Chapter 405: Prologue to the final chapter (2)

Numerous conspiracy theorists have said that there is a great secret in this world that we do not know about.

Existence of aliens and ghosts. Secret societies, brainwashing chip vaccines, etc...

Most of them dismissed these absurd claims without any evidence as absurd stories, but obviously, there was a huge secret on this planet that ordinary people do not know at all.

[Detecting a terrorist threat. Risk level 83%.....]

[Relevant evidence collection.....]

Argos, an operating system that manages the operating system installed on smartphones used by people around the world.

Prism, a huge integrated surveillance network project that only a very few people know about on this earth, unfolded through a backdoor secretly installed in the operating system.

Thanks to this project, which was promoted under the authorization of the US government, the United States was able to be completely free from the terrorist threat scattered all over the world and experienced the brilliant development and innovation of science and technology.

The reason why it has been able to secure its position as the world's most powerful country by gaining enormous economic wealth more than ever. It was because of holding hands with only one person.

[If the United States holds my hand, the world of innovation and upheaval that I will create in the future will always start in the United States.] A

genius boy who appeared like a comet at the age of 9, writing a thesis that would change the world.

Kim Min Soo.

The hand that he first approached the US government and made an outrageous demand. And the US government, which held hands in that absurd story, experienced unbelievable changes in less than five years due to the numerous science technologies and inventions he unraveled.

Corporation Argos.

Silico The Bio Industries.

Ajin Electronics.

American companies that have reached the pinnacle that no one can surpass in their respective fields, changing the world in line with Minsu's steps. People in this world did not know at all, but President Lee Mi-yeon clearly knew the true owner.

“So... you mean that even Jenika can't do something about Minsu?”

[Because it is. Where do you think that crazy baby will hear me? The answer is to just infect them with a mutant AIDS and kill them painfully.] When

asked for advice on how to deal with Min-su's intrusion, Jenika, the head of Silicorp, pretends to slit his throat and talks about a nasty idea. Seeing President Lee Mi-yeon with a worried expression on her face, she let out a deep sigh and said,

[Just eat comfortably. No matter what you say, Minsu's son will act as he pleases. In the first place, that bastard isn't someone who listens to others and eats them up, right? If he had common sense, he wouldn't have run amok like an unbridled fool.]

“Well... that's true, but...”

[Just think of Kim Min-soo as a natural disaster. What the boss dares not do... For example, something like a typhoon. When a storm is raging, it's best to just stay calm and hide in a safe place. After the typhoon has passed, I just have to make amends. What should I try to do in the middle of a rainstorm?] “.....

Zenica's realistic advice that it's easier to just give up. It was advice as one of the people who knew Min-soo best and who had suffered from him many times, but Lee Mi-yeon's face was dark, as if she didn't have the confidence to handle the aftermath.

[Or.... Just as I said, there is a way to assassinate without anyone knowing. Personally, I hope that's the case.]

Jenika gives advice with a serious face as if she's not joking. However, at her words, President Lee Mi-yeon nodded with a wry smile.

“Okay, Jenica. Thanks for the advice. I’ll think about the next best thing a little more.”

[But why is that kid suddenly interested in a game he hasn't played before?]

Jenika, who is working hard on Silikov's work, doesn't know much about the situation in the game. She frowned as if she couldn't understand and muttered as if she was in trouble, but President Lee Mi-yeon replied with a calm face.

“Well... he’s interested because the things he planned are starting to unfold.”

[What was planned...? Wait... now that means.....]

Jenika recalled Minsu's settings and goals that he had planned in Arcadia. And then she screamed with a shocked face.

[What the hell are you doing in the game? yes? No, this crazy!]

The late stage crisis scenario of a huge catastrophe that leads to the end of Arcadia.

The last rice cake in this world planted by Minsu, and a setting with his unique and insane taste added. When it was said that it had been activated, Zenica shouted with an absurd face.

[Why is the second half crisis already triggered? No matter how fast it is, 10 years... no, 20 years later, you planned it! jack! jack! hey! Doesn't it come out quickly?]

Now, Jenika is aware of the serious situation taking place in virtual reality. As she began to rake in arrogance against Jack, CEO Lee Mi-yeon looked at the conversation between the two with a bitter expression, then ended the connection without saying anything.



Alice responded immediately to the low call as if she had heard it.

And CEO Lee Mi-yeon asked her with a serious face.

“Minsu... no, if Asura intervenes in Arcadia, how will this world change in the future?”

Arcadia's strongest and worst being, asura of darkness.

Eris immediately responded to her question, unimaginable what would happen if he wielded the power as he pleased, who had the same authority as Jack, the creator... or maybe even more.

[The content has not been specified.]



Kim Min-soo, who created this world, but at the same time is a contradictory being who planted the seeds of destruction everywhere. She continued to put on a worried expression because of his extreme tendency, which seemed like he would not hesitate to destroy the world for fun, but Alice comforted her, telling her not to worry, as if she was imagining only the worst.

[The goals and ideals that Arcadia pursues remain unchanged. Limitless freedom and limitless possibilities. The scenario involving Asura's resurrection has a high possibility of leading Arcadia to destruction, but it is not a definitive ending. It is not reasonable to make hasty conclusions.]

“It is not a definitive ending...?”

[That's right. It is not in the role of a manager to create the ending of a scenario under any circumstance. The only beings who can create the ending of the scenario are...]

“Only the users.”

CEO Lee Mi-yeon answers Alice's words with a hazy expression.

And as if she realized something soon, she jumped up from her seat and her eyes lit up.

“That’s it.”

[What do you mean?]

“Ellis, you judge according to the principles in any situation, right?”

Artificial intelligence that judges and acts fairly and according to given rules in any situation. That's why she immediately answered President Lee Mi-yeon's question.


“In that case..... If Minsu tries to destroy this world no matter what kind of disaster he causes, if the users prevent it and endure it again and again... what will happen?”

[Arcadia will not perish.]

Numerous stories sleeping in Arcadia.

But they weren't finished stories yet.

A story that many people come together to make by biting their tail after tail.

Between the numerous choices and turning points, it was not the management of Arcadia Co., Ltd., but the billions of users who wrote a happy ending or an unhappy and tragic ending and created the true conclusion of the story, so President Lee Mi-yeon finally found a clue. He jumped out of his seat with a brightly colored face.

“Thank you, Alice.”

President Lee Mi-yeon hurriedly left the office after leaving a brief greeting.

And she ended up declaring a bombshell on camera that day while the world watched.

[In the midst of numerous controversies regarding this scenario, as the general manager, I will officially discuss the position of Arcadia Co., Ltd. First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude and respect to all users for their hard work and sacrifices that contributed to successfully preventing this huge catastrophe.] Starting with thanking the users who participated in this crazy

scenario and contributed to preventing it somehow. She talked about the future unfolding in the future without adding or subtracting.

[In the future, a scenario similar to this scenario... maybe even more catastrophic may begin. We call those scenarios ‘post-crisis scenarios'. As you may have already guessed... These scenarios are incredibly difficult and require a terrifying and insane level of strategy. And all of them are highly likely to result in the destruction of Arcadia like this one.]

Asura... No, there are numerous scenarios planned and set by Min-soo Kim himself.

Toward the users who would despair after confronting the scenarios that were tantamount to catastrophes, she clearly began to light the fire of intense desire.

[But... these are obviously the stories of the huge axes that make up this Arcadia, and are the remnants of Asura, the owner of the Black Mist, already mentioned in the setting of the world view. For all the disasters that you think will be absolutely impossible to attack, there will be a strategy somewhere, and if you all work together and do your best, you will be able to prevent anything.

] President Lee Mi-yeon.

She said it over and over again.

[Don't give up, don't get frustrated. I hope you do your part to protect this virtual world by doing what you can in your place under any circumstances. It is for this very moment that you, the adventurers, have come to wander this Arcadia. Whether you are a thief, a merchant, a sculptor, a warrior, or a wizard, you are the warriors who will save this virtual world from destruction.] Give everyone the mission to save this world from Asura's evil and cruel schemes

. While doing so, she officially talked about one thing that no one could deny... that hadn't been announced anywhere yet.

[It is obviously premature and there is a feeling that it is premature, but according to the great principle of infinite freedom and infinite possibility, the final chapter that has already begun cannot be blocked. Therefore, I declare as the general president of Arcadia Co., Ltd. right here and now. The final main scenario, which was planned from the early stage of developing Arcadia, has begun.]

Originally, numerous scenarios that would influence the entire continent of dozens of hundreds of continents had not even blossomed, but due to the insane eccentricities of some users, the final chapter has already begun. President Lee Mi-yeon. Then she looked at the camera and said with a face mixed with indescribable emotions.

[Anyone who protects Arcadia from countless disasters to come and sees the end of this harsh and heartless story will receive a 15% stake in Arcadia as a reward, as promised before.] [

Please I wish all users good luck and hope to save this world from disaster.]

The source of this is fr𝒆e(w)𝒆bnovel

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