Chapter 475 Winner Takes All (1)

Modern society where capital dominates everything.

Unlike the era when ranks were determined according to lineage and status in the past, everyone was equal, but in reality this was not the case.

“In this world... As long as you have money, you can do anything. In other words, if you don't have money, you can't do anything. It is an impossible world without money to survive alone without studying or getting married.”

A world in which the standard of living, environment, and even future jobs depend on the wealth an individual possesses. Therefore, the king, who reigned with enormous power as in the past, can no longer be found anywhere, but those with astronomical funds took his place and reigned over everyone.

“Hmm... The return on investment for this African mine isn't worse than expected.”

“A big factor was the skyrocketing price of commodities such as nickel and copper. It is also because the governments of each country cooperated so that there were no major problems in mining, and there was no problem with production stoppage.” Blue-Rock Investment is a world-class investment company and an asset management company with overwhelming financial power that no other asset management company dares to surpass.

Starting from basic raw materials such as agricultural products and minerals, to heavy industry such as construction machinery, steel and shipbuilding, and the semiconductor, communication, and space industries. was absolute.

“Okay... I will continue to adjust production as planned so that the market price of minerals can be maintained at the current level. Oh, and we plan to raise prices by more than 20% from current levels by minimizing next year's food supply. Prepare for portfolio adjustments taking him into account without a hitch.”

“All right.”

Those who have strong control over every market economy on the planet... who can raise or lower the price of any item in the world as they wish. This golden power that had been seized for a long time was enormous enough to drive a country to ruin in an instant if they wanted to, but there was a company that even those people couldn't do as they pleased.

“More than that... how are investments related to virtual reality technology going?”

One day, without any notice or warning, virtual reality technology suddenly appeared in this world.

No one knew that this virtual reality technology was so revolutionary that it would change the future of mankind, but no investment company or fund dared to put a spoon on it.

A company that possesses all the source technologies of virtual reality that will bring about revolutionary changes in the future.

Arcadia Co., Ltd.

However, as soon as they announced the establishment of the company, they vehemently rejected investment proposals from super-large investment companies and state-run funds, including Blue Rock, which ran like crazy, and consistently declared to everyone dozens of times.

[The shares of Arcadia Co., Ltd. are held by three companies that played a key role in the development of virtual reality technology at exactly the same rate of 33.3%, and as before, we do not plan to receive any external investment in exchange for equity in the future. . If you want to invest in the future and growth of this company, do not knock on Arcadia's door. It would be the most realistic way to just buy additional shares of Ajin Electronics or Silicoff.]

As an unlisted company, those who said that their stocks have never been released outside and will never be released in the future. However, the numerous innovations and enormous influence brought by this virtual reality technology were too sweet to give up.

“You mean Arcadia? First of all.... 1.3% each of Ajin Electronics and Silicorp, which hold shares in the company. It is in the state of buying 6.2%. We are considering increasing the weighting, but it is judged that the stocks are already frothy to the point of madness, so it is too risky to invest on a large scale.”

“As for Argos?”

Unlike Ajin Electronics and Silicorp, which are officially listed on the Korean and American markets, Argus, like Arcadia, remains an unlisted company and maintains strict secrecy.

Regardless of virtual reality, they have already built an exclusive OS market and ecosystem for smartphones, and have established themselves as a powerful telecommunications company not only in the United States but also around the world, so Blue Rock was the subject of mouth-watering every time.

“I have spoken with Chairman Mikhail, but he does not appear to have any intention of seeking investment or pursuing an IPO. Since the stake structure of Argos has not yet been identified, the company plans to watch over time.”

However, Corporation Argos seems to have no intention of handing over the stake. It was a very desirable fruit, but Larry Black, the chairman of Blue Rock Investments, who was anxious about the situation where he was not given a chance to poke it somehow, took off his glasses roughly and muttered.

“Anyway... there are so many things that only greed is dirty. You need to know how to properly invest and distribute shares. Does it make sense to hold everything in their hands and monopolize the market? It seems like I have never seen such greedy pigs in my life.”

It is a time that all of the world's leading companies, including Blue Rock, go through at first. Argos and Arcadia did not go through the hard times of starting a business, struggling to attract investment due to lack of capital and opening their hands to others.

Two companies that sparked global innovation and became giants with huge capital stocks from the moment they were founded. And Larry Black, who had to suck his fingers while watching the whole process closely, was in a state of being almost obsessed with the fact that he couldn't get it in the end despite his strong desire.

“However, a company that was so strict and closed... announced that it would release its shares to the market for the first time. That's a staggering amount of 15%... It's only on the condition that you clear the quest, whether it's a scenario or something.”

That's why he couldn't understand Arcadia's crazy move. Or rather, he was more meekly angered than anyone else by the atrocities being carried out by the management of Arcadia Co., Ltd.

“I don’t know what the purpose is, but these are low-level things that are not even the basics of being a manager. This is tantamount to blasphemy of not using the value properly even with gold in front of you, mocking consumers in front of a product that is perfect for nothing.... Truly a pig's neck with a pearl necklace... No, a diamond necklace is hanging. It's like a situation that exists.”

He was convinced that if Blue Rock's competent management had taken over the operation of Arcadia, it would have produced at least five times the outstanding results. That's why Larry Black said to the general manager of strategic investment standing in front of him with his eyes shining.

“Is there any way we can somehow secure a 15% stake in Arcadia?”

Problems that, as usual, cannot be solved on the basis of very large financial power. So, normally, he would have expressed his opinion with a embarrassed face, but Peter, the general manager, contrary to his expectations, hesitated for a moment as if thinking about something, and then gave a positive answer.

“I'm not in a situation where I can give you a definitive answer right now... but maybe it's not impossible.”

“what....? What do you mean?”

The chairman of Blue Rock, obviously surprised, as if he had asked the question without expecting much. Peter took out several reports from his briefcase and handed them to him.

“The second scenario of the final chapter currently in progress at Arcadia Co., Ltd. has been released. It has not yet been fully analyzed, so please consider it to some extent as this is what I was going to report separately after organizing all the related data later.”

“Second Scenario....winner takes all...?”

“It is about the competition between the various guilds organized in Arcadia. The rules look complicated, but if you summarize them briefly... It's a scenario with the content of unifying the forces of the users into one, whether they form an alliance or submit by force.”

A faction content guild of users who play Arcadia.

Unlike clans or parties that have a certain level of membership restrictions, this guild, which can accept an unlimited number of members as a member, was enormous in number to match the game played by the world, but there were not many guilds of a huge scale. did not

“So.... Are you saying that the guilds that came into our hands are at about 34% level...?”

“It is not a definite figure because the review of contracts with guilds and players that have received investments has not yet been completed, but once the South American and Oceania alliances, including North America, are firmly in control, and if they are prepared to negotiate additional stake divisions, European powers will also Most of them seem to be able to pull.”

The era of big gamers in which countless real funds were put into games.

Miracle Investment opened its doors for the first time, but Blue Rock, which secured the influence of most of the guilds in the Americas by contacting large guilds faster and more carefully than anyone else, has already ordered dozens of top guilds that you can know by name if you set your mind to it. was placed in a position where it could be lowered. So, for Blue Rock, this second scenario was nothing short of a golden opportunity.

“That's right...”

Larry Black, tapping the desk with his fingers and deep in thought, smiled and nodded as if he liked it.

“good. Please actively intervene in this scenario and bring the initiative to us once. It wouldn't hurt to form a united front with the others if need be. As long as we get more stakes, it won't be much of a problem.”

The chairman of Blue Rock, who knows the truth of life better than anyone else, that if you try to eat it all by yourself, you will inevitably die from a burst stomach. He was thinking of sharing the stake in Arcadia Co., Ltd. by building a united front if he could get his hands on it. Even so, of course, it was Blue Rock that owned the most shares.

“All right. Oh, but there is a problem.”

“problem? What's the problem?”

“That's.... There's a guild that must be subsumed in order to completely dominate the second scenario...”

“There is...?”

“There is no negotiation at all. However, to be hostile to it is impossible because its potential is terrifying beyond imagination, and if you listen to the reports of employees who have met the user who is the master of the guild... ..”

“What? What kind of guild is it? which country is it Are you American?”

“no. It is Korea.”

“South Korea? Isn't it a place where we are allies? Still can’t be subsumed with money?”

Larry Black's theory is that unless you are a potential enemy like China or Russia, if you give them too much money to refuse, they will inevitably come over. However, Peter let out a deep sigh and recited the report of the person in charge he had heard in the past.

“The guild master said... ‘Our guild was created not for money, but for belief. We will not sell our souls for money.'”


At Peter's words, the president of Blue Rock's eyes grew different. And soon, as if recalling the bloody self of the past, he put on a nostalgic expression and giggled as if he liked it.

“You are the type of person I like. A life that prioritizes the values and beliefs one pursues rather than wealth. In my youthful days full of blood, I also promised to live like that while drinking beer with my friends, but... He's a friend who says the same thing as me back then.”

“Oh no, it’s not like that... Chairman.”

Peter overreacts with considerable embarrassment at the words of Larry Black, whom he likes saying that he resembles him. Unlike him, who was breaking out in a cold sweat because he didn't know what to do, Larry muttered while pouring himself a glass of alcohol with his emotions suddenly heightened.

“What is different? Making money is important, but that spirit is also necessary in order not to lose oneself as a person. If you are a master who has created a guild with outstanding value that you must embrace, you should have your own distinct values and beliefs rather than just aiming for immediate self-interest.”


“So... what is the name of that guild?”

Peter was silent for a while with a stiff expression on his face. Larry, who was sipping a drink while watching him, asked with a curious face.

“That... that... that...”

“Speak quickly. Why are you stretching your tail like that, unlike usual?”

Knowing Larry Black's disposition to be impatient, Peter told him in a dying voice the name of the guild he was most curious about.

“What color are Dex's panties...”


At that moment, the two people stopped moving and froze. After a long silence, Peter spoke the name again to the president of Blue Rock, who asked with an expression that he had heard it wrong.

“What color is Dex's panties? This is the guild.”

And another long silence ensued.

Larry Black was the first to speak at the end of the breathless silence.

“What the F.....”

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