Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 934 - Fighting Side-by-side Once More!

Chapter 934: Fighting Side-by-side Once More!

Lin reached her hand out and lightly touched the armor.

The armor immediately scattered into its components and equipped itself onto her body.

Lin then equipped the crimson gauntlets onto her hands.

She casually clenched her fists.

An intense flame emerged from the gauntlets and enveloped her body.

“Interesting, an Elemental-infused pair of gauntlets. These are indeed very rare”

Lin moved her body a bit and slowly muttered.

Within the burning flames, her fighting spirit slowly rose.

The [Spring of Eternal Youth] was an extremely scarce healing artifact, so it was able to heal all the wounds on her body in a short period of time.

Right now, Lin had returned to her peak condition when she was still a human.

——-while being heavily wounded and could only move her hands, Lin managed to beat a {Yama King} realm monster to death in a single punch.

Then, how powerful was she actually when she regained her full strength?

Lin didn’t move from where she was and simply stood there, protecting Gu Qing Shan behind her.

She looked up at the monsters charging at her and whispered:

“Fire represents destruction. If I remember correctly... there was an elemental fist technique that was lost with time”

She clenched her fist tightly and threw a punch at the monsters several dozen miles away!

It was an incredible sight.

From extremely far away, it looked as if a blinding ‘comet’ ascended to the sky, burnt through everything on its path, and shot far into the void above.

The monsters charging at Lin and Gu Qing Shan were burnt to a crisp in mere moments.

Wherever the ‘comet’ of flames passed through, the void of space itself shattered, all things were destroyed, even the monsters hidden in space far above were consumed by the flames and returned to nothingness.

The extreme blinding light swiftly left this world, giving off an illusion that the world had suddenly turned dark.

———-the sky began to fall.

Everything around was burnt to ash, the void of space itself was collapsing.

“So my elemental fist technique had become this rusty. To not be able to control the power of an attack, I’m disappointed with myself...” Lin softly scolded herself.

The world fell to silence.

She silently stood and looked at the slowly appearing space vortex in the sky with a lonely expression.

All of a sudden, the faint image of a great tree appeared within this world.

Numerous emerald glowing leaves fluttered down the tree, gathered and formed a green glowing tunnel.

The image of the great tree only remained for one breath’s worth of time before it slowly faded.

All the green leaves scattered away.

When all the leaves fell to the ground, a graceful little girl wearing a long dress appeared in front of Lin.

The little girl had an energetic pair of eyes, a slightly sharp chin, and a simple ponytail hairdo, she also wasn’t wearing jewelry or accessories at all.

She seemed to dress very simply and was considerably young, but her every gesture gave off an undeniable air of elegance and grace.

The little girl smiled sweetly and spoke: “Big sis, it is nice to meet you, I am Laura”

“Nice to meet you too, I’m Lin” Lin slightly bowed to greet Laura and spoke with a serious tone: “The serum you gave had allowed me to fully recover, and I thank you for that”

Seeing her sincere attitude, Laura silently nodded.

This woman is vastly stronger than any living being of the 900 million World Layers, almost at the same level as those monsters from the Abyss, yet she’s very thorough with her debts and gratitude, not at all self-righteous due to her strength.

No wonder she’s traveling with big bro.


Laura’s mind swiftly turned and asked: “Big sis, are you my brother’s sweetheart?”

“What’s a ‘sweetheart’?” Lin doubtfully asked.

“In normal terms, something like a girlfriend or spouse”

“Ah, not at all. I’m his elder sister, we are traveling together within the 900 million World Layers in search for our lost relatives”

Regardless of the situation, Lin decided to go with the scenario that she discussed with Gu Qing Shan first.

Laura’s expression didn’t change at all, but she was very surprised in her heart.

——that’s not right, big bro is an orphan just like me.

Then this woman is hiding something from me.

But from what I observed through the treasure, in that battle just now, this woman was in fact protecting big bro.

And she has been traveling with him.

——-alright, maybe she has her own circumstances and this was the explanation that she and big bro decided on after discussion.

Maintaining caution against someone you meet for the first time is necessary, so there’s nothing to blame her for.

And I don’t need to get to the bottom of this either, as long as she isn’t hostile towards big bro.

With that in mind, Laura nodded: “Then you’re also my elder sister”

She then pulled a small backpack out of nowhere and searched through it.

“A meeting gift for Gu Qing Shan’s elder sister, I can’t be too shameful...”

Seeing her serious expression as she searched, Lin silently chuckled.

Earlier, it was because I was wounded and was in the middle of a battle that I received her [Spring of Eternal Youth] and equipment.

In truth, I’ve always been a simple person who doesn’t care for wealth.

In this long life, the one things I’ve always pursued were martial arts, justice, and vengeance.

So if she’s trying to give me something, I might as well refuse.

——–the most important thing about living, is the pursuit of spiritual sanctity, there is no need for too much materialism.

And this has always been my attitude.

Lin calmly thought.

It was now that Laura’s excited voice sounded:

“Found it!”

She took out a big mirror and put it in front of Lin.

“Big sis, this is the Mirror world”

“Did you just say... world?”

“Yes, this world isn’t very big, only around 5 million kilometers squared. The entire coastline consists of beaches in perfect condition——- I’ve employed some people from the 900 million World Layers: 5 top-class chefs, 7 hair-stylists, 15 jewelry designers, 24 scientists, and 30 outfit designers to manage this world so it’s is filled with the most trendy outfits, accessories, and jewelries that can cater to every occasion. When not in a hurry, you can also enjoy some afternoon tea, go sunbathing, or summon these specialists for any of your personal needs”

“Why are there also scientists?” Lin couldn’t help but ask.

Laura replied: “Because some professional jobs require the help of professionals. Like, designing awesome supercars, stylish space shuttles, message robots or machines that are most suitable for relaxing, or even the most trendy interstellar communication devices, they’ll be there to give you the most suitable suggestions and help you create them”

“...” Lin.

Laura pushed the mirror onto Lin and said with a begging expression: “This world isn’t worth a lot of money, but it contains everything that a girl would ever need, so I think big sis would probably like it. It’s just a small bit of my care, please accept it, big sis”

“......You are truly an adorable little girl” Lin replied.

She then put the mirror into her personal storage space.

Lin thought for a bit and said: “Since this is our first meeting, I don’t have much that I can give to a little sister, but you can have this”

She drew a glowing rune in the void of space, grabbed it with her hand, and put it into Laura’s palm.

“Big sis, what is this?”

Laura asked in surprise.

The rune of light disappeared as it touched her palm.

If this rune was dangerous, the Bramble Saint Tree would immediately appear to protect me.

But the Bramble Saint Tree had remained silent for the past while.

“This contains one single strike from me, when you are in critical danger, it would automatically activate to protect you” Lin replied.

Laura sincerely bowed and thanked her: “Thank you big sis!”

You’re joking, this woman is insanely stronger than anyone I’ve ever seen, and with the apocalypse approaching, having a single time of her protection constantly with me is something that anyone could only dream to have.

Both of them suddenly stopped.

They turned to look behind Lin.

Gu Qing Shan had woken up, currently smiling at them.

“Gu Qing Shan!”

Laura uttered a loud cry as she leapt towards him.

Gu Qing Shan swiftly caught Laura and stroked her head, smiling while asking: “How have you been lately?”

“Waaah~ not good, not good at all”

“What’s the matter?”

“Being an empress is so much hard work”

“Tell me, what’s been troubling you?”

“Every day, countless worlds want to establish relations with my kingdom, I already ignored them and they still insist without backing down that they wanted to establish a friendly relation with us, it’s so troublesome!!”

“Ahaha, you’ll get used to it” Gu Qing Shan smiled and replied.

“Gu Qing Shan, I had come to look for you because the Apocalypse is approaching the infinite worlds, I need someone to fight alongside me” Laura told him

“How’s the situation in the 900 million World Layers right now?” Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but ask.

“Really terrible. All sorts of powerful Abyssal monsters are infiltrating the 900 million World Layers, besides a few very unique forces and entities, nothing and no one is able to stop them” Laura replied.

“How’s the Bramble Bird Kingdom?”

“We reside deep within the Mystic Zones, since we have the Bramble Saint Tree and various natural dangers as our barrier, as well as being close to the Unending Abyss of the broken worlds, so any enemy that tried to approach us had to reconsider”

“The Unending Abyss of the broken worlds? Ah, I remember now, the Bramble Bird Sovereign armor was something that a previous emperor used [Shelter of Infinite Worlds] and found within the Unending Abyss of the broken worlds, wasn’t it?”

“That’s right, so our Bramble Bird Kingdom is still safe for now, but using various items, I discovered even more terrifying Abyssal monsters heading into the 900 million World Layers. If all of those monsters came to us at once, the Bramble Bird Kingdom would face danger as well!”

Laura’s young face showed a dignified expression and solemnly asked: “Gu Qing Shan, I now solemnly ask you to fight alongside me, are you willing to?”

Seeing her putting up an appearance, Gu Qing Shan chuckled: “There are surely many worlds looking to fight alongside our Empress Laura”

Seeing his casual attitude, Laura’s presence deflated and mumbled: “I don’t want to join hands with those guys at all. They’re all either panicking, trying to fake remaining calm, or couldn’t come up with any reasonable solution, I’m angry just looking at them”

——-she had already been through a journey to hell and back with Gu Qing Shan, she saw with her own eyes how Gu Qing Shan defeated the 2 million demonized people by himself and repelled the [Demon King Order].

Because of that, Laura’s vision was extraordinarily high.

“Are you sure you want to fight alongside me?”

“Hm, I really miss that feeling. Personally, I feel that if I wanted to fight to the bitter end without any regrets, it would be with you”

“Very well, your majesty, it would be my honor”

Hearing that, Laura jumped from joy.

Immediately realizing her lack of etiquette, she softly cleared her throat and lifted her chin:

“Hmph, it took a really long time to find you, y’know. That is how much I respect your—- erm, your—–”

“My ingenuity?”

“Yes! That is how much I respect your ingenuity as an Empress!”

Gu Qing Shan and Lin exchanged glances.

They both smiled.

Laura had a natural sense of presence about her that allowed others to feel assured.

She was naturally dignified without being pretentious; clearly mischievous but also heavily emphasized her etiquette and appearance, causing others to be naturally drawn to her.

“Alright, then we have something we need to do now” Gu Qing Shan said.

“What is it?” Laura asked.

Gu Qing Shan took his Bramble Bird Kingdom’s Duke medal.

“Ah? You mean I can announce you to be our Bramble Bird Kingdom’s Duke right now?” Laura excitedly asked.

“Not me”


“I want you to announce to the 900 million World Layers that Ye Fei Li had become the Duke of the Bramble Bird Kingdom”

“Ye Fei Li!?”

“Yes, this is a signal that will allow an important ally of mine to find me”


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