Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 364 - Anna and the Death god (3)

?Chapter 364: Anna and the Death god (3)

Translated by: La0o9

Anna just waved her hand without minding it, couldn’t be bothered to wrap her wound.

More than the wound on her hand, she’s more concerned with the fact that she was ridiculed by her love rival in front of everybody, then fell so humiliatingly.

“Aarrargggg! It’s all this ritual’s fault, god damn it!”

Anna shouted irritated.


Flame rose up behind her back to form a pair of wings.

Anna jumped up, staggering to fly straight before finally figuring out the right direction.

She flew up to the platform at the top of the tower.

It’s the territory of the God, a sacred place that shouldn’t be desecrated by mortals.

She’s already drank too much.

Anna stood on top of the tower platform and looked around.

“There’s nothing but a damn rock here huh”

Anna muttered without noticing just what she was doing.

Aside from a black rock placed here to represent the Sleeping Coffer, there was nothing else.

Yes, the Holy Church of Death had used this black rock to represent the Sleeping Coffer.

The real Sleeping Coffer is the Death god’s personal item, of course it wouldn’t really be here.

Perhaps there had been a few who were brave enough to risk blaspheming God to fly up and observe the tower up close.

But Anna is definitely the only person who flew up here while dead drunk and refuses to go back down.

An unprecedented, unrepeatable scene proceeds to unfold in the history of the Medici clan.

Anna sat down on top of the tower.

Dangling her foot at the edge with a bottle of liquor in hand, she seriously started contemplating.

“When I get back to the Confederate, I’ll first do this to knock that little girl down, then a bit of that to make her know why she can’t run her mouth, and then to burn it to her memory, I’ll have to use my ultimate move…”

While babbling nonstop, she continued to drink.

She drank so much that her body started to feel warm, only a place at her chest felt chilly.

The object was almost stuck to her chest, making her feel uncomfortable.

Anna reached her hand in to take out a miniature state of the God.

The Life Exchanging Contract.

The only Death’s relic that the Medici clan’s ancestor had managed to get.

Anna slammed it down on the rock next to her.

Pain rushed through her hand.


She yelled out from the pain.

The wound on her hand from before was still not yet treated it there was still blood seeping out.

Stupid death’s relic, she slammed the precious treasure against the black rock once again.

This time, more blood spilled from her wound, got onto the miniature statue which then transferred it to the rock representing the Sleeping Coffer.

Fresh blood, statue of the Death god and the Sleeping Coffer where now linked.

A miraculous reaction occurred.

Invisibly, something appeared in silence, staring at Anna from behind.

Anna didn’t notice this at all.

“Cheh! That hurts… so irritating” she held the wound and complained from the pain.

Putting the bottle down, Anna took out a first-aid kit from her backpack to patch herself up.

Her head was in so much chaos right now that Anna felt she had to sleep.

“It’s so hot in here, really wish there was some wind” she muttered.

Out of nowhere, a cold breeze came.

This wind really soothed Anna’s spirits.

She didn’t know how she had just made a deal with the Death god for a bit of wind.

If that’s the case, she will have been the believer who asks the least from their God out of all the religious people in all the worlds.

The invisible existence behind her was about to go away.

Then, Anna realized something.

“Oh no” she muttered.

A familiar feeling rush up her chest.

She’s about to vomit.

And she vomits instantly.

Anna turned around, hurling all the liquor she had drank onto the black rock that represents the Sleeping Coffer.



“…What the hell, I actually drank too much?”

She was breathing heavily while using a tissue to clean her mouth.

She didn’t realize the invisible existence that wanted to leave was hurled all over.

The invisible existence stood still on the platform, not moving an inch.

It has never been through such a situation before.

And Anna was still not sober yet.

After vomiting, she felt slightly better.

Looking around, Anna was surprised: “Ah? When did I get up here? I can’t sleep here; I need to get down”

Saying so, Anna took the bottle and jumped back down to the ground.

After landing, she felt a bit sore at her temples.

The after-effects of the liquor were coming up.

Anna staggered back to where she sat before.

An invisible current erupted from the top of the tower.

The current flew down in a flash, overtaking Anna and stood in front of her.

Following the current’s eruption, the 12 dog-headed statues standing around the Sanctuary also shifted their heads to look down at this place.

For the first time in thousands of years, they moved.

Unfortunately, no one noticed any of this.

The current then became calm again, hovering in the air, staring angrily at Anna.

This blasphemous moron will definitely receive —–


What is that smell?

The current looked down curiously.

At its feet was a glass drifting with a delicious smell of liquor.

It’s liquor…

I’ve protected this place for thousands of years without smelling this…

At this time, Anna was quickly making her way back to where she sat.

She then saw a black figure licking the glass she left on the ground.

Anna’s drunken eyes opened wide as she angrily stepped forward.

She shouted: “That’s my glass!”

The black figure was surprised, biting on the glass and pulled back a few steps.

Anna only now regained her senses and stood still in place.

Wait, I’m the only one here in the Sanctuary, where did another living creature come from?

Gods aren’t living creatures right?

She lightly slapped her cheeks with her hands to force herself awake before looking back at the black figure.

“Honorable —-“ Anna stopped her words.

Because she finally saw clearly that it wasn’t any god at all!

It’s a black dog!

Yep, just a dog.

The Death god wouldn’t be licking my glass.

Anna sighed from relief.

But then, where did this dog come from?

She stepped forward.

The dog stood still.

She went in front of the dog.

The dog was still biting on the glass, squints its eyes and stared back at her.

A solemn and dignified air slowly manifests around itself as it gathered some sort of mysterious power.

When this power gets unleashed, this moron will get it.

Just as the power was about to be unleashed, Anna did something.

She offered the bottle in her hand.

“Wanna drink?” she asked.

Although she’s very drunk right now, she could still tell that it wasn’t normal for a dog to appear in such a place.

May be this dog could be a clue to summoning the Death god.

Anna face-palmed, a bit regretful

She didn’t bring anything because she never thought she’d actually get an answer from the Death god.

The only thing Anna has left is this bottle of liquor.

It’s literally the only thing she could offer.

And so, she carefully presented it.

The dog looks at her, then at the bottle.

Some internal struggle later.

The dog couldn’t resist and took the bottle with its paw.

It drank a mouthful.

Then another mouthful.

Then another mouthful.

Then another one.

So good!

The dog licked its lips, happily putting the empty bottle down.

It glanced at Anna, stared at her now-bandaged hand and sniffed.

Yep, this is Medici clan blood.

The black dog nodded slightly.

And she holds the Contract as well, it’s not good to hurt her.

The liquor is also nice.

Barely enough to forgive her maybe?

The dog kept thinking.

Anna waited on one side and waited until it finally finished drinking, hesitant to speak.

This was the Medici clan’s first contact with their God after thousands of years of constant attempted communication.

It’s also a rare moment for people of this world to have met a god.

What happens here today is more than enough to be engraved permanently into the history books.

Inside the Death god Sanctuary, the 12 dog-headed humanoid statues lowered their heads and silently watched this.

Anna just looked at the black dog hesitantly.

Too much alcohol had caused her mind to be a bit chaotic and her thoughts to slow down.

But she was still trying her best to think, to grasp at what she wanted to say.

Finally, Anna finished forming her question.

She carefully looked at the black dog from top to bottom, then hesitantly spoke: “Could it be…”

The black dog raised its ears and straightened its tail, solemnly looking at Anna.

“The Sanctuary also have a dog pen?” Anna muttered.

The dog was flabbergasted.

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