Yuan’s Ascension

Chapter 492: Plucking A World With One Hand (2)

This is a monumental opportunity! Wu Yuan was more convinced than ever that this was an unprecedented chance. Though he appeared to be a nominal disciple, in reality, he was treated as a direct disciple.

"Wu Yuan," Astral Monarch Hou Qu said with a smile, "The Eldritch Sovereign mentioned that just as a master chooses his disciple, the disciple also chooses his master. If you don't wish to go to the Cang Feng Eldritch World, you don't have to. Are you willing?"

"Of course I'm willing," Wu Yuan replied immediately.

Not only immortal cultivators but even Archimmortals and Archeldritches would likely leap at such an opportunity.

With an Eldritch Sovereign as his teacher, his chances of becoming a super powerhouse multiplied tenfold, a hundredfold.

"Good," Astral Monarch Hou Qu smiled.

In truth, the Eldritch Sovereign had never instructed him to ask Wu Yuan if he was willing. From what he understood of the Eldritch Sovereign’s words, Wu Yuan had to go, willing or not.

However, Astral Monarch Hou Qu thought it best if Wu Yuan followed willingly. After all, he doubted that a young man in the Spiritual Body phase would pass up such an opportunity.

"Since you're willing, let's prepare to depart immediately. It will take us two days to get back to the Cang Feng Eldritch World from here," Astral Monarch Hou Qu said with a smile.

"Two days? That long?" Wu Yuan was surprised.

"You think that’s long?" Astral Monarch Hou Qu chuckled, shaking his head with an amused expression. "Wu Yuan, it seems the inheritance you received isn’t the best. Your knowledge of the macrocosm is severely lacking."

"Let me put it this way. If an Archimmortal were to rely solely on flying through outer space with their body, they still wouldn’t reach the Cang Feng Eldritch World in a billion years," Astral Monarch Hou Qu laughed.

Wu Yuan was taken aback.

A billion years and still not reach it? That sounded impossibly exaggerated!

"Of course, when Archimmortals travel, they generally don't rely solely on flight. That's far too slow," Astral Monarch Hou Qu continued with a laugh. "But even with some special methods, it's quite normal for Archimmortals to spend decades or even centuries on journeys within the macrocosm."

"As for outside the macrocosm?"

"Mmm, Archimmortals aren't qualified to leave the macrocosm," said Astral Monarch Hou Qu, shaking his head. "Even for entities like me, we generally wouldn't leave the macrocosm unless under special circumstances."

"The entire river of space and time is so unimaginably vast and boundless that a single macrocosm is but a drop of water in the entire river of space and time," Astral Monarch Hou Qu mused.

Wu Yuan was left in awe, increasingly aware of the vastness of the heavens and earth, and his own insignificance.

"Alright, Wu Yuan, you don't need to think too much about it now. These matters are far beyond you at the moment," Astral Monarch Hou Qu laughed. "All you need to do right now is cultivate well and become an Archeldritch as soon as possible."

Wu Yuan nodded involuntarily.

Archeldritch? That was on the same level as an Archimmortal.

A question suddenly floated into Wu Yuan’s mind: if the macrocosm was this vast, then how did the Bloodforge Spacetime manage to transport countless immortal cultivators from various spacetimes in such a short time?

The methods they used must be beyond Wu Yuan's wildest imagination.

Astral Monarch Hou Qu asked, "Once we leave, it's hard to say how many years will pass before you can return. Is there anything you need to handle before we go?"

"Anything?" Wu Yuan thought for a moment and hurriedly responded, "Astral Monarch, I have a mortal mother and a sister, along with a large clan. They all live in a small worldlet..." Wu Yuan quickly voiced his concerns.

His qi refiner self could train at the Dragon Star Immortal Sect; there was no need for him to join his body refiner self in the Cang Feng Eldritch World. What truly worried him was his family.

"A worldlet?" Astral Monarch Hou Qu nodded. "The Eldritch Sovereign has already considered this point. Rest assured, I'll handle it."

Handle it? How exactly? Wu Yuan sighed inwardly.

He was about to leave and might not return for many years. The Eldritch Sovereign's so-called consideration probably meant arranging for the Bloodforge Devil Hall to take care of them.

But that could never make up for the regret of leaving them behind.

"Let’s leave it at that for now," Astral Monarch Hou Qu said. "There are some matters you will need to pay attention to after you enter the Cang Feng Eldritch World, and I’ll explain them to you gradually on the way."

Wu Yuan nodded.

Astral Monarch Hou Qu waved his hand, dissipating the invisible barrier. Then, he brought Wu Yuan to Astral Monarch Pei He.

"Brother Pei He, Wu Yuan has agreed." Astral Monarch Hou Qu chuckled, "I have to report back to the Eldritch Sovereign. Time is of the essence. We’ll be off to Summerpeak World now."

"No worries!" Astral Monarch Pei He nodded, his gaze landing on Wu Yuan. He mustered a smile. "Wu Yuan, when you get to the Eldritch World, train hard and don't forget about our Bloodforge Devil Hall."

"Wu Yuan dares not forget the kindness of the Devil Hall," Wu Yuan respectfully replied.

Even if you are leaving an organization, it’s still good to maintain a polite attitude.

"Brother Hou Qu, since you're proficient in the Space Dao, you should take charge," Astral Monarch Pei He chuckled. "Bring my disciples and grand disciples along; help them broaden their horizons."

Astral Monarch Hou Qu nodded. His gaze swept over Astral Lord Yin He and the numerous Archimmortals and High Immortals. Then, in a low voice, he said, "Do not resist."

The words had barely left his mouth when an invisible force enveloped the space, followed by a fluctuation of power.

Everyone, including Wu Yuan, vanished from the Origin Blood World.

This was an endless expanse of outer space, where a massive elliptical world hung suspended.

The entire world was enveloped in a solid barrier, with vast qi streams flowing across its surface. At a glance, the longest width of the world stretched nearly twenty million li.

With another fluctuation, Astral Monarch Hou Qu, Astral Monarch Pei He, Wu Yuan, Astral Lord Yin He, and a multitude of Archimmortals and High Immortals simultaneously appeared in the space.

All of them caught sight of the colossal world in the distance.

"What are we doing here?"

"I don't know."

"What a terrifying command of space. In an instant, we were transported here, far from the devil hall." These Archimmortals and High Immortals were both puzzled and astounded, utterly clueless.

Wu Yuan was equally dumbfounded, his gaze inevitably drawn to the massive world in the distance.

Among countless worldlets, this one probably ranked among the largest.

Standing in this void, Wu Yuan could feel an invisible force shielding him, protecting him from the erosive power of outer space.

"Wu Yuan, over there, that's the Summerpeak World," stated Astral Monarch Hou Qu, his voice resonating through the vacuum of space.

"Summerpeak?" Wu Yuan felt a surge of surprise, and his gaze involuntarily swept over the colossal world in the distance.

This was the first time Wu Yuan was seeing the Summerpeak World from an outsider's perspective. This was a world that nurtured countless life forms—a cradle of life.

Having studied numerous texts, Wu Yuan knew all too well: the number of stars in the vast cosmos was beyond comprehension, stretching into infinity. Yet the birth of life was a rarity.

It was akin to the environment of the universe of the Blue Planet in his past life.

Only those innumerable worldlets, also known as hospitable worlds, birthed the majority of life forms over the long eons.

"Wu Yuan, your family and friends all reside in the Summerpeak World, am I right?" Astral Monarch Hou Qu asked.

"Mm." Wu Yuan nodded subconsciously.

He had just communicated with Fang Xia via the Bloodforge Immortal Voidrealm earlier that day, so he knew the situation within the Summerpeak World.

"That simplifies things." Astral Monarch Hou Qu smiled. His large eyes, like copper bells, focused on the immense world in the distance.

Suddenly, he stretched out his right hand. His palm was wide and powerful. As he reached out, his hand began to expand.

In the astonished eyes of Wu Yuan and the other High Immortals and Archimmortals, his hand swelled to millions of li in size in the blink of an eye. A thin silvery glow enveloped his hand. It gleamed brilliantly, looking incomparably majestic.

The colossal hand swung, seemingly languid, but fiercely swift in actuality.

Boom! Outer space seemed to quiver as the mighty hand thrust directly into a higher dimension. Cracks in spacetime emerged at the tips of his fingers.

This sight left Wu Yuan and his companions utterly astonished. It was terrifying beyond belief! The massive hand obscured half of outer space.

Boom! The giant silver hand fiercely clutched at nothingness. Tugging back, the vast expanse of outer space began to contract like a foldable table.

The world with a width exceeding 20 million li began to move.

Then, Astral Monarch Hou Qu pressed the space under his massive hand. Silently, the vast Summerpeak World started to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Eventually, when the widest section of the world was reduced to a few hundred thousand li, Astral Monarch Hou Qu gently picked it up with his giant hand.

Before long, the Summerpeak World vanished.

"This?" Wu Yuan was startled and bewildered. The Summerpeak World was gone just like that! Was it destroyed? Was this what the Eldritch Sovereign meant by ‘considering this point’?

The High Immortals and Archimmortals were similarly shocked. An entire worldlet could fit in the palm of his hand. What kind of heaven-defying divine power was this?

With a single hand, he plucked the world from its orbit!

"Haha, I haven't lost my touch," Astral Monarch Hou Qu said, shaking his head as he turned his gaze to Wu Yuan. "Wu Yuan, what do you think? I've stored the entire Summerpeak World in my spacetime. Once we reach the Cang Feng Eldritch World, I'll extract it and simply position it on a new world orbit."

"Your family and friends will not be affected in the slightest."

Wu Yuan’s mind was blown.

Were these the Eldritch Sovereign’s instructions? To pluck the entire Summerpeak World directly and migrate it to the territory of Cang Feng Eldritch World?

The most Wu Yuan had ever considered was the relocation of the living beings of the Middle Land. He didn’t dare imagine relocating the whole Summerpeak World.

"Pei He, I need to report back to the Eldritch Sovereign, so I won’t linger here any longer. I’ll take my leave now," Astral Monarch Hou Qu said, turning to Astral Monarch Pei He.

"Haha, take care, Brother Hou Qu," Astral Monarch Pei He laughed. "We shall meet again when the opportunity arises."

Astral Monarch Hou Qu nodded.

"Wu Yuan, let's go." With a wave of his hand, Astral Monarch Hou Qu and Wu Yuan vanished from the space, leaving only faint spacetime ripples. Only Astral Monarch Pei He could perceive their trail.

The immortals of Bloodforge Devil Hall were left looking at each other in shock.

Today, having witnessed the otherworldly power of an Astral Monarch, their horizons had been properly broadened.

Wu Yuan? Astral Monarch Pei He shook his head slightly, then gave his orders, "Everyone, back to your posts. From now on, stop spreading stories about Wu Yuan."

"And absolutely no one is to leak information about Astral Monarch Hou Qu..."

"Yes." The immortals responded respectfully.

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