Chapter 474: Fucking (12)

[Next news. The scenario of the first final chapter of Arcadia, a virtual reality game that is receiving worldwide attention, has been successfully completed. In this regard, Arcadia Co., Ltd. expressed its sincere congratulations on the achievements achieved through the efforts of users, and left a message wishing them to show the same deep interest and passion for the remaining two scenarios in the future. [

There is a growing interest around the world in the final scenario in which the owner who will hold 15% of Arcadia, the most valuable stock in the world, is in his hands. According to recently released information, one person with the highest value, called ‘contribution', will be selected and all stakes will be handed over to him, and everyone is keenly aware of who the winner will be.] [No

one A scenario in the final chapter that was thought impossible to defeat. But what everyone thought was impossible finally happened. What truth is hidden that we do not know? And what purpose are Arcadia and the mysterious developers doing these things for?

It was an incident that happened in a mere game, but because it was a 15% stake in Arcadia Co., Ltd., a world-class company, it was making a lot of noise here and there as the main topic of the 9 o'clock news, both on the terrestrial and on the airwaves.

And Minsu smiles as he looks more satisfied than anyone else at this situation where Arcadia has emerged as a topic of discussion for everyone. He, who is the starting point and the culprit behind all these incidents, made a fuss over and over again and watched the broadcast where they were seriously discussing the situation in front of them.

“Look at this. am i right? Since they staked 15%, everyone shows great interest in Arcadia. People are only interested in rewards, they don’t really care about the probability of a scenario.”

A doomsday scenario that started unilaterally and arbitrarily without bottom or end. Contrary to Jack's concern that this would result in a catastrophic dropout with users' extreme resistance, there was no major problem with Arcadia's real-time connection rate, which is currently being counted. Rather, the number of concurrent users increased more than before.

[That's because I can see hope even in that shitty scenario you made up, isn't it? Honestly, if it wasn't for him, Arcadia would have had to shut down?]

However, Jack answered with a frown as if he didn't agree with Minsu's words at all, and shook his head as if he couldn't understand at all.

[No, and why the hell would they stop granting probabilities as rewards? Didn't you want to see Dex run rampant in the game you made?] Jae-young,

who plays a role that is no different from the main character in the stage of the apocalypse created by Min-su. In order for him to move, Jack had to give probability as a reward for clearing this scenario, but he couldn't.

“What kind of probability do you get after taking all the contributions to yourself like that? All compensation based on his influence on the scenario has already been paid as a contribution, so that’s it.”

[That's what the top manager said. As a rule, compensation based on the influence on the scenario is paid based on contribution. Giving additional probability is a redundant reward, and it is judged reasonable because the contribution can be converted into probability according to the appropriate exchange rate.] As a reward for this

scenario, Jaeyoung obtained an enormous contribution.

It was clear that the reward was overflowing when others saw it, but Jack, who knew better than anyone else the number of probabilities he had exhausted and the remaining probabilities, could guess that the result of this first scenario would be a loss for Jae-young.

‘At this rate, I can't even get my money back.....'

The exchange rate was 10:1.

Because the ratio was determined under Alice's own and autonomous analysis and judgment, Jack could not raise any objections or objections to this. Even so, it was clear that Alice would not be able to find even a break-even by injecting an enormous amount of data into countless complex graphs and formulas written on hundreds and thousands of pages that she could not even understand properly, so Jack talked about it in a roundabout way in a complicated state of mind. turned

[By the way... So what the hell is the second scenario? What kind of crazy thing are you preparing to fuck everyone up with?]

A week-long compulsory break that started after the first scenario ended.

During that short break, inside Arcadia, the entire continent was busy dealing with the remaining storms after the first apocalypse, but Minsu, who had to prepare for the next scenario, was just hanging around in a relaxed manner.

“Ah, the next scenario has already been conceived.”

[what....? When?]

Jack wondered if he was just messing about because he still had time, but when he said that the scenario had already been finalized, Jack asked back with a startled face. Minsu smiled at him and started talking about something else.

“I took a moment to figure out the outcome of the first catastrophe... and it was so unfair.”

[What's unfair...?]

“The contribution is too biased towards one person. I know that there are quite a few big players in the financial world who have turned their eyes to giving a 15% stake and bet a lot on this scenario. For example... I guess it's like a loser's revival match?”


Jack stares at Minsu with a completely incomprehensible expression. However, as soon as I looked at the details of Minsu's second disaster that popped up in front of my eyes, I opened my eyes.

[The second catastrophe... Winner takes it all?]

Winner takes it all.

Winner Take All.

“It is to allow various organizations to cooperate or compete with each other so that they can add up the contributions they have. You can either earn contribution points by reaching a peaceful agreement, or you can declare war and seize the opponent's base so that you can forcibly steal contribution points. At first, they will take sides and fight each other to advance... but in the end, a force will emerge that monopolizes all contributions.”

A phenomenon that takes place naturally in the capitalist system that pursues infinite competition.

The rule for the second scenario presented by Minsu, who was trying to implement it in Arcadia, was simple.

[So.... To put it simply, kill each other from now on...?]

The problem is that a fraudulent company that makes trillions of money every day has a stake of as much as 15%. That is why this scenario, which subtly promotes and intends division and conflict, never ended with a peaceful and happy ending.

“Ah well, whether this scenario ends with a happy ending or an unhappy ending is up to the users. Whatever it is, as long as the clear conditions are completed, I'm done with it.”

However, Minsu responds with a smirk at Jack's words. At his words, Jack looked at him with a puzzled look for a moment and then asked.

[...What are the clearing conditions?]

“Any guild to unite 80% of all guilds in Arcadia.”

[what....? 80%...? What do you mean by unifying all guilds around the world?]

Although the scale was different, there were at least hundreds of millions of guilds in Arcadia. Therefore, if you think about it with common sense, it was almost impossible to achieve the conditions Minsu suggested.

[And what the heck does that have to do with the apocalypse?]

The second scenario, leaving everything behind, doesn't seem to fit the apocalypse theme at all. However, when Jack said that he had nothing to do with the scenario, Minsu replied to Jack with a slightly serious face, as if asking what he was talking about.

“You don’t have a relationship? That's why you're overlooking the dangers of this scenario.”


“Aren't you still thinking of Arcadia's stake as just a stock that can be sold at a high price? If you consider that there are people all over the world who would do anything to get that 15%, you wouldn't think that.”

A stake in Arcadia Co., Ltd., which has enormous strategic and technological value on this planet. Minsu grinned and muttered as if he was anticipating an enormous conspiracy to take place to determine the final winner and a dirty mud fight to take place in it.

“Even if you smile and hold hands in front of you, you will definitely be thinking about when to strike the back of the head with a knife hidden behind you. Rather than serving each other, they will somehow take care of their own interests and try hard to hurt the other person. And that's how the competition between each other intensifies and continues to roll in the mud in that endless greed, and in the end...” A

very sweet reward that can never be given up.

So, Minsu muttered in a low voice, recalling the image of everyone shedding blood in fierce competition without yielding an inch and collapsing in unbearable damage.

“Everyone will destroy themselves.”


“But that's not what I want to see in this scenario. The ending is just human nature that is so natural, and it's nothing more than a mass market full of sweet potatoes full of clichés with no fun at all.”

Minsu interrupts Jack who is about to open his mouth and says that was not his intention. And he soon turned the TV around and started talking about things he couldn't understand.

“In that chaotic moment of chaos, when everyone is fighting each other to become the king, there is always a need for an absolute monarch that no one dares to oppose. Not halfway strong, but such an absolute one who can rule over everyone with such overwhelming strength that one cannot even think of resisting or revolting.”


Jack tilts his head with a puzzled look on his face, as if he still can't understand his intentions. However, Minsu muttered with his signature mischievous smile.

“The scenario I conceived will surely bring the result of everyone self-destructing in an endless war. But there are definitely options to make it a happy ending instead. If things go the way I envisioned, I could end the scenario very peacefully with very little damage.”

“However, I don’t know if that person will make such a decision...”

[What the hell is that...]

I don’t know what it is, but Minsu seems to have a really wicked and petty plan.

Looking at the evil smile and mischievous eyes that he showed every time he returned a big, chunky candy to the person who fucked him, Jack couldn't bear to speak with a strange feeling of anxiety.

“You said you would feed me candy...?”

Min-su clearly remembers the moment Jae-young declares that she will eat him. The ignorance of living with the life creed of forgetting grace but repaying resentment a hundredfold did not go anywhere, so he held up the scenario specially prepared for Jaeyoung and muttered with a grin as if asking him to try it.

“Where are you going to fuck me properly?”

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