortal continent and immortal nation had its own plane essence, and was considered a complete entity. An immortal nation encompassed several immortal continents.

Yet, the overall plane essences of 1200 immortal nations, spanning billions of light-years and making up the spacetime territory of the Eternal Sun Immortal World, was not unified.

So, the entire macrocosm has approximately 5,500 immortal nations. Wu Yuan pondered.

He had a newfound understanding of the Greenridge Macrocosm. It was an endlessly vast spacetime.

Just one macrocosm is already so grand and vast, with countless beings, countless powerhouses and innumerable stories over eons. Wu Yuan felt his scalp tingle. What about the endless river of space and time?

The macrocosm was just a drop in the river of space and time?

Its vastness exceeded Wu Yuan's imagination.

Wu Yuan suddenly thought of something. The Blue Planet civilization... Perhaps, it lies in some obscure spacetime region within the Greenridge Macrocosm.

But, with the Greenridge Macrocosm so vast, spanning tens of billions of light-years, how could he find an inconspicuous Blue Planet? It was too difficult.

After all he had been through, Wu Yuan sensed that the black pagoda was deeply entangled in all this, likely the mastermind behind his transmigration from the Blue Planet to the Middle Land.

"Astral Monarch, do Archimmortals typically rely on flight to cross such vast immortal continents and immortal nations?"

"Haha, of course not," Astral Monarch Hou Qu smiled.

"The Material Spatial Layer is too stable. So, one must enter a higher spatial dimension."

"In higher dimensions, everything converges, offering a bird's-eye view of lower spatial dimensions."

"For example, we are now in the Fragmentary Spatial Layer," Astral Monarch Hou Qu gestured. "Those countless spatial fragments could tear apart a Divided Soul/Dharma Body cultivator."

Wu Yuan held his breath.

Divided Soul or Dharma Body? That would be Earth Immortals and Earth Eldritches.

"Ordinary Archimmortals, or some extremely powerful High Immortals, can enter the Fragmentary Spatial Layer," Astral Monarch Hou Qu explained.

"It may seem like we are traveling through the Fragmentary Spatial Layer at light speed, but when reflected onto the Material Spatial Layer, it equates to ten thousand times the limit of speed under heaven and earth’s rules."

"Ten thousand times the limit of speed?" Wu Yuan was shocked.

If an Archimmortal traveled one light year in the higher-dimensional Fragmentary Spatial Layer, upon descending to the Material Spatial Layer, it was equivalent to traveling ten thousand light years?

Their speed would be a staggering ten thousand times the speed of light.

"But..." Wu Yuan started to speak.

Warping at a million times the speed of light sounded incredibly fast, but it was nothing compared to the vast, boundless spacetime of the immortal continent or the immortal nation.

At such a speed, it would still take a million years to traverse the entire macrocosm.

Rumble~ Suddenly, the space around the passage, once filled with countless turbulent fragments, twisted into countless threads, their movements serene.

The threads rippled, emitting a dazzling array of colors. It was beautiful.

What? Wu Yuan's pupils contracted. Those threads felt overwhelmingly dangerous.

"Wu Yuan, I know what you are thinking," Astral Monarch Hou Qu said with a smile. "Traveling through the Fragmentary Spatial Layer will still take a long time when crossing vast regions of spacetime."

"So, we must enter an even higher dimensional spatial layer, namely the Turbulent Spatial Layer where we currently are."

"The speed at which we cross the Turbulent Spatial Layer, once reflected in the lower dimensional Material Spatial Layer, is multiplied hundreds of millions of times," Astral Monarch Hou Qu explained with a smile.

Hundreds of millions of times? That was to say—it was equivalent to traveling at hundreds of millions of times the speed of light!

"Ordinary Astral Monarchs, when on expeditions or travels, usually proceed through the Turbulent Spatial Layer," Astral Monarch Hou Qu said with a smile. "But, it's still too slow."

"The Cang Feng Eldritch World and the Redmoon Immortal Continent are separated by billions of light years. An ordinary Astral Monarch would take decades to traverse that distance on their own," Astral Monarch Hou Qu said with a smile. "That's why the Eldritch Sovereign sent me."

As Wu Yuan pondered this, the countless threads and ripples that were previously visible in the spatial passage around Wu Yuan and Astral Monarch Hou Qu vanished completely.

The void around them fell into a deathly silence, turning into a realm of nothingness! The silence was absolute, as if they had stepped into an unknown land.

This? Wu Yuan was stunned.

“We are now in the Vacuum Spatial Layer, a higher spatial dimension than the Turbulent Spatial Layer,” Astral Monarch Hou Qu explained with a smile.

“This place is three spatial dimensions above the Material Spatial Layer. Once reflected onto the lowest dimension, it expands a trillion times!”

“That means, traveling at the speed of light in the Vacuum Spatial Layer is equivalent to moving at a trillion times the speed of light in the Material Spatial Layer. Crossing the entire Greenridge Macrocosm will only take a few days.”

“The teleportation arrays established by various forces across the multiple immortal continents and immortal nations work through the inscription of cryptic patterns that allow passage through the Vacuum Spatial Layer, where speeds are so fast that traveling between close distances seems instantaneous,” Astral Monarch Hou Qu continued.

Wu Yuan was shaken to his core.

Three spatial dimensions higher, speeds were a trillion times faster?

This was beyond his comprehension.

Wu Yuan understood that to enter the so-called Vacuum Spatial Layer, one either needed immense power or a profound understanding of the Law of Space.

“However, teleportation arrays have many flaws.” Astral Monarch Hou Qu said, “To truly navigate the endless river of space and time, you must rely on your own ability to enter the Vacuum Spatial Layer.”

“Otherwise, traveling through the endless river of space and time would take you a terrifyingly long time.” Astral Monarch Hou Qu smiled faintly.

“Only a few among the Eldritch Sovereigns, Immortal Sovereigns, Devil Sovereigns, and Astral Monarchs can achieve this.”

“And I happen to be one of them.”

Wu Yuan came to a realization.

No wonder the Eldritch Sovereign had chosen Astral Monarch Hou Qu to come and fetch him. In terms of his speed of travel across the vast spacetime, Astral Monarch Hou Qu was likely on par with many Eldritch Sovereigns and Immortal Sovereigns.

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