Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 5: Chapter 11: The Bane of Corruption

Book 5: Chapter 11: The Bane of Corruption

One week after Scarlet began working with the demons to cure corruption

Activity is at its peak throughout the universe. On Earth, humans both Guardians and otherwise can be seen fighting off the demon threat in the war. On Tartarus, demons are doing nothing but fleeing from the Lord of Hellfires rampage, many of them taking to joining the war even if they werent previously planning on doing so. And within various planets all across a single corner of the universe, the void invasion continues wiping out one planet after another, destroying the planets themselves after slaughtering every inhabitant of them. Meanwhile inside of an office on Earth, the General of Humanitys Military continues strategizing for the war, his teeth gritted as he feels the loss of the Princesss assistance over the past several days. A loss that had come with only a single message of warning telling him that she would be back soon. And no matter how much he contacts the Knights, none of them answer him to tell him what shes doing.

At the same time on Tartarus, the Demon Lords other than the Lord of Hellfire gather to discuss what they should do with the Lord of Hellfire, his rampage having gone on too long and the Princess still not showing any progress on removing the curse.

All while the Demon King himself continues carefully moving the planet, unaware of everything going on around the planet itself as he does so.

Until a single Universal Notification rings out through the minds of every being initialized into the System on both Tartarus and Earth, the System itself not having expended anywhere beyond those two planets.

A notification that has everyone immediately halting whatever they were doing, leaving silence to spread across the worlds.

Warning! This is a universal notification!

Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron has attained a new title-bearing mythic skill!

Scarlet has now attained the title The Bane of Corruption.

May their achievement ring out throughout the known universe!

Then the many important people across the worlds each have different responses.

The Demon Lords all let out sighs of relief, deciding to put their decision of putting down the Lord of Hellfire aside for now.

The General of Humanitys Military lets out a pent up breath, wondering why the Princess has to always surprise him every time something happens.

The Knights of Humanity each show knowing looks as if they had already expected the notification.

And the many demons and humans across the planet grow wild in their mutual cheers for their shared Princess. A Princess who is the first being to gain two Titles within such a short period of time.

Lastly the Demon Kings lips twitch ever so slightly after hearing the notification, his control of the world ever so briefly slipping during that moment of satisfaction, making Tartarus itself shake slightly, startling the demons who are busy celebrating. But the slip doesnt last long and the shaking almost immediately stops, so the demons return to cheering almost immediately.


Huh. I dont know if I should be happy about this or upset.

I uh probably happy? Tar says, sounding unsure himself.

Rejoice, user Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron, for you have earned the Mythic Skill known as Bane of Corruption. And along with it, you have been assigned the Title of The Bane of Corruption!

Bane of Corruption:

This skill allows the user to nullify any sort of corruption in their body instantly. They may also nullify any sort of corruption outside of their body given they have the mana and time to nullify it.

Ritual scale corruption requires ritual scale usage of this skill to nullify and a massive amount of mana belonging to the user of the skill.

Rejoice for The Bane of Corruptions arrival.

Congratulations, Your Highness! every last demon in the clearing shouts while all of the remaining undead vanish in an instant as if completely erased. Then one of the Nobles the very same that had originally approached me about the development on Tartarus with the Lord of Hellfire walks up and asks while kneeling down, Your Highness, was the skill what you believed it to be?

I purse my lips for a second, making all of the nearby demons tense up before I shrug.

The Nobles blink in surprise, so I answer, Bane of Corruption can indeed nullify the curse. They all immediately begin cheering only for me to raise my hand to call for silence. But I will have to use the skill as a ritual type skill to nullify another ritual type skill, and it looks like Im going to have to have what the System designates a massive amount of mana to use the skill on a ritual. And the amount of mana and time it takes will depend on the strength of the curse.

No one says a word as everyone digests what I just said.

From what I can tell, I wont likely be able to nullify the curse just yet still. Its most likely too strong for that. Not to mention that I know the curse is a ritual skill cast by the late emperor of the humans back on Tartarus in the past. So Ill need a bunch of other powerful people to help me use the ritual version of the skill to even attempt removing it.

But just maybe

You think you might be able to nullify the curse from individuals instead of the entire species? Tar asks, making me purse my lips and nod my head amidst the silence of the demons.

It may be possible. And while trying it on my own curse might not prove that its possible for other curses since it looks like nullifying corruption on me doesnt seem to cost mana or time anymore, it will at least tell me if the curse can be partially removed or not.

Yeah, Tar mutters, his voice quiet as if hes waiting with anticipation for me to attempt it.

And so, I do.

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