Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 417 - Heaven realm’s plans

Chapter 417: Heaven realm’s plans

“Why!? Why can’t I contact the Devil King!?”

The Shrine of Reincarnation.

The female Asura’s voice echoed from inside.

She ran out from the Shrine of Reincarnation, rushing towards hell.

Seemingly frightened by something, her expression was that of utter dread and fear.

“Quickly, quickly, I have to tell this to the Devil King as fast as possible!”

Due to the fear, she was soaked with cold sweat.

She was also running as fast as she possibly could.

After a while, she tripped and fell, rolling forward a few meters.

But the female Asura ignored this completely and kept rushing ahead.


I have to be faster!

I have to make it to where the Devil King is!

When she got to the Blood River Hell, Gu Qing Shan was already nowhere to be seen.

Only the 6 leaders were there, merrily discussing something.

When they noticed her approaching, they greeted her.

“Where have you been?”

“We can already reincarnate in just half a day”

“Yeah, which world do you want to go to?”

The female Asura breathed in deeply and shouted: “Shut up!”

The 6 others were stunned.

It was now that they noticed the female Asura was shaking and her complexion was exceptionally pale.

“What —- happened —-?” the giant asked.

“Where’s the Devil King?” the female Asura asked.

“Since everything is over, he already left just now” the human old man told her.

“Where did he go?” the female Asura hurriedly asked.

“The human realm”

It’s over!

The female Asura’s body became limp as she slumped down on the spot.

“Just what exactly happened? Just say it and we can all help you” the Wolf King spoke in its low voice.

“It’s useless!”

The female Asura sighed in desperation.

Then she recalled something and spoke a bit incoherently: “No, maybe there is, there maybe away!? Divine Armament, Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook! I can tell it!”

“I’m here”

The Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook appeared from thin air.

“The Shrine of Reincarnation! Inside the Shrine of Reincarnation! Quickly take a look!!” the female Asura was practically screaming.

The khopesh spoke with a bit of a smiling tone: “Alright, let me see what it is ——-”

It’s voice cut off.

After a while, it finally spoke up again.

“It’s over, it’s all over”

The khopesh’s voice was dejected, at the same time contained a hint of stifled anger.

The female Asura hurriedly: “Quickly go to the human realm and tell our Devil King the truth”

The Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook replied: “It’s useless even if we tell him, he’s only a single person in the end, there’s no way for him to go against the schemes of the Heaven realm. Not to mention with how long they’ve been planning, it might be already too late to stop it”

“What is actually going on, tell us so that all of us can at least look at it together” the Wolf King walked over and asked seriously.

The other leaders also nodded.

Their expressions of joy were already nowhere to be seen.

From how panicked the female Asura was, something unknown must’ve happened.

The Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook spoke: “Put your hands on me, I’ll let you see the conversation just now”

The leaders of hell put their hands on the khopesh’s handle, an image began to form in front of their eyes.

Inside the Shrine of Reincarnation.

The No.33 machine was giving off sparks as well as a thick smoke rising from its body.

But at the very least, its body was now reassembled, capable of some basic functions.

From the looks of it, speaking shouldn’t be an issue if it’s only for a short time.

Not just it but the rest of the machines were also beginning to repair themselves thanks to the merging of the two worlds.

“Hook, it’s good that you’re here, so good that you’re here!” the machine spoke.

“Emergency Recording Machine, it looks like you have something you want to tell me?” the Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook asked.

“Come and —-look, quickly, I have to tell you the truth” the Recording Machine told it.

A scene appeared from the Recording Machine’s projection apparatus, like a 3D image that floats in midair.

In the image, 8 different-looking Divinities were standing at the deep end of the Shrine of Reincarnation.

The 8 Devas of Huang Quan, the absolute authority of hell.

They were discussing in a low voice.

“It is already time?”

“It is”

“Let’s go, the gate to Heaven realm is already opened and is waiting for us”

“How unfortunate, having to give up Huang Quan”

The 8 Devas went silent for a while.

One of them spoke: “We’ve already discussed this, the world of Huang Quan will be used as bait to keep the demon’s attention, after they’re done with everything and it’s time to leave, they’ll bring us with them”

Another Deva sighed: “Let’s go, even the Heaven realm couldn’t resist against that spear, what chance do we have”

“That’s right, the 7-colored spear is too terrifying, no one is a match for it”

“This isn’t us running away, we are simply out of options”

The 8 Devas all agreed on that and nodded.

They were ready to believe their own excuses.

One Deva then sighed again: “How pitiful after Huang Quan will be the human realm”

Another Deva spoke: “This is also unavoidable, to make sure that the demons don’t attack us when we retreat, the Heaven realm can only actively dispel the human realm’s protective barrier beforehand”

“That’s right, using both Huang Quan and the human realm as bait for the demons, that is the only way us Divinities can retreat without any worries”

“Let us go”

“Wait a minute, let’s destroy the recording device on the way out”

“The Six Paths Great Mountain sword must be destroyed as well, it’s too powerful, not to mention it exists as one with the Grand Tie Wei Mountain, it might create disadvantageous variables for us”

“This Divine Armament is a manifestation of the Grand Tie Wei Mountain, it’s impossible to destroy”

“There’s no need to destroy it, it’s enough as long as the weapon spirit is wounded so that it can’t be used for a while”

“Wounding the weapon spirit? That I can do”

All the images disappear.

The 7 leaders of the dead fell silent.

The Fiendkind’s glowing aura was fluctuating.

It angrily gritted its teeth: “So the Divinities of Huang Quan betrayed both worlds just to escape!”

Wolf King was a bit more calm: “All the Divinities of Huang Quan came from the Heaven realm, so it’s actually the Heaven realm that sold out the two Samsara worlds”

“And following this, the human realm is about to come under attack by a large amount of demons”

Wolf King looked at the human old man and asked: “In your world, are there many powerful individuals on the same level as the Devil King?”

The human old man laughed bitterly: “If only that was the case, unfortunately he’s the first person I’ve seen to be that powerful”

Wolf King fell silent: “Us dead are able to revive over and over, together with our large numbers that doesn’t pale in comparison with the demons that we barely managed to stop the demons from interfering with hell”

The human old man continued: “Compare to that, not only are there very few combatants in the human realm, they are also exceptionally weak, they’ll most likely be killed just by the demon’s scouts”

“Then the human realm really is done for”

As they spoke, the earth began to shake.

The Merit Accountant Machine appeared above every dead person’s head.

[Cleanse your body, wash away your old selves and repent on your previous crimes, once you are done, your reincarnation shall begin]

A rain of elixir began to pour from above, washing away the blood and grime on the dead’s bodies.

This felt exceptionally pleasing, as if the very core of their souls were being purified.

The dead gladly stood under the rain.

This was also a use of their Merit, the moment for them to enjoy the fruits of everything they’ve went through.

The 7 leaders also stood to enjoy this good karma, waiting for their reincarnation.

The Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook shook a bit then sighed: “I should go to the human realm, to at least tell him about the truth of everything”

Saying so, it disappeared from sight.

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