Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 350 - The night before (1)

Chapter 350: The night before (1)

Translated by: La0o9

Proofreader:? Arya

The Freedom Confederate.

A mountain on the outskirts of the capital.

The mountaintop mansion.

Gu Qing Shan sat alone in the dark in the living room.

The Chao Yin Sword was lightly floating in front of him. (1)

Gu Qing Shan slowly closed his eyes, releasing his inner sight to penetrate the Chao Yin Sword.

He’s currently attuning himself with the Chao Yin Sword, once again getting used to it.

When the Chao Yin Sword was repaired, it was no different from becoming an entirely new sword.

Only when he’s able to store the Chao Yin Sword inside his Thought Sea can his second sword saint Quest be considered completed.

A while later.

“Just a little bit more” Gu Qing Shan opened his eyes and muttered.

He was quite comfortable with this speed.

In just a few hours more, he’ll be able to store the sword in his Thought Sea.

At that time, the second Quest will be considered completed.

Outside, the sound of a shuttle landing could be heard.

When the engines shut off, the door opened.

Zhang Ying Hao came inside.

He stopped for a bit, then laughed: “It’s already late, you’re not sleeping yet?”

He turned on the lights in the living room.

Currently, Gu Qing Shan was sitting cross-legged, hovering in midair while a sword floated around him.

Gu Qing Shan put the sword away and landed.

“It’s cultivation, can’t be lazy even for a day y’know” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“I thought you’d be thinking about what the black cloaked skeleton spoke about”

“I’m also doing that”

“How about we have a little drink?”

“Alright then”

Zhang Ying Hao opened the fridge and took out a bottle of liquor.

They knocked glasses.

They drank while analyzing every sentence the black cloaked skeleton had said.

At midnight, when Liao Xing came out to go to the toilet, he saw there was light in the living room so he went to check.

Since he’s a smart guy and an alcoholic, he quickly joined in drinking with the other two.

A couple dozen minutes later, Ye Fei Li came out from his room.

Originally, Ye Fei Li only wanted to find a midnight snack so he went to the kitchen, but found all three people there.

He sat down as well.

A drinking party started just like that.

Gu Qing Shan took a sip and spoke: “I feel like the black cloaked skeleton is afraid of that place”

“That place? The Frozen Hell?” Zhang Ying Hao asked.

“No, Huang Quan” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Liao Xing muses for a bit: “The dead can’t die again, but they’re afraid of Divinity, if you ask what I think, I’d say Divinity hate the dead, at the same time capable of killing them”

“But then, for the last few hundred thousand years, Huang Quan has been just fine, why did trouble suddenly broke out now?” Zhang Ying Hao couldn’t understand that so he asked.

Unable to think of anything, Liao Xing begrudgingly took a sip from his glass.

“Could it be because Huang Quan’s population has reached the limit?” Ye Fei Li suddenly had an idea.

“Perhaps that could really be the case” Zhang Ying Hao commented.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t say anything and just raised his glass.

The four people knocked glasses, tilted backwards a bit and downed everything.

Ye Fei Li scowled, stood up and took out a bottle of champagne.

“I think I’ll stick with this, that thing you guys drink is too strong” he gestured to the champagne bottle.

Liao Xing took the strong liquor, poured for Gu Qing Shan and Zhang Ying Hao, then himself.

He also stood up and took out a bit of sweets from the kitchen fridge, putting them on the table.

Drinking cold liquor while eating sweets, Liao Xing resumed talking.

“If it really is as Ye Fei Li suggested, and Huang Quan’s population has reached a limit, then an even worse thing is about to occur”

“What would that be?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“The other hells are coming as well” Liao Xing replied.

“I was also thinking that” Gu Qing Shan agreed.

“If that’s the case” Zhang Ying Hao sighed, “my hitman firm is probably going out of business”

“Humanity itself is going to be destroyed, never mind your hitman firm” Ye Fei Li drank some champagne and commented.

Liao Xing casually suggested: “Truthfully, we could ask your girlfriend to make a trip to Huang Quan, to see what’s really going on”

Ye Fei Li instantly rejected: “Definitely not! What if something happens to her? What if she can’t return?”

“I think maybe she’ll reincarnate and become human again” Zhang Ying Hao thought and said.

He’s drank so much he’s already spewing nonsense.

Liao Xing seriously thought about it: “If that’s true, it’s fine if she becomes a girl, but if she is reborn as a guy…”

He sneaked at glance at Ye Fei Li.

Ye Fei Li was on the verge of exploding and shouted: “Take a good look at those damn dead people, which one of them reincarnated? None of them! They’re all trapped in hell, suffering for eternity!”

He stood up and declared loudly: “I am definitely not letting her go!”

Gu Qing Shan patted him on the shoulder and closed the topic: “We’re not going to make your girlfriend go, relax”

Liao Xing was also a bit taken aback: “We’re just saying that, no need to be so jumpy”

Ye Fei Li finally calmed down a bit.

“Why don’t you try to find some other wandering spirits to ask?” Zhang Ying Hao asked.

Gu Qing Shan answered: “I’m the one that saved Ye Fei Li’s girlfriend, apart from her, every other wandering spirits in the Human Realm have been devoured by the Frozen Hell”

“Then forget it” Zhang Ying Hao shrugged: “There’s no way to get any confirmed intelligence at all. Truthfully, the unknown enemy is the scariest, you don’t know where they came from, and what they could become”

At this time, Gu Qing Shan’s phone rang.

He took a look and answered.

“How is it? Is your bestowal ceremony over?” he asked.

“Hm ——–where am I right now? This place is…” Gu Qing Shan looked at Zhang Ying Hao.

Zhang Ying Hao told him an address.

Gu Qing Shan then relayed it to her.

Then they hung up.

Liao Xing stared at him: “A girl”

Zhang Ying Hao added: “Not Anna”

Ye Fei Li also: “Seems like she’s very worried about you”

Gu Qing Shan: “…”

Everyone was sitting so close that such a tool like a phone couldn’t possibly escape their ears.

Never mind Ye Fei Li and Zhang Ying Hao, after starting his cultivation, even Liao Xing’s eyes and ears have become multiple times better than before, more than capable of catching the sounds from the phone’s speaker.

“It’s Su Xue Er” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“Su Xue Er, the newly appointed Lord of the Su family of the 9 Lords” Zhang Ying Hao explained.

“Ah” the other two spoke up in unison.

They exchanged glances.

Thanks to Zhang Ying Hao’s big mouth, they both know that the first Mobile Mech Gu Qing Shan created was a gift to a girl.

This was a legendary character; someone they’ve only heard of but never seen.

“She said she wanted to come meet me, saying that it’s urgent”

Saying so, Gu Qing Shan appeared a bit worried.

—–hell’s progress has been slowed down, but Su Xue Er is in so much of a hurry to meet me, why is that?

Could it be something happened?

The other three looked at Gu Qing Shan and noticed his worry.

—–it’s very rare for Gu Qing Shan to make such an expression.

Perhaps the situation isn’t simple.

Thinking that, they immediately become serious as well.

Liao Xing spoke up first: “Do you want me to turn on the global warp network to get her here quickly?”

“No, she’s coming from the North Pole, there aren’t any warp points installed there, and she’s using the Blazing Angel, so she’ll make it here shortly” Gu Qing Shan spoke.

Ye Fei Li licked his lips: “If you need to fight anything, count me in”

Zhang Ying Hao spoke in a low voice: “Let’s just see what the situation is first, we’ll plan accordingly”

Gu Qing Shan nodded, feeling a bit warm inside.

At this time, his Holo-Brain lit up by itself.

Gu Qing Shan glanced over it and said without much thought: “Connect”

A screen was projected.

Long crimson hair, pearl white skin, beautiful eyes.

Anna held a bottle of liquor in hand, having drank so much that her face was flushed, she looked at the screen half-delirious.

She had chosen to video call Gu Qing Shan so late at night.

“Calling me at this hour, did something happen?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Anna was a bit shocked at the situation here.

[It’s the middle of the night and the four of you are still drinking?] she looked at them and commented.

Liao Xing scoffed and retorted: “It’s the middle of the night, aren’t you drinking as well”

Anna ignored him and asked Gu Qing Shan directly: [I have a choice to make, a very important choice to me, so I want to ask your opinion]

“Hm, tell me, I’ll listen” Gu Qing Shan answered seriously.

[My clan’s bestowal is a strange black box, I heard that Death’s Relic came from this box] Anna said.

Gu Qing Shan nodded.

Anna continued: [But only our clan founder ever managed to open this box, so I’m a bit hesitant on whether or not I want to try]

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Will trying make you pay a heavy price?”

This was the Medici clan’s lost bestowal, in the past life, it thoroughly died out together with Anna’s death.

No one knows what it is.

[Yes, there’s a price]

“How heavy is it?”

Anna was about to answer, but then she stopped.

Because there was a knock on the door on Gu Qing Shan’s side.

[Who’s here at such a late hour?] Anna was surprised.

Liao Xing, Ye Fei Li, Zhang Ying Hao all had really strange looks on their faces.

Liao Xing muttered to himself: “Compare to the Frozen Hell, I feel like he’s standing at the edge of actual hell right now”

Without waiting for someone to answer, the door was directly smashed open.

With the strong blowing wind, a bright-eyed beautiful girl jumped straight inside.

“I’m really sorry but there’s no time to waste, my time is about to run out” the girl loudly apologized.

It was Su Xue Er.

It’s too far from the North Pole to here, she even had to waste a bit of time at the Protector’s place so now she didn’t even have 1 minute left.

She has to do what she came to do!

“Xue Er, what’s the situation?” Gu Qing Shan asked with a heavy voice.

He waved his hand.

The Earth Sword and Chao Yin Sword both appeared, floating on his left and right.

Gu Qing Shan has never seen Su Xue Er so panicked before.

“My time is about to run out”

What does that mean!?

And Su Xue Er was also quite different from before.

Her originally blue hair was now a pure silver white!

What exactly happened to her?

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but become tense.

When everyone saw how Gu Qing Shan even took out weapons, they all became serious as well.

Liao Xing turned on his Holo-Brain, quickly operated it and muttered “Warp bombs”

A blood glow boils around Ye Fei Li’s body as his terrifying skeletal wings sprouted.

He stared intensely at the gate.

Zhang Ying Hao sat without moving.

But he was already holding a pair of glowing sharp daggers in his hands.

Su Xue Er was an extremely smart girl, so she understood right away as she saw their reactions.

She loudly said “It’s ok” before running in front of Gu Qing Shan.

“I, I have, a thing, have to give you” Su Xue Er was breathing heavily while she spoke.

She glanced at the two swords floating by Gu Qing Shan before taking out a blood-colored scroll from her chest.

——the powerful scroll that she received as a gift from Lord Bloodcloak.

[A Moment of God’s Lapse]

She directly pushed the scroll into Gu Qing Shan’s hands before staring him directly in the eyes.

“This is my most valuable possession right now, I hope it can replace me to be by your side, when you’re faced with danger, it will help you”

After saying so, Su Xue Er exhaled from relief.

Violating her own rules to bind herself with the system, travelling between two worlds, as well as using only half an hour to fly at full speed from the North Pole back to the Confederate, all was to give him this blood-colored scroll.

The scroll is now in Gu Qing Shan’s hands.

I can only do so much at this point in time.

Next, I’ll have to choose my path and become stronger.

Only when I become exceedingly strong can I prevent that scene in the destiny from happening.

Su Xue Er glanced at the System UI.

10 seconds left.

There’s still time to provoke my rival!

She mustered all her courage and softly hugged Gu Qing Shan.

Tilting her head over, Su Xue Er saw Anna opening her mouth and eyes wide on the screen and giggled charmingly.

She spoke softly: “Heh, so you aren’t with him right now afterall”

She was smiling with total satisfaction.

Even more satisfied than when she won against Isa.

[So what!] Anna begrudgingly gritted her teeth.

At this point, everyone else were holding their breath watching this scene.

Ye Fei Li spreads his wings, originally preparing to fight, but now he doesn’t even dare to move, afraid that he’ll interfere with this exceptional scene

Liao Xing squinted his eyes, his eyes dashing back and forth comparing the two girls.

Zhang Ying Hao just calmed down.

He kicked at a corner of the room, as if to dispel something.

Anna angrily hung up the video call.

The last sound they heard from the speaker was the sound of a liquor bottle breaking.

Gu Qing Shan held a blood-colored scroll in hand with two soft bulges on his chest.

His lips twitched, about to ask the situation.

Suddenly, a light flashed.

Su Xue Er disappeared from sight.

Before Gu Qing Shan could even speak, the girl was already gone.

He just stood there, stunned.

The others were also speechless.


(1) Chao Yin sword: It just occurred to me that I never explained the sword’s name, the “chao” part means tides, as in the tides of the sea, while Yin is just part of Yin Yang.

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