Chapter 349: Return

Translated by: La0o9

Proofreader:? Arya

After a while, Su Xue Er finally calmed her emotions down.

While she wiped her tears away, her eyes were still a bit red.

“Master, I’m sorry, just now my emotions were a bit out of order” Su Xue Er explained.

「 From the way you look, seems like those are some deep emotions 」 Lord Bloodcloak evaluated her, 「 do you have an idea of which path you should take now? 」

Su Xue Er asked to confirm: “Master, what I saw just now was really my original destiny?”

「 That is correct. This is the unique point of this scroll, being able to view a person’s real destiny 」

“I understand” Su Xue Er sniffled and lowered her head.

Lord Bloodcloak told her: 「 For the next few days, stay inside and calmly think about your path 」

He then handed a bunch of keys attached to a ring to Su Xue Er.

“This is?” Su Xue Er asked.

「 The keys to every room and building in the House of Law 」Lord Bloodcloak answered.

Su Xue Er panicked: “Why did you give me all of them?”

「 It’s fine, right now you are my only student. Think of getting used to the House of Law as your homework 」

「 Behind the House of Law there are a few houses and a yard, choose one of them as your own 」Lord Bloodcloak then added: 「 I’ll be leaving for work in another world, I’ll return in three days 」

“Understood, master” Su Xue Er replied.

「 Think carefully about your own path, when I return, I’ll help you form the most basic card combination 」Lord Bloodcloak told her.

“Thank you, master” Su Xue Er sincerely thanked him.

Lord Bloodcloak smiled and disappeared from the House of Law.

Su Xue Er took the ring of keys, going room to room in the House of Law to get used to the environment while she was thinking.

The scenes she saw just now weren’t quite correct.

During the graduation ball, Gu Qing Shan was recognized as the one who shamed her.

Master said that the scroll only reveals the original destiny.

But it wasn’t like this in Reality at all.

Gu Qing Shan had instead exposed Zhang Ye’s scheme.

These two completely different destiny, where did things start to diverge?

Su Xue Er carefully recalled the situation at the time.

Ah, at the confession…

“It’s like this, I sincerely hope that you can agree to a certain thing” he spoke very seriously.

“Come to my stall tomorrow and try out my cooking”

His expression was extremely solemn.

Recalling Gu Qing Shan’s sudden shift in topic, Su Xue Er couldn’t help but laugh.

“What a stiff way to direct the conversation, Qing Shan” she muttered.

——-perhaps right then, Gu Qing Shan had already started to change the flow of destiny.

After that, the scene within the destiny changed to a few years later.

The demons came, the 9 Lords escaped from the planet.

Gu Qing Shan sacrificed himself to kill a monster.

Sacrificed himself…

Su Xue Er suddenly stopped her feet.

Qing Shan died.

Her heart tightened.

Despite that being an event that will happen a few years later, now that she knows, she definitely can’t ignore it.

Su Xue Er then sighed dejectedly.

I’ve only just awoken, so in the short period ahead, I won’t have the power to help him yet.

While she was thinking, a notification popped up in front of her eyes.

[You’ve successfully completed the test]

[You’ve awakened and obtained the right of usage for the System]

[The System will now bound itself to you to prevent any unexpected happenings]

Su Xue Er read this and asked: “What do I need to do?”

[There is no need for you to do anything, the binding will require a few days, so you only need to avoid any dangerous location during that time] the System responded.

[One last confirmation, would the user like to bound with the System?]

Su Xue Er read this and thought for a bit.

She then answered: “I don’t want to bind myself to you”


The System asked her: [Why aren’t you willing to?]

Su Xue Er replied: “As soon as I came to this world, you immediately appeared, calling me a beta tester player”

“But I don’t want to be a player of any sort, nor do I want to complete any kind of Quests, I have other things that I want to do”

The System asked back: [But you completed the last two Quests so excellently]

Su Xue Er replied: “The first Quest was to survive, the second Quest was to retaliate against an enemy, basically, your Quests just happened to align with what I wanted to do, so I did everything I could to complete them”

“I appreciate your hints, but if some day in the future, you want to make me do something I’m not willing to, I will definitely resist”

“No one can ever decide my destiny ever again, everything that I do should be what I wanted to do ——that is the very reason why I risked my life to make it to this world”

The System asked: [That is why you don’t want to bind yourself with me?]

“Yes” Su Xue Er answered very firmly.

The System persuaded: [A God’s Chosen with a System is unique, giving you a large advantage when restructuring your world’s order]

“I don’t need to be unique, nor do I want to restructure anything, I just want to get away from being manipulated and controlled, becoming a person who can freely choose my destiny” Su Xue Er replied.

The System went silent for a bit.

Then it suddenly asked: [Do you want to return to your world?]

Su Xue Er’s eyes lit up, asking: “I can return?”

The Protector’s fate card was a consumable one, when it brought me to this world, it had already dissipated.

Which means, I’m stuck here.

If I can return now, then nothing will be better.

The System answered: [Correct, right now you are still too weak, unable to make it to your original world on your own ——-but with the System’s help, you can return]

Su Xue Er bit her lip and started to consider it.

Only when she becomes as strong as a Guru will she be able to travel to and from worlds as she pleases.

There’s still a long way to go before she becomes that strong.

It might take a few years to be able to return.

Qing Shan…

Su Xue Er then thought of something.

Ah, there was a person he was close to.


From what she knows, that woman is a free-spirited one without much restraint.

And she really likes to drink.

Drinking… will get you drunk…

Su Xue Er couldn’t help but imagine all sorts of things.

At this time, the System emphasized and added: [With me, you will be able to periodically return to see the one you want to meet]

Su Xue Er angrily: “You’re too opportunistic!”

The System answered: [This was one of the System’s original functions]

“Then I want to return right now, can you do that?”

[At the moment, the System’s power is only enough to let you return for half an hour]

“Will that be the same every time?”

[No, as you help the System get stronger, the System will be able to serve you better, giving you more time when you return]

“Fine, then I want to return now!” Su Xue Er said.

[Very well, then please bind with the System, player Su Xue Er]


[The player has binded with the System]

[Please seize all the time you’re able to, space-time transfer is about to begin]




The screen flashed as Su Xue Er disappeared from the House of Law.

The North Pole, the small room on top of the mountain.

Su Xue Er abruptly appeared in front of the fireplace.

“You’ve returned, Xue Er” the Protector of the 9 Lords was trembling slightly as she saw her.

“Your hair! This white robe and your scepter, they are?”

“They manifested when I awakened” Su Xue Er swiftly replied.

The Protector looks at her from top to bottom and spoke with glee: “Finally, the heavens did not forsake our 9 Lords!”

Su Xue Er took out her personal Holo-Brain and tried to contact Impartial Goddess

When Impartial Goddess replied, she hurriedly said: “Madame Protector, can you lower the protective barrier, I need an Assault Mech to come here and bring me to do something very crucial”

“A crucial matter? Good! Good! No problem!” the Protector quickly agreed.

Su Xue Er returned right away when she had just awoken, whatever she wants to be must be linked closely to her growth potential.

I have to help her in any way I can!

The Protector quickly closed off a part of the barrier to allow the Blazing Angel Mech to come into the North Pole.

While waiting for it to come, she asked: “Did you arrive at Fog Isle?”

“I did, thank you very much for giving me the chance to go into that world” Su Xue Er spoke with nothing but gratitude.

“There’s no need to thank me” the Protector sighed, “in our history, many Lords chose to go to that world, but apart from me, you are the only person to return alive”

Su Xue Er looked at the timer on her Holo-Brain and replied: “It was very difficult; I didn’t think I would survive”

“Do you have a Guru yet?” the Protector carefully asked.

“I do” Su Xue Er answered.

“Which God’s Chosen are they?”

“The Sentinel”

The Protector exhaled deeply while patting her chest in relief: “Then there is nothing to worry about”

“You know of him?” Su Xue Er was curious and asked.

“Of course! Of course I do! His name is known across countless worlds!” the Protector answered.

She then started to shed tears, sobbing: “I really thought this world was done for, the entire universe couldn’t help us at all, who would’ve thought, our 9 Lords lineage would give birth to a card-type God’s Chosen, and one with such a bright future as well”

Su Xue Er gently held and arm and spoke softly: “Please be assured, I will do my best”

While they were talking, the Blazing Angel could be heard landing outside the room.

Su Xue Er then told her: “I have to leave right away to deal with a very important matter, so I’ll be going first”

“Do you need my help?” the Protector asked.

“No, it’s just some personal matter” Su Xue Er replied.

The Protector nodded in understanding.

Right, Su Xue Er has awakened.

Before structuring her power, she has to first understand herself fully, stabilizing her thoughts.

This is the moment for a God’s Chosen to face the weakest part of themselves.

During this, it’s best that no one witnesses, or interferes with them.

The Protector casually nodded: “Hm, then leave quickly, make sure to ensure your own safety”

“Yes, when I return, I have something to ask you about”

“No problem”

Su Xue Er went out and entered the Blazing Angel.

The Blazing Angel shot up into the air, breaking the sound barrier in record time before heading towards the Confederate.

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