Chapter 404: Prelude to the final chapter (1)

A huge disaster has arrived in the fantasy world of Arcadia.

Invasion of mechanical civilization.

In addition to space battleships armed with highly developed future technology, the invasion of powerful machine corps brought enormous damage to the annihilation of one continent, but in the end they had to prevent this huge disaster. However, the aftermath that came after that has not been resolved even after a month has passed.

[I would like to express my deep concern about Arcadia's company policy of unlimited freedom and infinite possibilities. The crisis in the second half of this time... Regarding the so-called ‘invasion of mechanical civilization', general manager Lee Mi-yeon clearly mentioned the destruction of Arcadia. no what the hell does that mean? What were the players thinking if they couldn't prevent this scenario? Are you willing to endure the end of the service with the fall of Arcadia?] The

fall of Arcadia, which President Lee Mi-yeon clearly mentioned in the video that he earnestly requested from the world after the crisis was triggered in the second half. That statement has instilled great doubt and anxiety among the many people who are putting huge amounts of money into the game.

‘How long can this game last?'

‘The risk of service termination may be greater than we think.'

Limitless freedom and limitless possibilities.

A game system that accepts everything that happens in the game, no matter what the consequences, and changes and updates accordingly. As a result, many things have changed so far, and there was great confusion in the process of accepting such changes, but most of them enjoyed and were enthusiastic about such unpredictable situations.

However, everyone agreed that Arcadia had crossed the line in this case.

[Arcadia Co., Ltd. must clearly disclose in front of the public how far the game's operating policy, unlimited freedom and infinite possibilities, are tolerated and whether it is willing to abruptly stop the service, as in the case of Japan. In addition, when a sudden change in the game has caused huge damage and loss to users unilaterally as it is now, we must apologize and compensate. Especially if the current trend is that virtual assets are also equated with real assets.]

Public opinion can never be favorable to Arcadia Co., Ltd.

There were very few users who benefited from this scenario, and most of them suffered huge losses or sucked their fingers and did not see any income.

- No, I died and dropped a unique item from that machine, what should I do?

-unique....? You blew up a house


-Because slime did all the main scenarios hahaha.

- Where is this ridiculous scenario? really? No matter how you think about it, it's ridiculous.

It's a situation where all places are on fire regardless of which community. As if to represent the hot public opinion, he shouted in anger while pouring out vicious words about Arcadia Co., Ltd. on TV.

[In addition, the thing that angers me the most is Arcadia's planning ability, which is not common sense. A space battleship in a mysterious and fantastic medieval fantasy world? Invasion of machines? Is it a sane idea? I don't know who it is, but if there is a bastard who came up with such a project, he should be fired right away. It's a mindset that completely ruins the game. No, more than that, the development team and executives who passed such a plan and applied it to the game are also shot in the head.]

A moderator who is sweating to calm down the panel, which is so excited that it even pours out harsh remarks that should not be done on the air, and to put an end to it. However, his candid remarks were receiving a tremendous response from public opinion.

- That's right!

-Is this a game? damn bastards.

-I've been saying this for a long time, but Arcadia's executives are just idiots.

- They're just bastards who enjoy feeding the users? What do you expect from these guys in the first place?

-If you died from the machines this time and lost items as a death penalty, please send me a note. We plan to sue for collective damages.

- All executives must resign! Otherwise, there will be a boycott!

-Ah..... I really want a capsule refund. Should I just fold it?

Users who go beyond being angry at Arcadia Co., Ltd.'s last-minute operation and even seriously think about quitting the game. Public opinion was deteriorating incomparably compared to before, but President Lee Mi-yeon, who had to take responsibility for this situation, was busy dealing with branch managers who had already risen in rebellion.

“I’ll tell you clearly here, but this scenario is a plan that was clearly decided from the development stage. Regarding the opinion that it was an absurd development in this regard, I am fully aware of and agree with you, but I cannot guarantee that similar cases will not occur in the future. It is up to the users.”

The second half crisis that was first introduced in Arcadia.

It was not completely disclosed to the public, but in the worst case, the whole of Arcadia could have been destroyed.

[What do you mean? Could it be that there is not just one scenario like this, but several?] [Oh... my God... are

you really going to ruin this perfect game like this?]

Did you make it?]

Although it is a game system that is free and flexible beyond imagination, the branch managers did not think it was possible to destroy the entire continent. But now, more than ever, I felt that it could really happen.

Looking at the Japanese continent already filled with sticky green slime.


The slimes who completely ate a continent on behalf of Gestalt. It's a shame that Japan's service has been suspended indefinitely. It's a terrible situation that might have heard tremendous complaints from 100 million users who were deprived of their entire home overnight. That's why Emily, the branch manager in charge of the North American continent, put on her arms and spoke to President Lee Mi-yeon with a determined face.

[I'm sorry, boss, but I can't understand such a situation at all. No matter how much this company is pursuing, there is a certain extent. Arcadia... No, this company will not be able to survive for a long time if it operates self-righteously without listening to users in this way.] The world's

first virtual reality game, a perfect and massive virtual world Arcadia .

Although it dominated the virtual reality industry at an overwhelming level because there is no substitute for it now, it was true that it could not last forever.

[There are already numerous virtual reality services being produced based on our lucid dream. Starting with League of Legends, War Ground Jenny's Legendary Fight Club... In addition, dozens of large IPs are scheduled to be released as virtual reality games, including MMORPG games claiming Arcadia.] Arcadia

‘s It may not be as perfect and outstanding as the level of virtual reality, but the release of games that imitate it to some extent has been announced. Therefore, if the operation was carried out in such a careless and last-minute way, the large-scale departure of users who were fed up with Arcadia was predicted.

That's why Emily tried to give advice as an executive in charge of the company. In the future, it is said that it should be operated with common sense that is more friendly to users and can coexist with each other.


at that moment, the faces of dozens of branch managers that appeared on President Lee Mi-yeon's monitor disappeared.


Sudden disconnection situation.

President Lee Mi-yeon, who was about to touch the computer while tilting her head thinking that there might have been an error at the moment, was shocked by the sudden appearance of a person.

[It's been a very long time, my sister. How have you been?]

A boy with thick hair that I can't even guess when he washed it.

Her face was full of tiredness from working amidst the messy piles of hot chocolate on the desk, but as she looked at her mischievous eyes and evil smile, President Miyeon couldn't even speak properly.

“Mi Minsu...?”

The chief administrator of Arcadia and the creator of numerous final crisis scenarios. And the true owner of Arcadia Co., Ltd., and an existence that can be said to be her only boss.

Kim Min Soo.

He appeared in an unexpected situation and casually asked about her well-being through the monitor.

[Is the company running well? I was busy working on a project, so I wasn't paying attention , but something amazing was happening in the game without me knowing?

Minsu who was there. As if he came across the related news by accident through the news, he grumbled at President Lee Mi-yeon with a sad face.

[This is too much, older sister. I am also the operator of this virtual reality game, so shouldn't I be the first to tell you when something interesting like this happens? Do I really need to hear this news on TV?]

He asked with a grin. He laughed lightly and complained as if it wasn't a big deal, but CEO Lee Mi-yeon, who heard it, spoke calmly with a more nervous face than ever before.

“You said you were very busy these days. That's why I didn't inform you on purpose because I was worried that I would be disturbed by paying attention to trivial matters.”

[Hmm..... Really? You didn't tell me because you were afraid that if I found out, you'd mess up again?]

“...No way. Will our Minsu be like that? It's a joke.”

Lee Mi-yeon, the president of the company, was shocked by the words, but pretended not to answer while rolling her eyes. At her words, Min-soo made a strange look as if he knew everything, and soon started flipping through the calendar on the desk.

[Let's see..... I don't have anything to deal with right now..... The rocket launch date is three months away anyway... After I leave everything to Eugene... Um... ...]

Minsu mutters something to himself and struggles. And CEO Lee Mi-yeon, who was looking at him with a worried face, asked with a worried look.

“What are you talking about...?”

Her voice began to tremble, as if wishing that it was not what she had imagined. However, as if that ominous imagination was correct, Minsu replied with an evil smile.

[I'll go back to Korea soon.]


President Lee Mi-yeon froze at the sound of a thunderbolt that came out of nowhere. However, Minsu smirked and muttered whether he knew what she was thinking or not.

[I still have time to finish everything I have to deal with here right now. Before the rocket launch, there was nothing to do, so I thought about what to do, but it turned out well.]

Minsu's expression is full of anticipation with sparkling eyes, as if he found a fun toy. And he disappeared after saying something that CEO Lee Mi-yeon would never want to hear even in a dream.

[I've been too indifferent to Arcadia lately, right? I'm going to see how big the company has grown and how well the game is running, so see you soon. I'll contact you again!]

The screen disconnected after saying see you soon.

Jack appeared with a pale face in front of Lee Mi-yeon, who was still frozen in shock as if the afterglow was still there.

[This...isn't it X?]


The office fell into silence with a stiff face.

That's how these two ended up facing the worst moment they couldn't imagine.

The moment Asura, the master of the black mist, sets his sights on current novels on fre(e)w𝒆bnovel

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