Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 363 - Anna and the Death god (2)

Chapter 363: Anna and the Death god (2)

Translated by: La0o9

After reciting the incantation, Anna slit her wrist and let her blood drop onto the ground.

The blood quickly got absorbed and disappeared without a trace.

Anna stopped the bleeding and silently waited.


Nothing happened.

However, this time Anna was evidently more patient.

The ceremony that the clan heads of history performed to seek out the Death god in the past lasted a total of 5 hours.

Each hour represents a step in the process of being born, bloom, wither, death and reincarnation.

This is the full process of life and death, as preached by the Holy Church of Death.

During this 5 hours, the summoner will attempt everything they can in order to gain the attention of the Death god.

As far as she knows, some tried to show off their strength, others tried a cruel sacrificial rite in order to gain the Death god’s favor.

The most extreme case thought that he would have to give up his own life, or the life of the people waiting outside for him in order to gain an audience with the Death god.

They all paid heavy prices, but none succeed.

Thus, these 5 hours are also dubbed “The Desperate Summon”

Anna was calm about this.

From the very start, she doesn’t believe that she’ll actually be able to awaken the Death god.

So she did nothing.

After all, aside from the Medici clan’s founder, countless other heroic figures have appeared throughout the history of their clan, but none of them managed to summon the Death god.

Anna doesn’t feel like she’s any stronger than they are.

Anna just stood there and waited.

5 hours is a bit long.

Thinking so, Anna stepped back and found a decently clean spot to sit.

She was going to just wait for time to pass until the ceremony was over.

After all, this ritual was something deemed compulsory for the clan heads to do, it cannot be interrupted.

Time slowly passed.

Inside the Sanctuary, asides from the flame that’s illuminating the darkness that’s occasionally letting out a crackling sound, nothing else happened.

Anna didn’t do anything, neither did she tried to think of any way to awaken the Death god.

She only going to wait until the 5 hours is up.

When a person just sits and waste time without anything to do, they’ll very quickly find their perception of time being elongated indefinitely.

Since she’ll have to wait at least until midnight and Anna didn’t feel pressured to do this, she just lost focus after a while.

She was literally the first person in the past few thousand years to lose focus during the sacred ritual of summoning God.

After a bit of time, Anna shook her head and told herself: “For this type of long waiting, we need something crucial to kill time”

She opened her backpack.

And took out two bottles of strong liquor.

Fuxi’s famous liquor, Imperial Deer.

Anna smiled ecstatically looking at these two bottles.

These are 100-year-old liquor from the Fuxi royal family.

The strongest type of liquor in the world, not “one of”.

It took a lot of effort for her to get these, including being scolded by the Fuxi Emperor in front of everyone.

Anna took one of them, skillfully opened the cork and produced a beautiful, thick, multi-angular glass from her backpack.

She poured the liquor.

In the blink of an eye, the smell of alcohol filled the room.

Anna couldn’t help but licked her lips before taking a sip.


This stuff is strong alright!

Anna nodded in satisfaction.

Sure enough, this is necessarily, otherwise waiting for 5 hours straight would be too boring to bear.

She then drank a mouthful.

Time seems to pass just a bit quicker.

An hour later.

One of the bottles were about to run out.

Since Anna was drinking so delightfully, her mind was also beginning to wander.

This damn ritual, just how heavy is the price that needs to be paid in order to awaken the Death god?

Oh well, let’s just ignore it.

So many others gave up countless riches and even their lives but none managed to succeed.

And I’m not giving up shit.

Her mind shifted quickly and thought about other things.

Right now, Varona should be preparing for her coronation right?

That’s a good thing to the clan as a whole.

Varona becomes the Fuxi Empress, while I hold all the ancient fighting techniques of the clan.

This was something no one had achieved before.

Once I finish this ritual and meet up with Varona outside, I’ll be able to get my revenge on the Pope.

Thinking that, Anna’s mood improved.

She filled the glass, held it up and spoke towards the tower platform of the sleeping Death god: “A toast to you, o’ Death god that has never shown yourself”

Saying so, she tilted her head backwards and downed the entire glass in one gulp.

That one kicked a bit of a punch so Anna couldn’t help shaking her head.

What was I thinking about?

Right, Gu Qing Shan.

What’s Gu Qing Shan doing now?

Anna glanced at her Holo-Brain.

It’s midnight, so Gu Qing Shan is probably asleep.

Well I shouldn’t disturb his sleep.

Anna stopped for a bit.

No way, the wait is too long, I want to talk with him.

Then what reason can I use to wake him up?

Anna glanced over at the Tower of God’s Descent.

Hm, that should be enough.

She turned on her Holo-Brain and video-called him.

The other side quickly connected.

When she saw the other side of the call, she asked in shock: “It’s the middle of the night and the four of you are still drinking?”

Liao Xing’s muttering could be heard: [It’s the middle of the night, aren’t you drinking as well]

Anna ignored him and spoke with Gu Qing Shan a bit about the Death god.

Next, Su Xue Er suddenly appeared.

“So what!”

Anna shut off the Holo-Brain and threw the bottle of liquor away.

“You think this gal is afraid of you? Just wait until this ritual is over, I’m coming right over!”

Anna furiously declared.

Screw everything else, after the ritual is over, I’m coming back to the Confederate.

I need to be by Gu Qing Shan’s side!

It’s the middle of the night, Su Xue Er couldn’t stay over at the mountaintop mansion, could she?

Anna was so shaken she decided to go straight to the Confederate right after the ritual was over.

She doesn’t know that right after Su Xue Er provoked her, she had already left for the world of Fog Isle.

The ritual…

Anna glanced at the Holo-Brain again.

There’s still 3 hours left.

Fucking ritual!

Su Xue Er is now staying at the mountaintop mansion with Gu Qing Shan, while I’m stuck in this deep dark place just sitting here.

The more Anna thought about it, the more annoyed she got.

She staggered to stand up and came over to pick up the bottle she threw.

Having been used to hold liquor for a 100 years, the bottle was impressively sturdy and didn’t break.

Since the bottle of opened, some of the content was spilled out.

Anna shook the bottle.

No sound came from inside.


I don’t think I drank it that quickly, did I?

Already empty?

Oh well, fine.

Anna placed the bottle down and opened her backpack.

I have one more!

She sat straight down on the spot and opened the bottle.

With how irritated she was, she ignored the glass and just drank it from the bottle.


So strong!

She’s never drank so much liquor this strong so quickly.

In just a few gulps, Anna’s face has already flushed read, her eyes dizzy from being drunk.

Her head was also shaking.

How long has it been?

Anna checked the time on her Holo-Brain again.

Pretty much no time has passed at all, there’s still almost 3 hours left.

Too long!

Knowing Su Xue Er is now at the mountaintop mansion, the wait becomes unbearable for her.

Fuck this god damn ritual, if it weren’t for this, I would’ve been at the Confederate already!

Anna got angrier and angrier.

She stood up, struggled to walk, tripped over her own feet and fell face-first to the ground.

The bottle flew out of her hand, bounced a few times on the ground before stopping.

Anna’s body shifted, rushed forward to catch the bottle.

Luckily, this type she already put the cork in so no liquor was spilt.

Anna sighed from relief.

Suddenly, she felt something off on her hand.

She looked down.

A large patch of skin on her palm was torn off and blood was seeping out.

That’s already quite a serious wound.

But Anna felt no pain at all.

She’s drank so much now that her sense of pain was a bit dull.

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