Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 418 - They came prepared|

Chapter 418: They came prepared|

The human realm.

The Confederate.

The mountaintop mansion.

Space itself broke open.

An elegant blue-dress palace maid appeared from thin air.

She looked around curiously, asking: “Gongzi, is this the human realm?”

As she appeared abruptly, a sense of chill and irresistible sharpness was drifting from her body.

Both Ye Fei Li and Zhang Ying Hao stood up in absolute caution.

Anna walked forward to block in front of Gu Qing Shan.

“Who are you?” Anna shouted to ask.

Shannu slightly tip-toed to see Gu Qing Shan’s body behind Anna.

She lightly curtsied: “You must be gongzi’s friends, I am gongzi’s personal sword”



Everyone were confused to no end.

Gu Qing Shan opened his eyes.

He stretched, then commented: “What a long battle that was”

Anna asked first of all: “That girl over there said she was your sword, was does that mean?”

“What’s the situation in hell?” the President asked.

“What’s Huang Quan like? Are they strong?” Ye Fei Li asked.

“We got a report that hell is gone, will they be appearing again?” Zhang Ying Hao asked.

Monarch Varona just shrugged with her arms crossed, saying nothing.

“Long story short, everything is dealt with, the human realm is safe now” Gu Qing Shan smiled and answered.

Everyone exhaled from relief.

“Call Liao Xing back, there’s no need to prepare an escape spacecraft anymore” Gu Qing Shan said.

[Understood, sir] Impartial Goddess’ voice answered him.

Anna pointed at Shannu and insisted on asking: “Who is she?”

“Let me introduce you, this is a sword spirit, a sentient sword spirit, she’s called Shannu” Gu Qing Shan explained.

Shannu once again curtsied to greet them: “It’s a pleasure to meet you all”

“Ah… hello”

“It’s our pleasure”

Everyone replied.

“Sword spirit? Hmph, looking like that…” Anna mumbled in a low voice.

At this point, the sky outside darkened.

It was only noon at the moment, but the sky went almost completely dark.

“I’m sensing an unprecedented amount of essence of death that’s pouring into the world, what’s going on?” Monarch Varona frowned and asked.

As a Wood Elementalist, she’s the most sensitive when essence of death appears.

“It’s probably because Huang Quan is currently fusing with our world ——–” while Gu Qing Shan was explaining he was cut off.

The Holo-Brain in his breast pocket lit up.

Impartial Goddess reported: [Sir, the entire world is being drowned in darkness, terrifying monsters had appeared in the sky, please take a look immediately]

A screen was projected.

At various locations in the world.

The sky went dark.

Countless strange and weird monsters appeared above.

They were looking down at the human cities below, roaring in excitement.

The monster seemed like they already couldn’t wait anymore, but because they were blocked by something, they couldn’t enter the human realm at all.

Gu Qing Shan was stunned.

These are demons.

“What’s going on? Huang Quan and the human realm is merging, the world should only get stronger, shouldn’t it?” he muttered.

On the various screens showing places around the world, he even noticed a Demon Lord waiting in the air.

Out of nowhere, lines of blood-red text flashed in his vision.


[The human realm’s protective barrier is weakening, the barrier is estimated to disappear in 1 hour]

[After one hour, the demon army will invade the human realm]

[The human realm is about to be destroyed]

Gu Qing Shan was completely shaken.

“No, this shouldn’t be!” he muttered.

From the void of space, a blurred flash of light came.

The Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook appeared.

“Why did you come here?” Shannu asked in surprise.

“I’m here to report something” the Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook sighed as it spoke.

It quickly told them about the Divinities’ scheme.

“You mean, the gods have given up on the world and the human realm is about to be destroyed?” the President muttered in a hoarse voice.

“These pieces of trash Divinities!” Ye Fei Li angrily roared.

“What about Huang Quan? Is it still fusing with the human realm?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“It is, but there’s not much meaning in that”


“After countless ages, the dead of all 6 Samsara worlds combined only managed to be a match for the demons. After this, even if all the humans in the human realm were to be turned into dead soldiers, there are simply not enough numbers, and they are too weak to fight against the demons”

“The world of Huang Quan is about to be empty, so we have no men to use”

“Can the protective barrier of the human realm be turned back on?” Gu Qing Shan hurriedly asked.

“Because of the Divinities’ plan to get rid of the human realm’s protective barrier, the barrier is about to be gone”

“Thanks to your efforts of fusing the two worlds, a new barrier will form. This process usually requires 7 days, but because there’s nothing in Huang Quan retaliating against it, it should be shortened to about 7 hours”

7 hours!

This was a depressingly long period of time.

As soon as the world’s protective barrier disappears, the demon army can immediately swoop into the human realm.

After 7 hours, when the new barrier is formed, the world itself will have already been destroyed!

Are there no other ways?

Looking at the screen, Gu Qing Shan clenched his fist tight.

In the sky, more and more demons were gathering, their screeches and screams went through the world barrier, echoing to become louder and louder.

Until a certain point when the sounds of the demons were resounding all over the world.

Every human looked at this in despair, stunned and unable to do anything.

Riots and discord began to ripple across the world.

In just one hour, the world barrier will disappear.

There’s no time left to do anything.

Who would’ve thought, all his efforts up to now would end like this.

The President walked over and patted Gu Qing Shan’s shoulder.

“You did your best, let humanity take care of the rest”

“Sir, you mean?”

“Everyone has a duty to fight for their own right to survive, I’m going to give a national speech to encourage everyone to fight to the bitter end”

“Indeed, I’ll have to prepare to encourage my subjects as well” Monarch Varona tied her hair up.

Gu Qing Shan fell silent.

Humanity is still too weak, they are no match for the demons.

If war breaks out, it will be nothing but a one-sided massacre.

Are there any other ways?

Gu Qing Shan tried to think of some countermeasures.


Everything is futile.

There’s already a Demon Lord looming above the sky.

Don’t make light of the Demon Lords just because they were easily killed by the Forgetting River and 7-colored spear, in a normal war situation, a Demon Lord is unbeatable.

—-even a Demon Lord is about to come out, who in this world can match up against a Demon Lord?

Gu Qing Shan sighed.

At this time, some glowing text scrolled through the War God UI.

[User attention please, in 5 minutes, the world of Huang Quan and the human realm will fuse]

[User attention please, reinforcements from Huang Quan are coming]

[Due to your great deeds in both the human realm and Huang Quan, reinforcements will first seek you out]

Gu Qing Shan muttered: “Reinforcements from Huang Quan…”

At this point in time, seeing the worlds ‘reinforcements from Huang Quan’ again, Gu Qing Shan really doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Thinking for a bit, he tried hopefully asking the Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook: “Will Huang Quan give the human realm a hand?”

The Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook answered: “The weapons think that they should at least give as much effort as they can, they’ll come here when the fusion is done”

It added: “Right, a few of the repaired Huang Quan Machines will also come”

Gu Qing Shan’s eyes lit up, asking: “Are there any special machines that can go against the Demon Lords?”

“There isn’t. Demon Lords are too powerful, no regular power is not enough against them”

With his fantasy broken, Gu Qing Shan fell silent again.

Even if he’s lived through two lives, even if he was the supreme commander of humanity’s army, even if he already found the secret between the worlds, he doesn’t have any solution to this.

He has ran out of ideas.

This is true despair.

All of a sudden —–


A sound came from the void of space.

Gu Qing Shan looked around.

There’s nothing.

How strange, there clearly was a sound.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

It sounds a lot like someone pounding on the door.

—-no wait!

This sound is coming from the space around the room.

Gu Qing Shan looked back up.

Since moments unknown, the world had fallen into silence.

Gu Qing Shan’s eyes swept across the room.

The President was scowling with his hand on his chin, as if he was thinking of the proper words to use.

Monarch Varona was holding a mirror, fixing her appearance.

Ye Fei Li appeared to be furious, but more so at a loss.

Zhang Ying Hao has kept his calm, currently doing something on his Holo-Brain.

Anna was staring at Shannu full of caution and questions.

But they were all frozen.

Their expressions were frozen, their bodies stood absolutely still, unmoving.

Only the black dog could move.

It silently went in front of Anna and sat down.

The black dog seems to be on extreme alert.

But from the looks of it, it had decided to protect Anna.

“Gongzi, the flow of time has been stopped” Shannu came next to Gu Qing Shan and whispered.

“[Time Stanch]?” Gu Qing Shan realized something and asked.

“Indeed, it’s [Time Stanch]”

“Why can I still move?”

“It was on purpose, seems like they came prepared”

At the same time, the two cards inside Gu Qing Shan’s Thought Sea started to vibrate.

Vengeance Deck, Great Ghost General.

Vengeance Deck, Asura King.

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