Book 5: Chapter 10: Unique

Purples Tower

The Purple Knight of Humanity, known by all as a wise and mysterious woman whose visible age changes almost every time she is seen, finds herself feeling stumped as she stares at the scrying window in front of her. One that she often uses to check on the progress of the war directly from her tower, making her not need to leave her home. Something that allows her to keep to her shut-in nature.

But now shes not sure if theres something wrong with her scrying window or if theres something wrong with the Princesss head as she watches the girl standing at the front of several long lines of undead demons, each of whom are just walking up to her, scratching her once, and then being turned into nothing but dust. With four lines moving along at once. All while the girl frequently cures the viruses they give her.

I what?

And if that sight wasnt bizarre enough, she finds several Noble demons simply standing around bowing down to her without raising their heads. But she knows that the Nobles are all slaughtering every undead that scratches the Princess, as despite their seeming stillness, each of the Nobles is very clearly extremely tense right now.

As if what is currently happening was treasonous to them or something.

No, seriously. What is going on?

You already know what shes doing, so theres no reason to ask, Gabriellas fae, Amethyst, states in a droll tone of voice.

Yes, but why is she doing it like that?

Because its fastest that way, Amethyst answers, the fae appearing in the air in the form of a tiny, floating penguin.

Purple purses her lips at that before lightly shaking her head and changing the scrying screen to show Demon Isle, where the demons are currently gathering for a war council. One whose purpose is already known to Purple.

To think the Lord of Hellfire would go berserk at this time. And all the other Demon Lords trying to fight him to stop him would do is enrage him even more, so there isnt anything they can do without the Demon King.

She frowns while tapping her chin for a second. Then she just sighs, closing out of the scrying screen as she lies back down on the floor of her tower.

At this rate the war might end sooner than anyone wouldve ever thought.

Purple stares up at the ceiling for a bit before Amethyst simply flops down on Purples chest, making the Knight let out a brief breath of air in response. But she doesnt show any surprise since shes used to her behavior after being with the fae for a couple centuries by now.

One way or another, this is going to mean more work for me soon enough

The Knight sighs at that thought.


Scarlet, Im pretty sure there are people judging you right now, Tar points out, making me briefly glance at the Nobles around us.

I doubt the Nobles would judge me. They are too fiercely and obsessively loyal to do that. To the point of them being kind of creepy.

Theyre even killing off their own undead after letting them infect me as if the mere act of infecting me while my crest is out being blasphemy in and of itself.

And if someone happens to look at us through scrying magic? Tar asks from wherever he is in the in-between.

Meh. Doesnt really matter.

The only one who is strong enough to scry on Nobles would be a Class V anyways, and the only Class V seer is Purple. And knowing what I know of that woman, she wouldnt care. Probably.

Shes probably more worried about her workload increasing rather than something like what Im doing.

Is she really that lazy? Tar asks, sounding surprised.

Yep. I didnt know this before, and most of the humans on Earth dont either, but Purple is a shut-in who absolutely despises leaving her tower and dealing with others.

Her whole mysterious motif was just built because she doesnt like talking to people, so she stays quiet most of the time.

Throughout our conversation, more and more undead continue to infect me and I continue using Gradual Corruption Nullification, removing their infections mere instants after theyre given. Largely because theyre such weak infections. Ones that I would probably end up healing on my own naturally within half a minute without even using Gradual Corruption Nullification.

That Tar mutters, pausing for a second before continuing, doesnt really sound like the sort of behavior a Knight of Humanity should have

That has me raising a brow.

What, so you would prefer she be a psychopath who is now slowly regaining his emotions and grieving over what he did like Blue? Or have a split personality with one being a trickster almost on par with kitsune and the other a psychopath like Black?

You have a good point, Tar responds after a second.

The Knights are all largely known for their rather unique personalities. Its just something thats bound to happen to Guardians over time as they grow stronger.

Just like yours, Tar says while appearing in the air and sagely nodding his head, making me narrow my eyes at him.

Excuse me, but I havent changed the slightest bit since I contracted.

Tar raises a brow.

I divert my gaze slightly.

Okay, maybe Ive changed a little.

I find him raising his other brow out of the corner of my eyes.

Well anyways, whats going on with your father these days?

I smile at the tanuki while acting like our previous topic never happened.

He scoffs but answers all the same, Father has been busy running council after council, preparing for something big. But none of my siblings have been allowed to participate in the councils, so I dont know what any of them are about.

Secret councils? Thats interesting.

Yeah, Tar continues. But there is one thing I do know. His eyes narrow slightly. Whatever hes planning, it wont happen for several years at the very least.

I wonder could it be that?

After pondering over it for a few seconds, I just shake my head, making the Nobles around me all tense up at my movements. But I just raise a hand to stop them from doing anything.

Then I continue letting the undead take bites and scratches at me.


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