Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 935 - The First Adventure

Chapter 935: The First Adventure

Translator: La0o9 Editor: La0o9

Laura accepted Gu Qing Shan’s request without hesitation.

“An outsider becoming a Duke of the Bramble Bird Kingdom——- this is definitely going to cause a huge commotion, but who’s Ye Fei Li?” Laura asked.

“Another ally of mine” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Laura suddenly understood: “I see, since you are being wanted by the 7 Daemons it’s not suitable for you to show yourself; so you use the name of one ally to draw another ally to meet you. That’s certainly a good idea”

“That’s right, this is the only way I can think of to contact him”

“Then——– to avoid people having similar names, do you have a way to distinguish Ye Fei Li from others?” Laura asked.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but fall into thought.

That’s true, there are 900 million World Layers with tens of thousands, perhaps millions of worlds in each of them.

There might be countless people with the name Ye Fei Li.

After thinking for a brief moment, Gu Qing Shan smiled:

“Then we’ll introduce him this way: human male who came from a certain Scattered World, a first-timer in the 900 million World Layers, Ye Fei Li”

He then casually formed a hand seal and used spirit energy to show Ye Fei Li’s appearance.

“Here, this is what he looks like”

“Huh, so that’s your friend, he looks quite green... very well, let me tell Ilya and the others”

Laura took out an emerald glowing leaf and wrote a long message on it.

She read it through once before throwing the leave out.

After fluttering a few times in the air, the leaf vanished.

“There, a few hours later, the entire 900 million World Layers will know that the Bramble Bird Kingdom had appointed a new Duke with real authority—— I can’t wait to see the shocked expressions on everyone’s faces” Laura triumphantly giggled.

At this time, something seemed to be moving in the sky.

The three of them looked up.

A gigantic fish whose body obscured the sky itself was flying past this world.

Gu Qing Shan and Laura were only surprised because they had never seen such a gigantic fish before.

But Lin became tense.

“Hide your presence, this one is very powerful. From what I can tell, it’s currently hungry—— although we are extremely tiny, we should still be cautious” Lin told him in a low voice.

Gu Qing Shan swiftly formed a presence concealment hand seal.

Lin stood still, but her presence slowly receded until it couldn’t be felt anymore, as if she did not even exist in the first place.

Laura took out a flower umbrella and put it up above her head.

She then pulled Gu Qing Shan and Lin underneath it.

“It’s ok now, we can talk” Laura said.

Gu Qing Shan and Lin briefly sensed themselves.

Their presence seemed to have completely vanished.

This was miraculous.

“What treasure is this?” Gu Qing Shan looked at the umbrella in her hand and asked.

Laura giggled: “Take a guess”

“I don’t remember you having this kind of presence concealment treasure—— and you have too many treasures to count, how could I guess?” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Lin looked a bit at the umbrella and muses: “This seems like a manifestation of some sort of ability”

“Big sis really does know a lot” Laura said, “This is the manifestation of my first ability——- after my coming of age ceremony, my abilities continued to mature and finally manifested as this flower umbrella”

Gu Qing Shan realized what she was talking about.

“I see, so this is [Shelter of Infinite Worlds]” he said.

“That’s exactly right” Laura nodded.

[Shelter of Infinite Worlds] was a powerful Mystic ability that Laura had since birth, capable of ensuring that no one could discover her.

During Triste’s betrayal, even after the entire Aboul resort area was surrounded and underwent a carpet-type search, no one was able to discover Laura’s existence.

It was by pure coincidence that Gu Qing Shan got to know Laura who hid in the same royal green room he was in.

And after her coming of age ceremony, Laura’s ability had finally matured and manifested as an item that could shelter other people as well.

The three of them silently stared at the giant fish as it slowly flew across the sky.

“Big sis, earlier you seemed to recognize what that fish was?” Laura asked.

“I do. That is an Abyssal Drifter, they hunt through sensing the presence of their prey” Lin replied.

Laura turned to look at Lin.

“I’m actually from the Abyss as well” Lin casually admitted.

From the Abyss?

Laura had a look of horror in her eyes as she hurriedly turned towards Gu Qing Shan.

“She’s an ally, there’s no need to worry. But she went through a lot of hardship in the Abyss and had to endure it all by herself for many years, only making it back recently” Gu Qing Shan explained.


Laura softly sighed.

She had absolute trust in Gu Qing Shan.

If Gu Qing Shan said so, then it must be the truth.

She looked at Lin and couldn’t help but think of her old self.

When mother, father, and brother were murdered, how much despair and sorrow did I go through by myself hiding in that royal green room?

If Gu Qing Shan hadn’t appeared at the time, what would I have gone through after that?

Laura suddenly found herself sympathizing with this powerful woman in front of her.

“Hold this for me”

Laura gave her umbrella to Gu Qing Shan, turned around, and hugged Lin with both arms.

“It’s ok, big sis, everything is in the past now” she softly consoled her.

Lin froze.

“From now on, you have me and big bro, we will help you with everything” Laura continued.

Lin’s gaze turned to Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan swiftly nodded with clear resolve.

“Big sis, you don’t need to think about the sad things anymore, it’s great that you’ve returned” Laura said.

Lin couldn’t hold it in any longer, tried her best to control her lips that were about to curl downwards and looked away.

She brought one hand up to wipe her cheeks.

Looking at this pair of big and little girls, Gu Qing Shan silently sighed.

Laura was a child who went through a lot of hardship.

And from Lin’s reaction, she definitely has a lot of old sorrowful tales.

But regardless if they were brave or cowardly, heroic, or sorrowful, living in this age of Apocalypse meant that they couldn’t afford to worry only about themselves.

Every moment, a comrade, a close friend, a family member can leave you, possibly never to return.

This was the shared fate of all living beings in the Apocalypse.

Gu Qing Shan went silent for a brief moment and couldn’t help but sake his head.

This damned Apocalypse.

Who can stop this Apocalypse?

...I really want to get rid of this Apocalypse.


One day later.

Outside of the 900 million World Layers.

Gu Qing Shan’s homeworld.

“A bit earlier, the tide of the Eternal Abyss erupted, all the information channels of the 900 million World Layers were broken and scattered, but you still insist on wanting to look for him?” Kitty asked.


Ye Fei Li checked his luggage one last time and spoke: “The Tower of Infinite Worlds must be watched over by boss Barry, big sis Kitty also need to help seal off the encroaching presence of the Abyss, while also helping the wounded, watching over this world, and prevent the Abyss from coming any closer——- since the two of you cannot leave this world, only I can go to look for him”

“Wait” Barry cut in: “I’m going to ask you again. The distance between us and Gu Qing Shan is the entire nearly-destroyed Fallen Zones, as well as the camouflaged Strife Zones. Not only are the Soul Shrieker and [Demon King Order] fighting against one another, the Abyssal Demon Dragon has also taken over the 7 Holy Churches, as well as countless other monsters from the Eternal Abyss who came to take refuge from the Apocalypse. This is essentially a situation with a 99% death rate, even while knowing all that, you still insist on looking for him?”

“Yes” Ye Fei Li answered without hesitation.

“Why?” Barry asked.

“Without him, I would have already fallen to become a monster who lived only to kill, unable to save my mother or avenge my girlfriend——-”

Ye Fei Li finished donning his leather armor and continued: “I know myself, other than writing a few strategy guides for online games, I don’t have any talent to speak of. After spending all that time to finally go through the entire Tower of Infinite Worlds, I’ve finally gained just a bit of strength, so I need to come and fight by his side”

Barry and Kitty exchanged glances.

“Very good, that’s how a man should be, Fei Li, you’ve made me proud” Barry told him.

Kitty pulled on something behind Ye Fei Li’s back and said: “The Void String I’ve given you can only be used once, but it has enough power to pull an entire group of people back to the Club”

Ye Fei Li solemnly bowed to the two of them: “Thank you, boss Barry, big sis Kitty, for teaching and taking care of me up to now, I’ll be on my way now”

Barry patted him on the shoulder: “No need to strain yourself. If something goes really wrong, return to the Club, as long as you still have your life, you’ll always have another chance to find Gu Qing Shan”

“Yes. Big sis Kitty, please” Ye Fei Li nodded again and again.

Kitty reached her hand out and pushed him.

In a flash, Ye Fei Li vanished from this world.

“Where did you send him?” Barry asked.

“A world on the border of the Strife Zones where he would be able to look for the way to move forward on his own, but how far he’d be able to go is fully dependent on himself” Kitty replied.

“It’s actually very hard to find Gu Qing Shan” Barry commented.

“That’s right, extremely hard” Kitty agreed.

“But he insisted on going”

“That’s why he received big bro’s recognition”

“Hm, let him go, those worlds might be dangerous, but it’s also a kind of training——- anyone who wants to become a true Combatant must go through a journey to steel and train themselves”

“Big bro, can you stop trying to look cool with that tone of voice while your face is so worried you can’t even unfurrow your eyebrows?”

“—–hah, back when we went on training, we at least had ourselves to look out for one another. Ye Fei Li is too honest, and he’s all alone...”

Barry and Kitty exchanged glances, both very worried.

All of a sudden, their Holo-brain lit up: [Boss Barry, miss Kitty, a wave of Abyssal presence is heading towards this world, please direct if off-course so that the world doesn’t get corroded]

“Got it, on our way”

The brother-sister pair couldn’t help but return to their job of protecting Gu Qing Shan’s homeworld.


Ye Fei Li appeared in a lively world.

——-this was a famous underground market world.

He looked around at the various people around with strange and unusual traits who still maintained a level of humanoid characteristics, then felt a bit nervous.

This was the first time he left his homeworld.

Which means this was his first adventure.

“Let’s begin”

Ye Fei Li took a deep breath and headed for a certain information brokerage establishment.

On his way, some people keep looking at him with malicious intent.


Their gazes don’t seem like malicious intent, just a bit too excited.

What’s going on?

Did they recognize me as a newcomer?

I don’t have any wealth on me though. Barry and Kitty only taught me a few common languages without giving me any money, but they said that the Club can borrow money with our credit anywhere in the 900 million World Layers, so there shouldn’t be any issues.

So why are these people looking at me like that?

With such doubts in mind, Ye Fei Li began walking faster.

Numerous Professionists followed him into a famous information brokerage establishment.

The owner of the establishment had been waiting to receive Ye Fei Li at the door.

“Esteemed sir, would you like to use our services?”

“Ah, yes. I need some information, and a ship”

“It is our establishment’s honor to be able to serve you, please come in”


Ye Fei Li followed the owner inside.

The surrounding Professionists could no longer hold themselves back.

Someone loudly shouted: “Sir! Are you Ye Fei Li? Ye Fei Li who came from a Scattered World?”

Ye Fei Li doubtfully turned around to look at the man, then replied: “I am——— why do you know me?”


The entire street broke out in loud discussion.

“My god, it really is him”

“That’s really him”

“Tsk tsk, the new Bramble Bird Kingdom’s...”

“Unimaginable wealth!”

“But who dares to touch a hair on him?”

“Triste’s outcome...”

“That was truly...”

“Let’s think of something quick, maybe we can flatter...”

Everyone was going crazy.

This was completely above Ye Fei Li’s expectation.

“I don’t know any of them, but they seem to all know about me... What’s going on here? So strange...”

He couldn’t help muttering to himself.

The owner of the establishment was walking with a slight hunch on his back and grinned flatteringly: “Mister Ye, no, no, perhaps I should call you Your Dukeship right now—— you truly know how to joke around, who in the 900 million World Layers doesn’t know about you at this point?”

Ye Fei Li froze.


What the heck is going on?

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